Saturday, June 18, 2022

2007 The Year of Many Changes


Continued from my previous post A look back at my journey with my husband since 2003

2007 was a year of many changes.
In January, I began volunteering in a soup kitchen for the homeless.
In February, my younger son moved out of our apartment, and moved into his own house because he was going to get married in July.
Near the end of March, I went to a 2-day healing workshop.  Upon learning that I had learned a healing art, the teacher of the Thursday Circle who was now also the owner of the center asked me to be the on-site healer on Wednesdays.  I knew the other on-site healers were long time professional healers.  I felt unqualified, and tried to get out of it.  The teacher said I did not see what she saw of me.  She insisted Wednesday was mine as long as I wanted to be there.  As a result, I was at the center every Wednesday from April to August until I moved to another state.  I am eternally grateful for her love and encouragement.  

Due to the slow economy in our state, our older son was laid off in April.

After learning a healing art, I had a few wonderful experiences in May and June.  For instance, while taking a walk in a park, tremendous energy moved me to walk to a tree and give healing.  It was only then I saw part of the tree was black, i.e. part of the tree had been stricken by lightning.  On another occasion, I was at a festival, the healing energy guided me to cleanse the negative energy around a tent.  (Re My experiences as a channel of spiritual healing energy)  Later in June, a cup of boiling hot coffee spilt onto the right side of my lower body.  In shock, I totally forgot to pray or call out for healing.  (Re  Two consecutive stories of healing - The Hot Coffee Incident and The Healing in the Washroom )  My husband was with me in these experiences.  He feared for my safety in the festival incident.  As for the hot coffee incident, we both looked at the door when it suddenly swung open.  He felt the air moved as if someone rushed in too.  He was relieved that my pain was lifted, but did not say anything afterward.  That night I went to bed with a heart full of gratitude.  I did not know I would be an instrument of healing the next day. 

Early July, my older son got a job offer from a local corporation.  On the same day, a recruiter called.  He had arranged a phone interview for my son with an out of state corporation.  My son declined because he already had a job offer.  The recruiter said it would make him looked bad, and asked my son to do him a favor by going through the phone interview.  To put a long story short, everything was in the divine plan.  (Re The Prophetic Dream of Moving - Story 1 )

The whole family went through a lot of emotions in July of 2007.  A day before our younger son's wedding rehearsal, our older son got the call that he was hired by the company in another state.  After the call, he came to ask for my opinion if he should stay or accept the out of state job.  My older son had always said he wanted to stay where he was born, and did not want to work in other states.  Though I had come to realize a divine plan was unfolding, I did not want to influence his choice in any way.  I said, "I have no opinion.  It is your life.  You are in control.  It is your decision to make."  It was a shock to my younger son on his wedding rehearsal that we would soon move to another state.  I loved both of my sons dearly and equally.  For years, we lived closely as a family of four.  I was happy for my younger son that he had found the one he loved, but had never expected we would soon lived over 700 miles apart.

Despite of the emotions brought forth by the situation, our son and daughter-in-law's wedding was beautiful, joyous and memorable.  When they said their vows, their love for each other touched our hearts and those that came.  Earlier in the afternoon, I knew some people saw me as weird or irrational.  However, I was very much at ease with my way of being.  Later, we were in the car on our way to the wedding.  My husband rarely expressed joyful emotion openly.  That afternoon he let out a big, big smile with two thumbs up as he witnessed the sudden change of scenery (or weather) as I had said.  (Please view my post The sun will shine and the wind will calm down ) 

My husband and I arrived in the other state in the second half of August 2007.  Though the teacher of the Thursday Circle had hinted that I might go through the darkest of night (period of darkness), I felt hopeful towards the future.  I saw the move as a new beginning.  I thought living in a new place might help my husband to put the past behind him, and lived with vigor.  For a while he seemed to be doing better, but soon went back to his practice.

