Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Making Decisions


In life, we face many different situations, and at times we have to make some hard decisions.

It can be a decision to quit a job and find a new one.  It can be a decision to walk away from an old relationship and start anew.  It may be someone who never wants to get married, but now there is someone he or she really cares about.  It can be a drug addict or an alcoholic who finally comes to a point that "I don't want to live like this anymore and I need help!"  These are some of the life changing decisions that we make.

There are also other decisions we make from time to time.  They may not be those big decisions as the above, but they are important in our journey of life.

One night years ago after lots of inner struggle, I had made such an important decision. I talked to my guides and angels.  I told the Divine my decision, and asked that Thy Will be done (the Will for the Greatest Good for me and for all).  As I prayed, these words came to me -

"Physical life is all about feelings and relationships.  Treasure any feeling that comes to you.  It is alright.  Know that pain, hurt, joy and in your words 'whatever' are the emotions that come with living a physical life.  Life is also about making decisions. You have made a decision today.  Do not be afraid to make a decision or take risk.  It is all part of life.  You will not regret it.  Just be."

In the morning, my mind was still very much on the decision I made.  Right after I took a shower, I was 'moved' to walk into the bedroom.  I turned on the radio, and "Pieces of A Dream - Night Vision" was on!  My heart was filled with peace and joy!  I was also guided to see angel numbers again and again on that day.  It really helped to put my mind at ease with my decision.

So, my friends, is there anything that has been troubling you?  Don't be afraid to make a decision for a change for the better.  Understand that even if you choose not to take any action at this time, it is quite alright.  It is a decision too!  It certainly does not help if our mind is occupied by an issue day and night.  When we lose our peace, the flow of life or love is in some ways blocked.  We feel drained, and cannot think clearly.

When my mind is not at peace, I ask my guides and angels to help me.  Many times I wake up with thoughts and inspirations that help to restore my peace.  Your guides and angels are always there for you too.

Whatever decision we make, it is important to remember that we are connected.  We should always make a decision based on love - love of self and others.  We ask the Loving Divine to surround the situation and the person (or persons) involved with Light of Love.  Then we trust that All Is Well, and let it go.

May peace be with you.

Q of D

Friday, February 22, 2013

Who's driving?


In my post A conversation on our way to a produce market, my husband had an aha moment when he connected the bumpy road and the repaved road to our attitude towards life.  Today I would like to share my aha moment with you.

After shopping at different stores, we were about to go home.  Before my husband started the car, I suggested to go on another road.  If we stayed on the same road, we were likely to run into a traffic jam because a certain part of that road was always congested.  We had experienced traffic jam many times before.  My husband was a safe driver, but he was not very patient with traffic.  He often complained about having to stop at red lights, traffic jams, cars cutting in front of us without signalling, and other people that drove slowly.  That was why I suggested to go on another road where the traffic was  light.

After hearing my suggestion, my husband chose to stay on the same road.  He said there should be no traffic jam because it was not the rush hour.  I was fine with his decision for we were not in a hurry.

When we arrived at that part of the road, there was indeed a traffic jam.  The cars crawled along the road.  After quite a while, my husband said he would make a right turn when we reached the next intersection.  When we reached an intersection, the red light was on.  Our car was the first car behind the red light.  I saw the cars in front of us were moving smoothly towards the next traffic light.   It meant we had driven past the congested part of the road.  I told my husband that there was no need to turn because the traffic ahead seemed to be fine.  However, as the light turned green, he turned right anyway.  He said he did not want to take any chance because the traffic might still be congested if we stayed on that road.

After he made the turn, we soon found a semi truck blocking the road right before a traffic light.  The green light was on, but we had to wait for the semi truck to get out of the way.  When we eventually drove past the traffic light, we found the road led to a big enclosed housing complex.  In order to get to the other road, we had to drive back to the traffic light where we saw the semi truck!

During the delay, my husband turned to look at me a couple of times.  I knew he thought I must be upset because we could have already been home if he had listened to me.  On this day, I looked at what happened as the way of life -  sometimes things went smoothly; at other times, we experienced delay or setback.

After my husband finally drove on the road (that I had suggested) for a while, he said, "It feels much better driving on this road."  I smiled and said, "Yes, it is.  The traffic on this road is always light."

