Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Magdalene


On Tuesday March 31, 2009, I went to the healing prayer service which I had participated regularly since Jan. 2008.  I brought with me two books and a disc about Mary Magdalene.  I also printed out some notes of what I had learned from different books.  This day I was determined to speak up.  I loved this small church, and, if we loved Jesus, how could we slight the one he loved the most?

After the prayer service was over, I  talked to my friends.  A brother said he did not know the Catholic Church had cleared Mary's name in 1969.  In fact, most of my friends in the prayer service were not aware of that.  The brother was skeptical of what I learned from the books.  He said someone he knew well had been channeling about Mary Magdalene.  As far as he had heard, there was indeed a darker side about Mary, and it contradicted to what I said.  I said, "According to the book, the Church had cleared Mary's name in 1969 I do not know the truthIt may be you can find out from the Internet."  (I only subscribed to the Internet near the end of 2010.  As I was writing this post, I decided to look it up online.  It was true the Church had cleared Mary's name in 1969.)  I looked at my friends in the circle.  I said, "I speak up today because our church portrayed Mary as a sinner during last year's Easter Sunday service.  What I learn from the books may not be totally true, but, I do think we need to have an open mind.  If we love and respect Jesus, how can we disrespect Mary Magdalene, the woman he loved?"

Later, I went to the office to look for the pastor that might be working that day.  She was not there.  When I was about to leave, she walked down the stairs.  Before I got into the details, she said she agreed with me.  (I realized she could be meditating upstairs, and our talking had distracted her.)  She asked to borrow the books and disc.  She promised to read them as well as passed on what I said to the senior pastor.  Thank you, Sister.

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As I was writing this post, some past experiences came to my mind.

One day while I was with the Thursday Circle, a spiritual teacher from another state was with us.  During our talk, she suddenly said she had channeled Mary Magdalene for a while.  She was a Christian, and what came through contradicted to that of the bibleShe did not like conflicts, and decided to stop channeling.  (I was with the circle from May 2005 to August 2007.  This probably happened in 2006.)  I did not ask any question even though I wanted to know more.  It might be I did not want to talk about my own strange experiences (i.e. the small green bible incident and I had brought home the wrong book ).  As a result, we moved on to talk about other subjects.

In my last post If we love Jesus, how can we . . ., I mentioned that for quite some time I did not read the books on Mary Magdalene that my younger son had gifted me.  Subconsciously, I would rather know nothing (or little) about Mary for I did not want to let what I knew tamper the truth.  The spiritual teacher's experience was an example of what I meant.

The author of one of the books that my son gifted me also experienced conflicts as the spiritual teacher did.  The book was Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile by Margaret Starbird.  There was a supplementary disc at the back of the book.  When I went to the healing prayer circle, I brought with me the disc in which she talked about her experience and what she had found out about Mary the Magdalene after her research.  If you are interested in her talk, please search on YouTube "Bride in Exile, Margaret Starbird".

As I recalled what happened, I thought of the channel that the brother mentioned when we discussed about Mary Magdalene.  Mary was a common name, and there were different women named Mary in the bible.  If the channel believed Mary was a woman of the street, it was likely that was the Mary she channeled through.  Some months earlier, another woman from a nearby state said she channeled messages from the angels.  She eventually realized that she had been channeling from her own ego and fear.  (Re The Unexpected Incident , The Gathering , The Dream of 99 on 4 corners of Big Dollar Bills and Afterthought of the whole experience )

I also remembered an incredible incident that involved Mary.  It happened about a month and a half after I joined the Thursday Circle.  I might share with you in another post.

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The two books that I brought with me on 3/31/2009 were The Gospel of Mary of Magdala by Karen L. King and The Two Marys by Sylvia Browne.  (The former one and the book by Margaret Starbird were my son's gifts to me.)

Was the Magdalene a title?  According to one author's research, Magdala did not exist during Mary's time.  Was it true the name of the place was only found in maps of later years?  As I told the brother, I really did not know the truth.

A few months later, I let my hand guide me to borrow some books from the library.  At home, I began to read Explorer Race and Beyond by Zoosh through Robert Shapiro.  Finally, I found some answers to my questions.  (Re The conclusion of the mystery of a twin sister )

In the book, it talked about Jesus and Mary as well as the Magdalene.
The Magdalene is a functional instrument (energetic instrument) given to individuals who are on a particular line of spiritual connection, not a bloodline . . . Whosoever was getting old and had the Magdalene would pick out a child who felt right . . . then the Magdalene would be given to the child. 
Mary was called Mary the Magdalene after she had received the energetic instrument.  This functional instrument also carried the energies of those that had brought it forth before Mary.  In other words, it now carried Mary's energy too.

Amazingly, as if to confirm what I wrote, I found these words in a recent channeled message by Natalie Glasson -
The Christ Consciousness is known as a pure vibration, expression and consciousness of love.  Master Jesus, the Magdalenes and the many disciples embodied and shared the power of the Christ Consciousness, which is love in action.
What is the Christ Consciousness?  Christ Consciousness is love in action.

Good night!  (Next post She saw an image of a motherly figure )

Many blessings,
Q of D

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