Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A book from the angels on this special day, Aug.22


In the morning of August 22, 2012, I read Karen's post Happy Be An Angel Day - Aug. 22.  In the afternoon, there was a knock at the door.  It was the postman.  I was nicely surprised that Karen had sent me her newly published book "Rise and Shine - A Spiritual Journey"!  She sent out her book on Aug. 8.  It took such a long time to reach me because I had moved twice within the last six months.  The book was first delivered to one state, then redirected to another, and finally to the state that I lived now.  It was amazing that I happened to receive her book on this special day!  Karen and the postman were my angels on this Be An Angel Day!

Her spiritual journey is a wonderful story - a story of faith and synchronicity.  Please visit her website:


Sometimes I marveled at how the divine plan worked.  Karen and I did not really know each other.  A few years ago, I went to hear her lecture on angels.  I enjoyed her lecture.  However, I did not talk to her when the lecture was over.  There was an interesting story behind how we came to know each other.  It was the work of the angels.  If you want to know the story, please view her post 20/20 Angel Vision

Let me share with you another angel story which happened around that time.  With no job and income, I was concerned about how to earn a living.  Sitting on bed one night, I talked to God and angels.  When I finished talking, it was around 1:30 a.m.

In the morning, I went to church.  I left after the service was over.  While I was in the parking lot, a friend rushed to talk to me.  She said the angels asked her to give me this message: "What XXXXXX (me) does is supported by the angels."  She had a vision of me being carried on the wings of the angels, or the angels raised me up.  My friend had been on her spiritual journey for a long time.  She was very open to the Divine.  I asked the time of her vision.  Incredibly, she had the vision right after my talk to God.  I lived in the city where the church was, but my friend lived in another city about 45 minutes away.  It was truly amazing God answered my prayer through her.

Knowing that our angels and guides are with us through this journey we call life is very assuring and comforting.  If you haven't opened up to this relationship, do it NOW!  Talk to them.  You don't have to know their names.  They will respond to you because they are your angels and guides.  They are here to work with you and not someone else.

Since the Night Vision - Pieces of A Dream' Phenomenon, my husband has said a few times that I should ask the Divine for lots of money.  It is a misunderstanding on his part.  I am not any more than him, and he is not any less than me.  We are equal by nature.  The Christ Light or Buddha Nature is in each one of us.  Life is not about how much wealth we have accumulated, or how famous we are.  What can we bring with us when we move on?  I would like to end this post with the simple guidance from the Light Beings on how to live our life as told by Shelley Yates (re my post Before 11/11/11 and after 11/11/11)

  • Do no harm to yourself and others,
  • apply honesty and integrity in all that you do,
  • and then, find your personal joy while expressing gratitude (e.g. writing, painting, listening to music, dancing, acting, singing, gardening, and whatever that gives you joy)  When we live joyfully and gratefully, the presence of our being is making a difference in this world.  

To Karen, thank you for your book.  Thank you for the wisdom, peace, and serenity you share with this world.  To the loving angels who help to connect us with one another, we love you!

Love and Peace,
Q of D

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I was nicknamed the Queen of Dreams


This post was originally published over a year ago after I promised to share with you more about me.  I suppose it is alright to publish it again since some of you may wonder about the meaning of Q of D.

I was born in a traditional Chinese family.  I was the youngest of three children. According to my family, I was born three months late (in other words, my mother carried me in her womb for a year).  I must be born quite an ugly duckling or a very different looking baby because some relatives expressed a great relief when they saw me again as a little girl.  My older sister was known to be the pretty one because her skin was white, and she had big, beautiful eyes.  However, my mother loved me just the same if not more.  My mother was very kind, gentle, loving, patient, and generous. She moved on in 1984.

My parents did not talk to us about any religion.  However, I had faith or a belief in the Divine even as a child.  When I was small, I had long, deep, and real life like dreams. I used to wake up and talk about my 'stories' in the morning.  They were fascinating to me because it was like watching movies in my dreams.  So my family gave me the nickname 'The Queen of Dreams'.  Eventually, I stopped talking about my dreams for I observed people were getting bored of hearing them.  Yes, I was quite sensitive to people's feelings as a child.  Looking back, the dreams I had when I was young could be my past life stories.

