Sunday, May 30, 2021

It is time to let go of my earthly perception of . . . . .


In my last post, I wrote about the healing session during which the healer from California worked on a woman that walked in looking very unwell.  The woman was radiant and looked like a different person after the healing was finished.  The healer who was known as the awaken one told the woman that others extreme negative view of her particularly that of an older male had formed like a hook at the back of her neck.  The woman confirmed what the healer said, and shared with us her story.  (Please click to view Everything Is Energy )

I was deeply touched by the woman's story.  I never realized one's strong negative thought could have such an impact on another person.

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A few days after I published Everything Is Energy, a relative called.  She talked about Rosie.  She was annoyed Rosie kept mailing her religious books even though she had asked her to stop.  Rosie also sent a lot of videos and messages by phone on a regular basis.  She said she no longer talked to Rosie, and had blocked her from other connections / communications.  Rosie thought that she was saving others by sharing (forcing) what she believed in onto others.  Her actions had alienated most of the relatives including her own loved ones.  Over the phone, we concluded Rosie probably would not change for the rest of her life.  (Other posts on Rosie Gateway to Heaven and He Who Dances On Wood )

In the morning of May 17, 2021, I had a dream.  The setting was light ***.  

*** In some of my dreams, I felt or saw things took place during nighttime.  There were structures such as shops, houses and people.  In some of my feel dreams (i.e. I only felt what went on), the background was not light, yet it was not necessary nighttime.  In a few of those dreams, I got the sense of suspense or mystery.  Sometimes I had dreams just as things happened in daytime.  Occasionally, I noted on my journal the setting was light.  The light was similar to broad daylight, but more toward something happening in the light / in another dimension.  I might sense I was in a place.  However, I did not get the same feeling of inside a structure or building or standing on a ground as that of living on earth.

In the dream, we drove on wide, wide highways to get to a gathering.  Soon we were already there.  As I entered, Rosie and her sister came out of the kitchen to greet me.  It seemed they were helping in the kitchen.  Rosie and her sister wore the same deeper green flowery down to ankle dresses, and covered their hair with white elastic cooking hats.  We were all smiles seeing one another.  Joyfully, we talked.

As mentioned above, I had the sense they walked out of the kitchen.  However, I did not really see anything inside the kitchen, and the place was in light.  In A Strange Dream and Dreams and Unfoldment in our life , the setting was similar.  I did not see the ground.

As I came out of the dream, I thought -

                      It is time to let go of my earthly perception of Rosie.

It was a liberating thought.  

As human beings, sometimes we easily formed an opinion / judgment of others be it positive or negative.  When we held someone in our negative view, it did not help that person.  In truth, it did not help anybody including ourselves.  

Let us look at it this way.  For examples, the father-in-law who held an extreme negative view against the woman / his son's wife - he might not have noticed that every time he talked about her or thought of her, he himself would be in an unpleasant / negative state of being.  I recalled I was with a friend when she got a call.  I walked a distance away so she could talk to her friend.  Before the call, my friend was in high energy.  After the call, her energy depleted.  She said she had just talked to a friend who was always very negative.  Every time they talked, she felt her energy drained.  I understood how she felt.  Years ago, I also had a similar experience.  I felt exhausted after talking to a friend over the phone.  I put down the phone and said, "I would not answer her call again!"  Right then, I 'got' that I was supposed to listen with discernment, and should continue to talk to her.  The friend continued to call every now and then.  As I centered in peace, I did not feel my energy depleted again.

The truth was most of us were affected to a certain degree of what we held in our mind or when we had a conversation with others.  It was worth to observe our state of being closely.  Why were we upset?  When were we happy?  Could we be happy no matter what*?  (* "You could be happy no matter what" was the best guidance from my spirit guide during the restaurant years.  I had written about the experience in one of my posts, but did not know which post.  If you have time, please click to view A Play on the Stage of Life )

This day I let go of my earthly perception of Rosie.  Rosie may or may not let go of her concept of hell.  It is her journey of discovery.  Each one of us is responsible for our own life.  In Grace, may all of us remember the truth that we are.

Love and Truth,
Q of D

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