Suddenly, I connected what happened this day to "Who's driving?", the words that our older son said on a few occasions.  In an instant, many things including scenes and feeling of the past events came to my mind.  It was like a sudden download of an understanding, or a spark appeared to light up an area that was in the dark.  And, I had my aha moment.

In recent years, our son took it as his responsibility to drive us on some occasions and long distance trips.  He drove a lot and knew the roads better than us.  However, on a few occasions, his attitude got to us when we were in his car.  If he missed a turn or got lost on the way, he got mad at himself.  He rarely asked for directions, and did not want any advice.  Sometimes he drove ahead instead of returning to where he should turn.  He wasted time and gas in driving round and round trying to come up with his way of getting there.  If we said anything, he would answer sternly, "Who's driving?  Is that you or me?"

His father was angry at his behavior.  I said, "As a son, you cannot talk to your parents like that.  Where is the respect?"  He said, "It has nothing to do with respect. I respect you and Dad.  But, I just don't want any advice right now."

His  "who's driving" attitude also extended to other area of his life.  After he graduated from the university, he always wanted to fight with time.  He said, "When I lived on campus, many of my friends partied all night.  I wanted to go to parties like them, but, I had to work and study.  Now I have a job, I will make up for the lost time."  He stayed up late into the night hanging out with his friends or watching TV.  When we talked to him, he said, "I work hard.  I pay my bills on time.  I take care of my responsibilities.  It is my life.  I can live the way I want to."

When I connected what happened on that day to our son's "Who's driving", I realized it was true that each one of us was the driver of our own car.  In my dreams, cars were symbolic to the vehicles (forms or bodies) we took on to live a physical life.  In other words, each one of us was in the driver seat of our own life.

On that day, I had given my husband some suggestions.  As the driver of his car, he had made his own decisions as how he wanted to drive home.  With his decisions, it took us a long time to arrive home, but, we got home anyway.  I was at peace because I recognized he was driving or he was the driver of his car.  With regard to our son,  I respected his decisions most of the times, but as a mother, sometimes I worried about him.  I wished he would listen to me.  When I had the aha moment, I understood I had to fully recognize the fact that he was in charge of his life.  I might voice my opinions, but I should let go of my concerns / worries.  It was his life, and he was responsible for his decisions.

We were all passengers or bystanders on other people's life paths.  We might render our opinion / comment / advice.  However, it was up to others if they wanted to accept or ignore what we said.  Other people played the same roles in our life.  We were all responsible for the decisions we made.  After the understanding, I was able to release some of the unease that I felt in our past conflicts.  My heart was filled with peace, and I smiled all the way home.

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As a child, our older son was very friendly, outgoing, giving, and generous.  Other children liked to talk and play with him no matter where we went (e.g. park, mall and library).  When he came home from preschool / kindergarten, he gladly gave all the candies and toys he got in class to his younger brother.  In his teens, he was always willing to help others.  One report card period, a subject he used to get A+ dropped a grade.  Though I wondered why, I did not ask him to explain.  I normally praised my sons or said some words of encouragement.  Many days later, my son talked about one of his friends.  He said his friend had been sick and could not go to class for a while.  Days before the examination, my son gave his notebook to this friend and asked him to keep it until the examination was over.

He was a teenager when the challenging restaurant years began.  The experience must have quite an effect on him.  He helped as much as he could in the restaurant. He and his brother never asked for pay when they worked because they understood the situation.  Later, he had a part time job after school.  He willingly gave me his pay checks because he knew we struggled to pay the bills.  I asked him to open an account so that he could save some money for college.  But he did not.  One day, he asked me for $200.  I was worried becaused I did not understand why he needed $200.  I gave it to him because it was in truth his money.   He and his brother bought a small TV for us (their parents) so that we could watch television in the kitchen of the restaurant.

As a grown-up, those that did not know him well saw him as materialistic, shallow, and inconsiderate.  In many ways, he had presented himself that way.  One day in a class sponsored by the company, people were asked why they liked their jobs.  My son raised his hand.  He said, "I work here for the money."  When he came home, he said, "Mom, why do people seem to be stunned by my answer?  I am just being honest.  We all work there because of money."  I said to him, "Other people may see you as shallow and inconsiderate, but I know you are much deeper than that."  He asked, "How is it so?"

