Friday, March 22, 2019

She saw an image of a motherly figure


I joined the Thursday Circle near the end of May 2005.  Whenever it was my turn to introduce myself, I often said, "I am Q of D.  I am simple * .  I don't know much about spiritual stuff."  (* see P. S.)

Many in the circle were long time spiritual seekers.  Some were professional light-workers (i.e. psychics, mediums and healers), and they said I was a healer.  I did have a few past life kind of dreams that I was a healer or a spiritual counselor in western cultures as well as a couple of dreams in other Asian cultures.  My dreams were interesting, but I always considered what happened in the past was the past.  In my Dec. 2001 reading, my guides and angels urged me to go among people without delay; they said for me to write and teach more.  They did not say anything about healing.  (Of course, I knew now sometimes healing took place when I sat among people.)  To teach or write was already something that I thought would never happen.  I certainly could not imagine myself as a healer in a western culture.  Therefore, I did not take what my friends said of me to heart.

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For weeks or months, I only talked when I had to or when the inner prompting to speak was strong.  I did not share much of my experiences.

The incredible incident that involved Mary Magdalene happened about a month and a half after I joined the Thursday Circle.  (Re my last post The Magdalene )  That morning the teacher gave me a small piece of paper right after I entered the center.  She asked me to write down my name, fold the paper and put it in a basket.  Others that arrived before me had done that, and those that arrived later were told to do the same.  The teacher did not say why she asked us to do that.  We had two new faces that day, one was a long time healer and the other was a musician.

As usual, we sat in a circle.  As soon as I sat down, powerful energy *** enveloped my entire being.  The teacher began to talk, and others joined in.  I bathed in the wonderful field of energy, and did not join the discussion.

*** Around 1 am last night, I turned off the light and stood in front of the window.  Looking up at the night sky, I told the divine what was on my mind.  At the end, I said I really did not know how my life would unfold, and asked the loving divine to guide me.  I reaffirmed my vow, "I will honor God the best I can; I will honor God in every way."  When I woke up in the morning, I prayed again.  And, I smelt the fragrance!  This had not happened for a long time.  As I sat in the circle enjoying the energy, I knew what happened must have much to do with my prayer.  (Re the fragrance, please click to view The Grace of God )

At one point, the discussion of marriage got my attention.  The teacher said marriage was not different from any relationship, we should not think we must attach to a marriage; sometimes we had to let go.  As I listened, I thought of my Dec. 2001 reading.  (Re Do you really mean what you pray for? )

When the discussion was over, the teacher said we were going to practice billet reading.  Each one of us took one paper randomly from the basket.  We would not know whose name was on the paper because it was folded.  The teacher encouraged us to say what came to our mind or the visions we saw while holding the paper.  She said the reading was for what was to come.  We should only unfold the paper after we finished relating what came to us.

For a while, we sat in silence.  A friend sitting to my left began relating the things that came to her.  We had fun because we never knew what his or her visions were for until he / she unfolded the paper.  Amazingly, a woman actually drew her own name.  She said this person was of that profession, and she was!

The owner of the center was the 3rd or 4th one to talk about what she saw.  She said she got a shot of energy when she held the paper in her hands.  She said this person (a female) was a very powerful healer.  For quite a while, she related her visions of this woman and her healing work.  Suddenly, she paused.  Then she said, "But, her healing work is also through speaking . . . .(there was more to what she said) . . . . I see the image of a motherly figure behind her, yet is not her mother, this motherly figure was a very powerful being, and I get that her name was Mary."

When she said Mary, it was then I thought, "Is she talking about me?"  She unfolded the paper and said my name.

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When I wrote The number I set for three old luggage bags, I did not know I would write four follow-up posts and share these personal experiences.  The human I might not know it, but everything was probably meant to unfold in divine timing.  Incidentally, a recent channeled message through Natalie Glasson was from Mary Magdalene.  The Ascended Masters had always said they served all of humanity.  Their messages were forever loving.  Since 2018, I had followed their guidance to say the invocations and affirmations they taught.  In my experiences, their messages and guidance helped me greatly on my spiritual path.

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Tonight my son drove me to a spiritual gathering.  I had not gone to any gathering for months.  The night before I got an email that 25 people would attend.  It was the first time I went there.  The place might be big enough to hold 30 to 40 people, but over 60 people had come.  Soon the place was out of chairs.  My son voluntarily gave up his seat.  The couple that hosted the event was wonderful.  It was a good gathering.

Spring is here!  I look forward to go places by myself.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P. S.  * I held the view of equality since I was young.  To me, we are equal, and no one is superior or inferior.  For example, I love and respect my teachers, but I do not hold them as superior.  When I was asked to say something about me, the word 'simple' seemed to be the right word to describe myself.  Indeed, I see myself as simple, and simple does not denote I feel inferior.

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