Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"In the Name of God, heal!"

Continue from these posts
Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine   9/15/2015
The background of the significant experience of the birds  9/23/2015
Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense  9/24/2015
I had brought home the wrong book!  9/29/2015

About two hours later, severe pain inside the bottom of my feet woke me up.  I curved my feet towards my upper body.  From my experiences, this usually freed me from cramps.  It did not work this time.  I had cramps during pregnancy.  It was a long, long time ago.  From time to time I had minor pain on my feet, but this time the pain was terrible.  I rose from bed to hold my feet with my hands.  I imagined healing energy enfolded my feet (I learned this from books).  It did not help.  The pain was too much to bear.  All of a sudden, I heard myself yelled,

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

The pain abruptly subsided.  Luckily, my yelling did not wake my husband up.  While I was a light sleeper, my husband was a heavy sleeper.  Lying in bed, I wondered what overcame me to say those words.  Every time when I got sick, I begged God to heal me.  Even during the 4 days and nights excruciating pain ordeal, I just kept repeating, "God, please heal me. God, please heal me."  (Re my post The Grace of God )  "In the Name of God, heal!" sounded like a command to me.  I had never done that before.  As the pain subsided, I fell asleep again with a heart of gratitude.

I talked to my younger son on Tuesday (Oct.2, 2001).  I told him I wanted to write a letter to an author, but I did not see the signs that I had asked for.  He encouraged me to just do it (i.e. write the letter).  I said I was not ready for part of me was afraid to learn the truth.  He said, "Mom, you are never afraid.  Write to the author so that you can find out the truth once and for all."

On Oct.3, 2001, a customer who had become a good friend dined in.  I was very surprised to see her walked in without a cane.

She was in her 70 s.  She always walked with a cane.   She said her feet and legs hurt all the time.  Recently she told me the pain was getting worse and worse.  She could not sleep at night.  She was afraid she might have bone cancer.  (Her husband died of bone cancer.)  She said she had made an appointment with a doctor.  I told her not to worry.  She was a good friend.  She was the customer who stayed and talked to me for hours.  She believed in angels and the afterlife.  In recent nights, I had prayed for her with all my heart and soul.

Since she walked in without a cane, I assumed her visit to the doctor must have helped her.  I asked her about it.  She said she had not seen the doctor yet for her appointment was next week.  She said she had been walking without a cane since yesterday because she woke up feeling much better.  Seeing the smile back on her face, I was very happy for her.

Somehow, what happened reminded me of another incident concerning a graceful black woman that worked in a store.  She was a cashier.  Sometimes she worked at the lottery counter.  Whenever she saw us, she greeted us with a big smile.  Even when we lined up at other checkout lanes, she waved at us with a great smile.  I had seen many customers smiled back at her just as we did because she was so nice and friendly.  (The cashier in this post was not the cashier in my post She looked like a movie star.)

One afternoon, I went shopping for the restaurant.  I saw her working at the lottery counter*.  One look at her, I knew she was very sick.  I went to buy a lottery ticket.  I asked, "How are you?"  In a barely audible voice, she told me she had been sick for some days and her whole body hurt terribly.  I asked if she had seen a doctor.  She said she did, but the medicine did not help.  I suggested for her to take some days off and rest at home.  She said she had already taken a few sick days.  She had to work because she needed money to pay the rent.  I looked at her with lots of compassion.  (*This was the same store that I wrote about in Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 2.  The lottery counter used to be right by the entrance.  The layout of the store is different now.)

That night I knelt down by the side of the bed and prayed for the cashier.  As I prayed, excruciating pain came over my entire body.  I kept praying.  Meanwhile, I wondered why I was in so much pain.  When I finished praying, I was surprised the pain was completely gone.  I was fine.

The next day, my husband asked me to go to the store to buy something.  Again, I saw the woman at the lottery counter.  She looked at me with her usual wonderful smile.  I asked how she was doing.  She said she felt great for she was no longer in pain.  I was glad she was well.  I thought the pain I felt during prayer was just a coincidence.

When I connected this incident to the severe feet pain incident, I thought*** it might be I should read some books as how to pray or ask for protection before I prayed. (That was what I had written down, but I never followed through on that thought.  Please see note at the end of this post.)

Later that night (i.e. Wed. Oct.3, 2001), my son called me.  He asked if I had made up my mind to write to the author.  I said I would only do it if God gave me the signs.  My son said, "Mom, God is going to give you the signs again."

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            Next post Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign

*** If I remembered correctly (since I had not written it down), I believed I had said to my guides and angels that I would continue to pray for others, but I did not want to experience other's pain anymore.   Since then, I had not experienced any pain or discomfort again when I prayed for others.

The above incidents happened in the restaurant years.

After we sold the restaurant, I eventually stepped outside of my family as guided.  When I participated in healing service (or worked on others), I set the intention to be a pure, clear, open channel of healing love and light.  I did not pray for protection for I had faith in the Loving Divine.  I did not ask others which part of their body needed healing before I worked on them.  Afterward, people often said, "How do you know my shoulder (or any part of the body) is hurting since I have not told you?  Is it because you feel the pain I have?"  No, I did not feel other's pain during a session.  I had no idea why the Energy guided me to work on certain parts of his / her body.  Some healers saw images or received information while working on others.  I normally heard and saw nothing.  I did not concern myself with the outcome, and all credits went to the Divine.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I had brought home the wrong book!

Continue from The background of the significant experience of the birds and Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense

Days earlier, I had borrowed some books from the library.  Normally, I kept the library books at home.  That day I decided to leave the bag of books in the restaurant.  With the business, we were in the restaurant 12 to 13 hours a day.  I thought I would read the books when I had time.