I called most of my dreams 'feel dreams'.  I felt what went on, but I did not see vivid images.  When I saw people and things in colorful, vivid images, I called them 'vivid dreams'.  In my experience, a vivid dream right before I woke up was of great significance.  They were prophetic dreams.  If I woke up from a vivid dream feeling very anxious, it was an indication that something similar to the dream was about to take place on the same day.  Sometimes I woke up from a vivid dream feeling deeply touched emotionally.  The emotion stayed with me for days or weeks.  As time went by, I seemed to have totally forgotten about the dream.  What was unique about such a dream was the forgetting of the dream, and the sudden realization on a much later day that what happened had already been foretold.  The feeling at the moment of realization was profound beyond words.  These dreams made me feel there was much more to life than what I thought.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

Now, let me share with you one of my dreams.  One morning, I woke up from a vivid dream.  I was not present in the dream.  I was observing what was going on.  In the dream, my maternal grandfather was talking to my mother.  My grandfather looked very healthy.  However, the observing me 'got' that he only looked healthy on the outside.  In truth, he was not, and he might die.  Suddenly, he seemed to remember my birthday.  He wanted to give my Mom a 'Lai See'** to bring home for me.  In the next scene, I saw my mother holding a 'Lai See', and there was $30 inside.

** 'Lai See' is a small red packet in which we put money inside as a gift.  In our culture, the older generations give 'Lai See' to the younger generations as blessings on special occasions such as Chinese New Year Day and birthdays.  In the old days, only the birthdays of the older generations such as grandparents were important.  We celebrated their birthdays with a big feast or gathering.  Children's birthdays were not celebrated because people thought children would have their turns when they got old. In my family, our mother gave us 'Lai See' and prepared our favorite food on our birthdays.  Nowadays, many Chinese families celebrate their children's birthdays with big parties.  

At that time, as far as I knew, my grandfather was quite healthy.  My mother always let us know ahead of time if she planned to visit my grandfather.  Since she had not said anything about it, I was sure my dream was not going to happen.  My grandfather gave us 'Lai See' during the Chinese New Year holidays, but only occasionally on our birthdays.  He had many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  I didn't think he remembered all the birthdays.  Besides, when I had the dream, my birthday had passed some months ago!  Furthermore, Grandfather's 'Lai See' in those years was either with $50 or $100 while in the dream it was $30 (not US currency).  Therefore, as vivid as it was, I  thought 'it was only a dream'.

While I was brushing my teeth, my mother suddenly said she would visit my grandfather later that day.  I almost dropped my toothbrush!  When I calmed down, I said to my mother, "Please listen to me and don't ask me why.  When you visit Grandfather, he may remember my birthday and give me a 'Lai See'.  Please take the 'Lai See' and go into a room.  Open it and check if $30 is inside.  Then give it back to either 3rd Aunt or 6th Aunt.  Just tell them I cannot accept it."  My mother had always trusted me.  She did not ask me to explain.

I felt if I did not accept the 'Lai See', my grandfather was going to be fine.  I also felt the dream was telling me to pray for him.  When my mother came home that night, she told me Grandfather suddenly remembered he had not given me a 'Lai See' for my birthday.  He asked 3rd Aunt to go to his room to get a 'Lai See'.  He always kept some money inside a drawer.  It was 3rd Aunt's idea to put $30 inside since my grandfather did not mention how much to put in.  My mother was amazed it had happened just as I said.

I did not know if the way I interpreted my dream was right or wrong.  It didn't matter. We loved Grandfather, and were glad he was with us for many more years.  He lived to almost 100 years old.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Feeling okay in all situations is a big step in life


One night years ago, I decided to stay home instead of going to a gathering as originally planned.  There was no particular reason for this change of plan.  I simply changed my mind, and wanted to stay home.   It turned out I learned a big lesson in life that day.

