Wednesday, October 5, 2016



In my post The Unveiling of A Divine Plan , I wrote a brief introduction of the spiritual teacher according to the online info.  However, the teacher was far more than the words that described him.

In The Rainbow and the Spiritual Teacher, I told the others I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky as I took a walk in the evening after the first day of the workshop.  I said the rainbow signified a realized one.  When Matthew heard that, he excitedly rose from his chair.  He told us they were meditating in Samuel's house at that time, and many saw a rainbow over the spiritual teacher's head!

In later days (i.e. after the retreat was over), I heard the story of the clairvoyant healer meeting the spiritual teacher for the first time.  The healer could not help but kissed the teacher's hands over and over and over again because he saw that the teacher was not of this dimension.  I also heard other amazing stories about the teacher.  In particular was the event of how Matthew met the teacher nineteen years ago.  It was a wonderful story, and a life transforming experience for Matthew.  

It might be more appropriate to call him a spiritual master, but I would continue to use the word 'teacher' as I did in other posts.  (A realized one he is, I do not think he minds what we call him.)

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After Day 3, I continued going to the retreat every evening.  I did not record anything in my journal from Day 4 to 7, but each day was special especially Day 7.

On Day 7, we met at 5:30 pm.  When I arrived, the master healer and some others were there.  Later, many people came.  Some I had never met before.  We sat around listening to the master healer.  Later, we had potluck dinner.  The spiritual teacher did not join us for dinner.  During his visit, he stayed in Matthew's house.  We were told he would come later.

After dinner, we sat around talking.  At one point, I heard the sound of gong.  People rushed to the front door.  I  walked to see what happened too.

Some people were walking toward the house.  In the front was the spiritual teacher. They came with a wooden box that held a sacred statue***.  (Somehow, I did not recall if the teacher was holding the box and handed to someone in the house; or, someone else was holding the box.)   Inside the house, Samuel and others were hitting brass gongs as a way of welcoming the teacher.  The house had a wide entrance area.  It was now crowded with people that wanted to stand close to the teacher and the sacred statue.  Everybody was in a joyful state.

The space behind the entrance was narrow because there was the staircase.  Seeing that, I moved to stand inside an area next to the entrance so that there would be more space for the teacher and others to walk through to the living room.  Soon, I found myself standing deep into that area as some people came to stand before me.

Suddenly, the teacher's face was right in front of me!  He had poked his head through other people, and was looking at me with the most gleeful smile.  For the first time, I looked directly into the teacher's eyes.  (During the discourse, I saw him, but was never as close as this.  When I bowed before him, I did not look into his eyes.)  His eyes were wise and full of kindness.  I stood there in awe of what I saw.  He said, "Go! Go! Go! Go and get a flower, and offer it to Krishna!"  (It was then I knew the sacred statue was Krishna.  Tears filled my eyes as I recalled what happened.)  In his voice was the excitement like that of a child.  Obediently, I walked to Beth who was holding a basket of beautiful red petals.  She put some petals into my hands.  I offered them to Krishna with all my heart and soul.

***Later, we learned the incredible story behind the sacred statue.  One day, the teacher saw two beings walking through a wall carrying a statue of Krishna.  There was much more to what happened later.  Since I did not know the whole story, I would leave it at that.  Over the years, the teacher had traveled to many places and delivered hundreds of discourses.  This was his 429 discourse.  It was the first time he brought with him the sacred statue.  Joyfully, he asked Matthew, the master healer, the organizer of this group, Samuel's family, and eventually everybody to have pictures with the sacred statue.  

At the end of the discourse, I learned there would be a special ceremony or celebration few days later in Matthew's house.  Matthew said, "The ceremony will begin at midnight.  All are welcome.  If you don't know my address, please talk to me afterward."

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Throughout the retreat, the teacher's enthusiastic talks uplifted us.  He had lots of energy.  After speaking for 3 to 4 hours, he was as fresh as he walked in.  Afterward, he walked upstairs to the living room.  People sat around him asking questions or listening to his wisdom.  I heard the discussion sometimes went on for hours.  I never stayed for the discussion.

One night, I was on my way out of the house.  A brother asked, "You are leaving?"  I said, "Yes.  It is past midnight.  It is dark.  I am not comfortable driving at night."  He said, "Does it matter when do you leave?  If you leave now,  outside is already dark. If you leave later, it is just as dark as it is now."  He was right, but somehow I never looked at it that way.  I smiled hearing the "truth", but I left anyway.

My husband was not into spiritual matter as I did.  He never asked what happened at church or if the workshops I facilitated went well.  He seldom expressed his anxiety of me stepping outside of my family to socialize with other people, but I understood.  As his wife, I had to be considerate of his feelings.  Most nights he went to bed around 9:30 pm.  I left after the teacher's talk because I did not want my husband to wake up worrying where I was.  (I was fine with the late evening discourse because I used to sleep after 1 or 2 am.)

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When the retreat was over, I kind of missed going there in the evening.  I wanted to go to the ceremony or to be in the teacher's presence one more time.  I had not asked Matthew for his address.  I did not feel confident of driving to a new place at midnight.

Around noon on the day the celebration was supposed to take place, I thought I would not see the teacher again since he would be returning to his country in a few weeks.  With my eyes closed, I sent the teacher my love and gratitude for coming here to teach us.  Soon, I found myself enveloped in a field of loving energy.  It lasted for quite a while.  Despite of the distance, I knew the teacher had received my love and gratitude just as I received his.

Q of D

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