Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The conclusion of the mystery of a sister


In the Dec. 2001 phone reading, the channel related the images she saw concerning me.  At the time, the images and messages did not make any sense to me.  I felt I had more questions than answers after the reading.  (Re The Beauty of a Bouquet of Flowers )

When I won the $100 Gift Certificate in a drawing, I had not intended to use it for a reading.  When the Stone Reader from another state came to the Center, I never thought of booking for a reading.  However, the loving owner of the Center insisted to pay for a reading for me.  It was truly by the Grace of the Divine that I had these two readings in 2006.  (Re Have a Blissful 2017! and Who Smiles? Who Sees? )

In the readings, my angels and spirit guides did not talk about the future or how my life would unfold.  They only encouraged me to sit among people so that healing could take place.  The psychic said, "I normally get a glimpse of future for those I read, but it is different with you.  I get that your guides are not trying to be evasive, but it seems how your life will be depends on what you choose to do."  Years later, a known channel also said similar words.

I eventually understood it was all meant to be.  With no clear-cut answers, I continued to seek.  Not knowing how my life would unfold, I handled the situations in my life with my true emotions or the best I knew how.  Sometimes I erred, but that was what life was about.  I learned to adjust or change.  I learned not to judge myself or others too harshly.  I learned to discern or let go.  Sometimes I laughed at myself when I realized I had fallen into the same old pattern or mental foible.

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Below was the conclusion of these posts that published earlier - A Mysterious EncounterA Strange Dream, The Mystery of a Sister Continues and Why I had to sign before he reincarnated

After New Year Day, I tried to finish the story about the mystery of a sister from memory.  It did not work.  Finally, I took out my old notebooks in which I wrote down what happened with the emotion of that time.  Now, let me finish the story.

On June 12, 2009, I went to the library.  I did not find the books I wanted.  I decided to let my hand** guide me to borrow a few books.  At home, I began to read one of the books, Explorer Race and Beyond by Zoosh through Robert Shapiro.
When I read a book, I normally did not read the index.  If the beginning chapters were interesting, I continued to read.  I would not skip part of the book to find out what happened at the end.  If the first few chapters were boring, I stopped reading the book.  I loved stories that touched my heart.  I did not like books with many theories, step by step instructions, or with a lot of scientific terms.  I often returned those books after reading a few pages.  
To me, Explorer Race and Beyond was not an easy to read book.  The printed words were too small.  Everything in the book seemed to be beyond my mind, but I saw some truth in it.  (Many years ago, I picked up a pen and wrote a poem about the creator and creation with my imagination.  As I read, I found some similarities in what I read and what I wrote.)  I found reading the book very time consuming.  At times I had to read a certain portion twice to get a better understanding of what I read.  The being(s) talked about how this or that worked in details.  The regular me would have put down the book and read another one.  Somehow, I kept reading it.  Soon it was bedtime.  I was only on page 55.  I had been reading at a pace much, much slower than I usually did.  Despite of this, I walked to my bedroom with the book in my hand.  By then, it was June 13, 2009 for midnight had long passed.
For quite some time, I just could not sleep.  I decided to read some more.  I grabbed the book.  I happened to turn to a page on which a name ***** immediately caught my attention.  As I read, I realized the answers I had been looking for since the Dec. 2001 reading were on those pages!  Finally, I understood my connection with that person / being, why it was important for me to sit among people, and how energy came through me to heal others.  I sat on bed in awe of what had happened.  It was a night I would never forget.  The pictures related by the channel in the 2001 reading were accurate except as she said she did not understand what she was shown.  (I believed I opened the book, but the book might have already been turned to that page when I picked it up.)

***** It was the name in the small green bible (Re The background of a significant experience of the birds ) and in I had brought home the wrong book .

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In Nov. 2010, I needed some guidance for the situations in my life.  I also wanted to learn more about the energetic tablet so that I could be a better instrument.  I wanted an answer to the mystery of a sister too.  I decided to ask a brother for a reading.

This brother was highly respected and loved at church.  He and his wife lived in another state.  The church invited him to come to speak on Sundays every now and then.  During his visit, he offered to do readings.  He was a trance channel, i.e. he got into a trance to access the Akashic records.  This was what I learned about the sister during the reading.

Indeed, another soul and I had planned to come to earth together.  However, after a brief while in the womb, one expired.  That sister (or that soul) soon entered into another woman's womb.  She was born in a loving family but a family greatly stressed by economic and political difficulty of that time.  These were words through the channel, "So that woman does not have the hope, the optimism, and the serenity that you have.  If you could find her, there would be a recognition between you, which would grow and grow.  And you would impart to her your optimism, hope, and confidence."

The channel went on to give more details about the woman's life.  She had emigrated to Canada.  Her married name was Edith.  Her husband was a Canadian Army veteran.  His name was Edward, but the spelling on his birth certificate was Edwared.  The channel gave me two versions of their last name (both began with R) and the cities / provinces they had lived in.  Since we were supposed to be twins, the separation of our souls had left a shadow (i.e. sadness) in the woman's heart.  It was not necessary for me to find her, but it would help to find her.  It was suggested that I could find some information through driver license registration or Canadian military records.

I did not know if Edith was a Chinese or of other Asian origin.  The reading said the divine plan had adjusted due to the separation of these two souls.  In the March 2006 reading, the psychic paused for a while as if to take in what she saw.  Then she looked at me with lots of compassion.  She said, "Oh, you don't have any emotional support at all in your spiritual search."  It was true.  Before the reading, I wondered from time to time, "If I was the planner of my life, why didn't I include a loving, supportive sister or  friend?"  I knew now I could have included a twin sister, but the divine plan did not work out as planned.

In a book, the author wrote about a boy who got into a grave state after a chemical accident.  The soul and his spirit guide decided to abort the divine plan.  The boy left the earth plane, i.e. died.  The author learned that about 15% of divine plans had to change due to unforeseen happenings.

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Do I really have a kindred soul name "Edith" in Canada?  If so, will we ever meet?  I surrender this into the love and light of the Divine.

Today is Angels Day (Jan. 11, one of the three 111 or 1111 days).  I honor the angels and thank them for their loving presence in my life.

Love & Peace,
Q of D

** Hoping to find some answers, I had read lots of spiritual books since 2000. Occasionally, I walked past the shelves with my hand toward the books.  It worked magically.  At some point, energy would surge and guide my hand to pick out books that I later found interesting and helpful.  One time, while I was looking at some books, energy turned my body around to face other books.  My hand reached out to a book on the bottom last shelf.  Indeed, it was a book I should read.

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