I stayed in the bedroom to read a book.  At one point, I heard my husband and our son talking in the living room.  I was glad that they were having a conversation.  Since the restaurant was sold, my husband was feeling down.  He felt he had failed, and expressed his worry about the future.  I had encouraged our sons to take the initiative of talking to their father.  I asked them to let him know they loved him, and everything was going to be all right.

After a while, I heard my husband raised his voice, and our son raised his too.  Soon they were attacking each other with sharp and hurtful words.  When I came out to ease the situation, it got even worse.  My husband took my intervention as a challenge to his authority as a father.  Eventually, the argument was over after they exchanged some more loud and angry words.  Then they went back to their own bedrooms.

That night I wrote in my journal - Well, I will let it go.  That's over.  See if I can handle it better next time.  I slept well during the night.  I woke up to a brand new day feeling recharged and wonderful.
This arguing was not something new.  It had happened before especially during the restaurant years.  My husband was not very flexible.  He normally could only see things from his point of view.  Sometimes he did not take it well when a different opinion was voiced.  In disagreement, he often raised his voice.  When he raised his voice, our son reacted likewise.  Both of them would not take a step back.  As a mother and a wife, I naturally wanted my family to live in peace and harmony.  Whenever fights like this occurred, I felt disheartened.  It used to cause me many miserable, sleepless nights afterwards brooding over what had happened.  I wondered how we could forgive one another after saying those hurtful words.  As I had envisioned, the family lived in the aftermath of the fight for the days that followed.  Each acted cold and distant towards one another.
Therefore, I was surprised I actually had a good night sleep, and woke up feeling great!  I went about the day as usual, and the family responded accordingly.  We talked, and no one tightened his face or acted distant.  I realized I had learned a big lesson.

                        Feeling okay in all situations is a big step in life

Feeling okay in all situations is a big step towards maintain our peace, even though we may not feel that way when it happens.  I have learned from my spirit guide that it is very important to maintain our peace because the world is what we think to be.  With peace, we will not react unwisely to a situation.  If we look at every experience as a learning lesson, seeing no fault in self and others, we are not doing anything wrong.  It is not a coincidence that people come together as a family or a group.  Our relationships may seem challenging sometimes, but that is when we learn our lessons and grow.

Ever since that day, I have faced a few life dramas such as a loved one was hospitalized, and most recently we had to move twice within half a year from one state to another.  However, I never forget everything is going to be all right no matter what.  In maintaining my peace, everybody in the family seems to be taking life in stride.  We also improve on how we view one another.

Next time when drama comes up in your life, please think about what I have learned.

May peace be with you always!

Many blessings,
Q of D

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Dream of Three Japanese Soldiers


Throughout my life, I had many interesting dreams.  I believed I started writing down my dreams about 13 years ago.  In some of my dreams or astral travel, I came across ghosts that had not gone to the other side or those that were stuck in between.  This was one of those dreams or occasions.  

  • I was inside a tunnel on a mountain.  I came across three Japanese soldiers who wore old, torn army uniforms.  I knew that they had died, but obviously they did not realize that.  I told them the war had long been over.  Then we got into a 'fight' over the war.  (The 'fight' was not a physical fight but a disagreement.  'Fight' was the word used in the dream.)
  • At one point, I realized our differences of how we looked at the war were not important.  These soldiers went to war to fight for their country.  They needed to be recognized and honored to be at peace.  
  • We walked out of the tunnel.  It came to me there was something I could do to help them go to the light.  In the open area, I conducted a ceremony to honor them.  I called out their names, said what they had done, and recognized them with honor and glory.  (All these time, there were only me and the three soldiers).
  • Then a page (soldier) appeared!  I asked the page to guide the soldiers to the light.  These soldiers were now at peace.  As they walked away, instead of 3 soldiers, I saw more and more soldiers came out of the tunnel and walked towards the light!  (Upon waking up, it came to me that my spirit guide might have appeared as the page to facilitate the process.)