One day at work, a coworker who came from another country brought her favorite ethnic food for everybody to try.  Some declined to try, and those that tried showed they did not like it.  Seeing how disappointed the coworker was, my son forced himself to finish his bowl of food.  The coworker was overjoyed that there was one person that liked the food, and immediately refilled his bowl . . .

One year, a few days before the Thanksgiving Day, he told me his company did not give turkeys to the employees as they used to.  I said it was fine.  We could buy a turkey.  He eventually let me know he lied.  He had given the turkey to a shelter because a coworker told him a turkey might not mean much to those who could afford to buy one, but a turkey meal on Thanksgiving Day meant a lot to those that were homeless.  I was very proud of him.

Some years ago, we lived in an apartment that did not allow pets.  One night, his friend called to tell him that he and his fiancee found a stray pregnant cat in the parking lot of their apartment.  They did not take her in for they already had a  female cat.  They were afraid the two cats might not get along.   My son wanted to drive over there to check on the cat.  It was almost 1 a.m., and it was cold.  I said he should not go, but he left anyway.  He came home many hours later.  This was what happened. He found the cat.  The cat was very friendly.  She jumped inside his car.  My son decided to let her stay in the car because it was very cold outside.  The cat jumped on his lap, and they kept each other warm until the sun rose.  It was no wonder he brought a stray kitten home years later.  (Click to view my post A gift from Mei Mei and a blessing from the Divine )

His 'big words' or comments sometimes made people swayed their heads.  It was understandable that some regarded him as naive.  Despite of his words, he always gave his all at work.  In situations where others might be discouraged, he held a positive outlook and forged forward.  He often volunteered when others needed a ride or a helping hand in moving.  Our sons did not have a car during the years they were in college.  I understood why my older son had this idea of fighting with time to make up for the lost time.  He did not talk much about his personal life and work.  He was like that since he was young.  I saw the other side of him through observation and the bits he shared with me.  After hearing what I said, he was quiet for a while.  From the expression on his face, I knew we had communicated on a deeper level.  He was appreciative of what I said.

We are all interconnected.  As members of a family, we are closely connected and each serves as a tool in the lessons we planned to learn.

With love and faith I share with you my experience.  Good night!

Q of D

Friday, February 15, 2013

It is important to pay attention to our thoughts and stay positive


In my previous post, my grandson asked me to guess what he was saying by looking at him.  I made the right guess because I used some child psychology.  From the expression on his face, he demanded an answer.  So I said he was asking the same question that he voiced.

What happened that day reminded me of another incident.  Four months ago, I was with a group of volunteers visiting the seniors living in a housing complex.  It was my first time there.  Only a few residents participated in the event.  The other volunteers had visited before, and they knew the residents by name.  I stood aside watching them reacquainted with one another.

A woman talked to my friends about a physical condition.  I could hear the concern in her voice.  I was standing at a distance from her and my friends.  Mentally, I sent her my love and blessings.  Right then, she raised her head and nodded at me.  She said: "Thank you, I love you too."  Then she continued talking to my friends.  I was amazed. Telepathically, she had perceived my thoughts, but she probably did not realize that.  My friends were facing her, therefore, their backs were towards me.  I believed it never crossed their mind why the woman thanked me in the middle of their conversation.

In truth, we sent and received thoughts all the time.  However, most of us didn't realize that.  For examples, before you picked up the phone, you already knew who called; you thought of someone, and he or she came to visit.

Sometimes other people's attitude or thoughts could affect us too.  Here was an example.  One day as I was walking to my car, I saw a friend talking on the phone.  She had finished talking before I got to my car.  She told me she suddenly felt very exhausted.  I asked if the phone call had anything to do with it.  She exclaimed: "Yes, that is why I feel so tired!  It's a friend (who called).  Every time she calls me, I feel exhausted afterwards.  She is very negative, and complains a lot.  It is very tiring listening to what she says.  Her negative feeling must be getting to me, and I do not realize that."

From my experiences, I have learned the importance of maintaining my peace.  It is very important to pay attention to our thoughts and stay positive.  If our mind is filled with negative thoughts, we cannot think right because the flow of love is blocked.  In my friend's case, she can protect herself by listening with discernment.  We can listen with compassion, but we don't have to take in what we hear personally.  We cannot console others when we lose our own peace.