I believed it was either in late August or early September that the teacher of healing called me to meet her in a restaurant.  She was on her way back to her home state which was near the state I lived.  She had held healing workshops in different states.  She encouraged me to become a professional healer.  She said two traveling Unity ministers (a couple) who had learned the healing modality from her would be at a Unity Church the coming Sunday, and asked me to meet up with them.  She thought the three of us (the 2 ministers and me) could offer healing after Sunday service.  The two ministers were there on their own agenda, and what the teacher had hoped did not happen.  At Unity, a mother and daughter who were both mediums talked to me.  Later, they told me I should go to another church.  They felt that church was right for me.  The following Sunday they gave me the address of the small church which I eventually called my spiritual home.  

My spirit guide had said the real beauty of life is what you do not know .  How true it was!  How likely that one went to a church and two people there told her another church was right for her?  Many of us failed to recognize the synchronicities, beauty, and wonders in life.  I paid attention, and my heart was constantly filled with awe and gratitude for the touches of the divine.   

On the last Sunday of September 2007, I went to the small church for the first time.  I was surged with energy as soon as I walked into the chapel.  The service had already started.  People were standing and singing.  A kind gentleman came to stand next to me, and shared with me the hymn book.  It turned out he was the speaker on that Sunday.  (He was also the pastor that gave me the DVD of the healing service in A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove )  

Other than the small church, I continued to go to the Unity church about once every four or five weeks.  On Nov. 25, 2007, I had planned to go to Unity, but I 'got' that I should go to the small church.  It turned out to be an interesting day during which I met two strangers that came from a southern state.  One of them was a healer and a messenger for Archangel Metatron.  Below were the posts about this encounter published in Jan. and Feb. of 2013. 

In the car, the woman suddenly said something out of nowhere: "You always think your husband is very important (in your life), but he is not."  I was shocked.  I had not said anything about my husband.  It reminded me of the reading in March, 2006.  Near the end of the reading, the psychic medium said, "You always think you need your husbandbut you don't need him.  He doesn't want to drive youor he doesn't support what you want to do.  It means nothing.  You can go where you want to go and do what you want to do."   

If you have been reading my blog, you know I often did not know how to respond when people particularly strangers said something about me out of nowhere.  I could have asked questions, but did not.  I ended up feeling very unsettled afterward.  There was one time that I actually prayed to see that person again so that I could asked why she said what she said. (Re The Lesson of Importance )

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Did I think my husband was very important?

When I had the Dec. 2001 phone reading by a known angel channel, I did not understand why I was told that if I wanted a loving relationship, I should not fixate on anybody, and should simply think what a loving relationship was.  After the reading, I broke down and cried.  I thought it hinted that my husband might die.  (About the background of the reading, please view Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had given me the sign and Do you really mean what you pray for? )  

When the business did not prosper as he had hoped, my husband felt angry about life.  He looked back at his old pains such as losing his mother as a child, his father in his teen and the brother that loved him was wrongly executed during the Cultural Revolution.  He felt life had not treated him fair.  In his negative state of being, he blocked the problems he was supposed to handle.  Sometimes he acted distant.  Sometimes he said angry words.

I was a simple Chinese woman.  I did not condone the way he handled himself, but I understood how he felt.  He was the father of our sons.  He had worked hard all his life.  He did not spend money on himself.  He was headstrong, but he loved his family in his own way.  Therefore, I prayed earnestly for his wellbeing after the reading.  I did not want him to leave this world feeling all bitter toward life.  My husband worried a lot about money.  Sons were in college, and better days were ahead.  I felt blessed as a mother, and it was my hope that my husband would have a new perspective of life in the days to come.

After the reading in Dec. 2001, I thought I had prayed according to the guidance.  For years I continued to live in uncertainty.  I thought my prayers were not heard.  It was only until one day in June of 2006 that I realized how contradictory my prayers were.  (Re Do you really mean what you pray for? published in 2012)

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Around Christmas 2007, my younger son and his wife drove to visit us for a few days.  We were so happy to see one another.  We went to see the display of Christmas lights by the ocean.  Looking at my loved ones, my heart was filled with joy and gratitude.

But, in less than two months, we would go through the darkest of night as the teacher of the Thursday Circle had foretold.

Peace and Love,
Q of D