I got from this dream that life was not about who was right or wrong.  It was hard to look at life from our view as a human being.  As a Chinese, I had heard many horrific and sad stories that happened during the Japanese invasion of China.  In the dream, we got into a disagreement about the war because I was a Chinese and they were Japanese.

From my dreams, I learned I had lived many lifetimes.  I had been born into other races in different countries.  In each life, I took on a new body, and played a different role.

Despite of our differences in appearance or skin color, I know there is only one race - the human race.  We are not our bodies.  We are consciousness and part of the Loving Divine.  However, most of us forget who we truly are once we are born.  

May all of us look at each other with love, compassion, and forgiveness for in truth we are one.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  Re A page appeared - when I re-read my post, I wondered what was a page.  He was wearing military uniform and 'page' was the word I got from the dream. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Healing in the Washroom - second story of healing


Click here to view the first story The Hot Coffee Incident

In the morning, I woke up feeling good and renewed.  I checked the scalded area.  It still looked terribly.  There were a few big blisters and some small ones.  If I pressed the darkest red part of my thigh, it hurt a little bit; otherwise, there was no pain.  So I went to the wedding with my family.

It was a beautiful, sunny, and breezy Saturday.  The wedding ceremony took place in a church not far from where we lived.  Many people attended.  This was the first time I was invited to an American wedding.  I took in this new experience with gratitude and joy.  I had met the bride once before the wedding.  She was a nice soft-spoken young lady.  It was heartwarming to see the bride and groom looking at each other with so much love.

In the evening, we went to the wedding banquet which was held in the clubhouse of a golf course.  It was a joyous, big gathering.  The bride and groom sat by a long table with bridesmaids and groomsmen.  All of them looked so beautiful or handsome. Both of our sons spoke and proposed toast.  They conducted themselves truthfully and confidently.  I was all smiles looking at them.

Then we lined up to get food.  I got some food and walked back to the table.  Before I sat down, I suddenly felt I should go to the washroom right away.  I handed the plate to my husband.  I told him I had to go to the washroom.  He gave me that 'why now' look since I could have gone there earlier.  I found myself walking very fast towards the washroom which was some distance away.

There were two women in the washroom.  While I was washing my hands, I saw that the older woman looked quite sick.  A sink was filled with vomit.  She had difficulty breathing and standing up.  She put one of her hands on her chest.  The younger woman was helping her and supporting her.  They were discussing if they should ask a doctor to come to the clubhouse or call an ambulance.  They did not know what to do because they did not want to ruin the wedding.  I turned to them and said, "I am a healer.  If you will allow me, it may be I can help."  Immediately, the younger woman said, "Yes, please!  She is the bride's grandmother."  She said to the older woman, "Mom, please accept.  I believe she is from God."  The older woman nodded.  I was very surprised to learn that she was the grandmother of the bride!

I put my handbag aside.  The grandmother sat on a chair in the washroom.  With my eyes closed, Loving Energy came through and guided me to work on her.  During that time, a few people walked in and out of the washroom.  Luckily, no one interrupted or said anything.  I worked on her for quite a while.  When I opened my eyes, I was pleased to see that she looked well and was breathing normally.  We looked at one another with joy.  Her daughter kept saying I must be an angel, or how else I came to the washroom at that very moment.  I said it was not me who healed.  It was the Grace of God.  I thanked them for allowing me to be a channel.

I walked back to our table.  My husband was worrying about me for I had been gone for quite a while.  Then I saw the two women walked to their table.  Before the night was over, they came to our table and thanked me again.  The grandmother's eyes were clear and shone with gladness.  They gave me a big hug before they left.

It was a very humbling experience.  I only learned a healing modality three months ago.  With my personality, I would not have said 'I am a healer' in public or in front of strangers.  However, I knew I had to step forward and place my trust in the Divine because I wanted the wedding to go well too.  My heart was filled with gratitude as the Loving Energy guided my hands to work on the grandmother.  In a small way, I felt I had repaid some of the kindness that this wonderful young man (the groom) had extended to our family.