Have it ever happened to you that you suddenly feel depressed, agitated, or sad?  Meanwhile, upon self examination, you find no reason for you to feel so.  It is possible you are perceiving the feeling of a loved one, or of a friend.  Have you ever felt warmth (a very comforting, loving feeling) around you?  You are probably receiving loving thoughts from someone on this plane or from the other side.  We are more connected than we can imagine.

May all of us be the presence of love and peace.  I say these affirmations sometimes.

                                            Wherever I AM, LOVE IS.
                                            Wherever I AM, PEACE IS.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Grandma, guess what I am saying now?


Our younger son and his family came over and ate with us on New Year Eve and New Year Day (lunar calendar).  It was so wonderful to have them with us on these special days.

While we ate, our granddaughter who was 3 years old talked to her daddy in her sweet little voice.  Meanwhile, she looked at him with that adorable loving look.  I said to our son: "She is talking to you with her eyes."  Our son said that his son did that often too.  I looked at our grandson who was a year and a half older than his sister. He looked at me with his eyes widely open as if waiting for my response.  He was a very good story teller.  He did not only talk with his voice, but with full expressions on his face and eyes.  I smiled and agreed with our son that indeed our oldest grandson talked with his eyes all the time.  

Immediately, our cute grandson protested: "No, I do not talk with my eyes!"  Our daughter-in-law explained to him: "When people say that you talk with your eyes, they do not mean that you really talk with your eyes.  They mean that they know what you are trying to say by looking at the expression of your eyes."

My grandson turned to me.  He said: "Ah Ma (=Grandma), you say that I talk with my eyes.  Look at me, and guess what I am saying now!"  Then he looked at me intensely with puffed cheeks.  We laughed.  Someone at the table said (I did not recall who): "Oh, Ah Ma is in trouble!"  Boy, you never knew what a 3 or 4 years old was going to ask you!  Our grandson kept looking at me, and waited for my answer.  I looked at him. I said: "You are saying (with your eyes) 'guess what I am saying now'. Is that right?"  He released the air in his cheeks, and said: "That's right."  He turned his attention to the food on his plate.  It was just a lucky guess on my part!

My husband and I had joy taking turns holding our new grandson who was born a few weeks ago.  He is a good baby, perfect and wonderful in every way.

I have not gone to church or any gathering in recent months.  After living away from this state for five years, we have to get used to the cold weather again.  I hope I will find a church or a place to go to regularly in the coming months.

Best wishes to all of you,

Q of D

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A small crisis in the classroom


Imagine you are a student in a classroom of 45 students.  The school bell rings. Everybody stops talking.  They take out their textbooks, and put them on the desks. They wait quietly.  The teacher is expected to walk in any second now.

Some minutes pass, the teacher does not come.  It has never happened before.  The teacher always walks in soon after the bell rings.  The students look at one another. They start to talk in a soft voice wondering what is going on.  Is the teacher sick?  If that is the case, why doesn't a substitute teacher show up?  Some more minutes pass, there is still no teacher.

A while later, the students conclude that the teacher must be absent, otherwise, she would have shown up.  They realize it means there will be no class and no teacher to watch over them!  They feel elated in this unexpected free time.  They begin to chat, and some leave their seats to hang out with their buddies in the class.

Suddenly, they hear the loudest yell in their life.  They turn to look at the entrance of the classroom.  There stands the principal!  With her hands resting on her waist and her face reddened by anger, she stomps into the classroom!  The students who have left their seats quickly return to their seats.  The stillness that follows is a sharp contrast to what has been seconds earlier.

The principal scolds them.  How unacceptable their behavior have been!  Their voices are disruptive to the students who are in the classrooms next to them.  Although the teacher is not there, but they should know what is expected of them.  The students lower their heads.  They know they are wrong.

The principal continues: "For those of you who have misbehaved, you will be hit 3 times on each hand (by a wooden ruler).  You also have to write 200 times 'I will never chat again during class'.  You have to hand it in before you can go home.  Those who have misbehaved, stand up now!"