By the way, within a week, the scalded skin was replaced by healthy new skin.

God is Great as Love Is.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Hot Coffee Incident - two consecutive stories of healing


One night in June of 2007, I sat down to write a letter to an exceptional young man who was about to get married in two days.  I wanted to let him know how grateful I was of his help to our family.

He was a great blessing to our family during the challenging restaurant years.  He was our son's high school classmate.  He treated our sons as his brothers.  He had friends of different ethnicity because he never judged people by how they looked. His loving parents allowed him to bring his friends into their home to hang out.  They talked.  They played video and card games.  They were a group of teenagers who did not drink or smoke.  Our family of four had only one car.  Sometimes we could not leave the restaurant to pick up our sons when they were off from work.  Our sons would call him, and he was always willing to help.  I heard that this wonderful young man also volunteered to take care of pets when his friends and coworkers went on vacations.

He had asked both of our sons to be his groomsmen (one son as the best man).  My husband and I were invited to his wedding too.  Over the years, he was like a member of our family.  Sometimes we invited him to celebrate Chinese holidays with us.  Due to my quiet nature, I had not expressed how grateful I was of his help to our family.

So there I was, in the middle of the night, trying to write a letter to thank him.  I was going to ask my sons to give him the letter during the wedding rehearsal.  However, I just could not finish the letter because memories of the challenging years flooded my mind.  Around 5 a.m., I decided I would finish the letter in the morning since the rehearsal would take place in the afternoon.

I woke up around 10 o'clock.  I went to boil some water to make a cup of coffee.  I sat down next to my husband who was reading by the dining table.  At one point, I looked over to the stove.  I was surprised I had turned the burner to the highest setting!  I had never done that!  I normally set it at medium or medium high.  I thought it was alright.  I would turn it off once the water was ready.

I made a cup of coffee and put it on the dining table.  As I sat down, the cup tipped over.  The hot, hot, hot coffee spilled onto the lower part of my body and the inner side of my right thigh.  When I came to, I ran upstairs to the bathtub and turned on the cold water.  I yelled for my husband to rush to a store and buy a bag of ice.  (My husband later told me my cotton short had soaked up the whole cup of coffee since there was barely any coffee left on the floor.  No doubt it hurt so much!  Soaking with extremely hot coffee, the cotton short had stuck to my skin as I ran upstairs to the bathroom.)

My husband rushed home with the ice.  I asked him to put the ice in small bags.  I went back to the bedroom.  I placed the ice over my right thigh and the most sensitive area that was hurting as if on fire.  I waited hoping the ice would give me some relief from the pain.  But it didn't.  I went back to the bathtub and stood under the shower head with cold water running.  Any time I stepped away from the cold water, the pain was unbearable.  All the while, I could not believe what had happened for tomorrow was the wedding!

I did not know how long I stood under the cold water.  I found myself shivering.  I went back to the bedroom and put the ice on.  My younger son called.  My husband told him what had happened.  Immediately, he and his fiancee wanted me to go to the hospital.  After they hung up, my husband asked me what to do.  I swayed my head.  With no health insurance, I would not go to a hospital.

The pain was excruciating.  I went to the bathtub again.  However, my body was cold, and I could not stand the cold water anymore.  When I turned the water to lightly warm, the burning sensation intensified.  It was intolerable.  I went back to the bedroom.  My mind was still in disbelief of what had happened.  Somehow the excruciating pain and disbelief occupied my mind, and I did not think of praying for help.

Two hours had gone by.  The ice gave me no relief from the pain at all.  Seeing the pain on my face, my husband asked: "What now?"  I looked at him.  Finally, I cried out: "I cannot take it anymore!  It just hurts and hurts!"  Right after I cried out, the bedroom door swung open.  We felt a rush of air as if someone rushed in.  My husband and I looked at the door with our mouths widely opened.  My husband had made sure the door was closed because I had only a towel covering the middle part of my body.  The next thing I knew was the pain was gone!  I found myself enveloped in a field of peaceful energy.  I knew everything was going to be alright.