A few students stand up.  Some students stand up after them.  Slowly, some more students reluctantly follow.  They would have stayed in their seats if others have not chosen to stand up.  Eventually, only a handful of students remain sitting in their chairs. These few who are still sitting down either look straight forward at the principal, or look downwards at their desks.  They never look at their fellow classmates especially those whom they have chatted with a while earlier.

One by one, those who have stood up walk forward to the principal and receive the punishment.  Before she leaves, the principal praises the few who have supposedly behaved as they are expected.  After she leaves, most of the students begin writing the sentence 'I will never chat again during class'.  Everybody is quiet.  Nobody wants to say anything.  Every now and then, the students who are writing look over to their classmates who do not have to write.  Both try to look away when their eyes meet.

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What would you do if you are one of the students?  Will you be among the first few who stand up?  Or, will you be among the second group?  Or, do you choose to wait it out until most have made up their mind, and then you will decide what to do?  Or, do you think those who remain sitting down are the smartest of all?

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Whatever you think you will do, you are the only one who knows the answer.  Nobody is going to judge you.  That is not what this post is about.

A few days ago, out of nowhere, I 'heard': "Were you afraid that you might be punished when you wrote about that incident?"  All of a sudden, the above incident came to my mind.  It was ancient history, and I wasn't thinking about it at all!  Mentally, I responded to the question: "No.  It never crossed my mind that I might get into trouble writing about it."  It was weird, but it happened.

Later that day, I started writing this post.  However, it happened a long time ago.  I could not recall the incident clearly.  Furthermore, what happened that day in the classroom seemed to be very insignificant in the dramas of life.  "What was the point of writing this post?" I wondered.  However, part of me felt that I should because of how it resurfaced in my mind.   As I said, I wasn't thinking about it at all.

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A couple of days after what happened in the classroom, we had our weekly English composition class.  I did not recalled if the teacher gave us a title, or we were allowed to write what we chose.  Anyway, I wrote about the classroom incident.  I recalled at the end of my composition, I wrote something like this -  

  • One by one, the students walked forward to receive the punishment.  While I waited for my turn, I looked out of the window.  I saw an apple tree near the wall of the playground.  I thought of the childhood story of George Washington and the apple tree.

I did well in Chinese composition, but I failed English composition all the time.  I believed this was the marking system for English composition when I was in school: 40 points for grammar, and 4 or 5 points were deducted for each mistake; 40 points for content, most students got 10s to low 20s, with high 20s to 30 as the top marks for content; most students got 10s for the remaining 20 points.  60 out of 100 was the passing score.  Although I might get a good mark for content, but I could not make up for the 40 points counted towards grammar because I usually got a zero.

Normally, in Chinese and English composition, scores of high 70s to low 80s were the top scores.  Those compositions were displayed at the back of the classroom for others to read and learn from.  As a teenager, I regarded my writing as something personal, and did not really want others to read what I wrote.  So I was not as joyful as other students when my compositions were being shown.

Incidentally, my writing on the incident got a good grade, and it was posted for others to read.  Many of my classmates told me they liked my writing.  However, I also realized what I wrote must have caused some uneasiness among those who did not stand up.  In fact, after the incident in the classroom, a cloud had already been looming over the class.

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For days I could not finish this post.  I almost wanted to delete it.  I stuck after describing the incident, and I felt the story about my composition was irrelevant.

Yesterday I suddenly realized the different reactions to what happened that day in the classroom might be viewed as a reflection of a society or a community responding to a crisis.

When a crisis arose, people reacted differently partly due to the differences of our character and personality.  What we had been taught or had learned in life also played a role in our process of making a decision.  Some people rose to the occasion, and took up the responsibility.  Some people took another approach to solve the problem that they faced.  Some people froze in time of urgency, and it took them more time to decide what to do.  Some people thought of others and tried to help whatever they could.  Some people thought only of themselves and did whatever to protect their own interest in the time of a crisis.  If we put right or wrong aside, all reactions are relevant.

In any situation or crisis, there are lessons here and there for everyone.  I (or we) should hold myself accountable for my own action, and looked at life from there.

Looking back, I am glad most of us in the class took responsibilities of our action. We were wrong and we knew it.  The principal might have lost her cool on that occasion, but she was a good principal.  During those years, she taught us good values and how to conduct ourselves with integrity.

Good night!

Many blessings,
Q of D