Later, my son and his fiancee arrived.  Our soon ** to be daughter-in-law got some cream for burns from her aunt who worked in a hospital.  (** Their wedding day was set for the following month.  Click to view The sun will shine and the wind will calm down )  My son insisted that I let his fiancee look at the scalded part of my body.  With only her and me in the bedroom, I looked at the scalded area for the first time.  That part of my body was red like cooked meat and covered with blisters.  The inner right thigh was scalded all the way down to a few inches above the knee.  Some blisters were big!  It looked terrible.  She immediately said I needed to go to a hospital or at least see a doctor.  I assured them I was not in pain.  I promised I would put the cream on.  They did not believe that I was not in pain, but they knew they could not change my mind.

After they left, I put the cream on as I promised.  I went about the day as usual.  I did not write the letter anymore because my sons had already gone to the wedding rehearsal.  I was at peace.  In my heart, I kept thanking the Divine.

Later in the afternoon, the door bell rang.  I was nicely surprised that the groom-to-be was at the door with our older son.  He told me he had heard what happened.  So he came to see how I was doing.  Instead of writing a letter, God had given me a chance to tell him personally how grateful I was of his presence and what a wonderful being he was.  When I finished talking, our eyes were filled with tears.

That night, I went to bed with a heart full of gratitude and the love of God.  I repeated my vow which I had made years ago that I would commit to the Will of God.  I asked to be an instrument wherever I am.  Soon I fell into a peaceful sleep.  What I did not know was - I would be an instrument of healing on the wedding day.

Love and blessings,
Q of D                
                            Click to view story 2 - The Healing in the Washroom

Monday, August 6, 2012

Every Relationship Is a Lesson In Love


For about three years, I joined a healing prayer service circle every Tuesday. Sometimes a friend brought with her a deck of 'A Course In Miracle' cards.  She would ask one of us to pick a card.  Then we would contemplate briefly** over the meaning of the card.  (**We were there to be of service.  This was not a meet up group for discussion.)

One day this card was drawn.

                                       Every relationship is a lesson in love

Immediately a brother said, "But relationship sucks!" (i.e. bad, difficult, displeasing)

Unexpected of what I heard, I said, "What?!"

He went on to say, "Relationship sucks because no matter how hard you try to love, there are always a few you just don't like them."

I smiled and let it go.  In our non-awakened human mind, it was really not easy to like or love everyone as the brother said.  Meanwhile, a sister started lecturing him that we should love no matter what.  It was true.  However, we had known this brother for years.  He was a long time spiritual seeker, and had given his time freely for good causes.  He said what he said to express his honest opinion of how challenging the lesson of love 'is'.

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I like this brother's honesty.  It is a good thing he does not pretend that he is already there as the awakened ones who can love as love is.  Thus he is not too harsh on himself, and can view his response to relationships objectively.  I have known a few who easily give out advices such as we should love our enemies as ourselves and we should love our spouse more than ourselves.  It is easy to say something that sounds good, but, oftentimes it is easier said than done.  I have seen the same people having a hard time maintaining their own peace and relationships.  They constantly judge themselves if they are loving enough, and at times judge others with their measure of love without realizing it.

Every relationship is unique.  We cannot generalize all relationships.  In our human mind, we are troubled by our relationship with others from time to time.  How do we love?  Though love is the key, yet there is not one solution for all.  Sometimes it is to love with patience.  Sometimes it is to love enough to let go.  At others times, we need to take a step back and think it over.  We have to remember love includes loving ourselves.  If you have time, please click to view the following posts on relationships. I have found comfort in these words of wisdom.

                  To Let Go Is...........
                  Guide's words of wisdom on relationship
                  You don't necessary have to like or dislike someone

Every relationship is a lesson in love.  Let us keep this in our mind, and may love guide us through in all that we do.  Amen.

Many blessings,
Q of D