Before closing time on Oct.1, 2001, I took a book from the bag.  As usual, I sat by the table near the cash register in the dining room.  Around 10 pm, I turned off the light in the dining room, and went into the kitchen to finish closing up.  As my husband and I were about to get out of the restaurant, I thought I would continue to read the book at home.  Hurriedly, I rushed to get the book.

After the strange smoke incident, I picked up the book I had brought home.  I went to the family room and sat down.  It was then I realized I had brought home the wrong book!  I had brought home a book that I had finished reading a couple of days ago.  I wondered how could this happen.  I realized it happened because I was in a hurry to get the book.  Instead of picking up the book from the table, I had gone to get a book out of the bag.  I did not realize the mistake because both were hardcover books with yellow on the covers.  Holding the book in my hand, it suddenly dawned on me that 'there are no accidents'.  I held the book to my heart and prayed, "God, if it is what I think, please show me a page number."  A number came to my mind.  As I read that page, I was shocked.  I asked for a confirmation and got another number.  I later flipped through the whole book.  It was only on these two pages that there were something as mind-boggling to me as when I was holding the little green bible.

Obviously, when I read that book days earlier, what were written on those two pages did not stir up any emotion.  The green bible incident shook me, but two years had gone by.  The message I received came to my mind once in a while, but I looked at it with doubts.   There was no way the message was for me!  Therefore, part of me wanted to find the truth behind what happened, yet part of me was not.

However, with the 444 incident on Sept. 29, the thought of writing a letter the following day, the phenomenal smoke incident on Mid-Autumn Festival, and the wrong book incident, I could not help but thought, "May be it is the time to find the truth."  Later, I used the computer to record what had happened.

When I finally went to bed, it was 2 am (Oct. 2, 2001, Tuesday).  Less than two hours later, severe pain inside the bottom of my feet woke me up.

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                                     Next post "In the Name of God, heal!"

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense...

Continue from my last post The background of the significant experience of the birds

Oct. 1, 2001 (Monday) was the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival.

When we arrived home (after closing up the restaurant), it was past 11 pm.  We put some mooncakes and fruit on the table.  I lit some sticks of incense.  We normally let the incense burn for quite a while or finish burning before we ate the mooncakes.  My husband said he was full and did not want any mooncake.  He went upstairs to sleep because he felt very tired.

After my husband went upstairs, I stood by the table watching the scattered smoke of the incense.  It was a day to appreciate the full moon, and we had opened the windows when we were home.  The table was by the windows.  The smoke of the incense was blown all over the room by the wind.  As I was looking at the scattered smoke, the idea 'pray now' came.  As much as the human I was surprised** at the prompting, I followed.

(**I had already prayed because we customarily prayed after we lit the incense.)

I bowed my head and totally immersed in praying, "I bow before Thee.  I am praying for the people in the Middle East, in Afghanistan, in Africa, and in New York.  Please replace hate with love; please let us love one another; please ........."  At one point, something made me open my eyes.  To my great surprise, the smoke of the incense was shooting straight up, very straight and not a bit wavy!  At the same time, I could feel the wind from the windows.  I lowered my head again, closed my eyes, and continued praying for world peace and for the people who had lost their loved ones in the 9/11 Terrorists Attacks.  When I finished, the incense was almost burnt to the bottom, but the little smoke it had still shot straight up.  Then the smoke was completely gone.

The night was not over.  There was yet another experience that made me feel 'I really, really want some answers to my experiences'.

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                     Next post I had brought home the wrong book


Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the lunar calendar.  This year we will celebrate the festival on Sept. 27 (Sunday).

On Chinese New Year's Day and other traditional festivals, most Chinese prayed for themselves and their loved ones.  This was what I did after I lit the incense on that Mid-Autumn Festival.  When I looked back at what had happened, I saw a shift in my prayers before and after the prompting.  It was not that I thought of what to pray when I was prompted to pray.  The shift was automatic.
Our thought and prayer matter in the reality that we create.  In the greater sense of Truth, we are not separated from one another - we are one.  When we pray for others (or the world), we are in fact praying for ourselves.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The background of the significant experience of the birds


Here is the experience of the birds that I had promised to share in my last post  Stories of Birds, Bees, and other Signs from the Divine .

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On Sept. 29, 2001, I was reading in the dining room.  It was a Saturday.  Usually, customers began to order around 6 pm.  Suddenly, this came to me 'Go inside and look! It is 4:44 pm'.  (In our restaurant, we had a small alarm clock in the kitchen, and there was no clock in the dining room.)  Immediately, I countered it with 'No, it is all in my mind'.  'Go!'  I walked into the kitchen.  Sure enough, it was 4:44 pm.

The 444 happenings started in the last quarter of 1999.  Many nights I woke up from my sleep, and 'was told' to look at the clock.  It was always 4:44 am!  During that time, I heard the voice of my spirit guide for the first time except I did not know anything about spirit guides and angels at that time.  It was the most unthinkable message or sentence.  Not knowing what to make of it, I tried to put it behind me.

However, other strange incidents occurred.  For instance, one day, I saw a small green bible in my sons room.  I had never seen it before.  Strangely, the number of a page came to me as soon as I picked up the bible.  I turned to that page.  It was about an incident, and there was a name.  I held the bible to my heart, and asked for another page number.  I was given another number.  I was very, very surprised that the page was about the same incident with the same name but in a different gospel.  I knew my son was not into any religion, and wondered where did this little bible come from.  Later that night, my son told me over the phone that some people handed out those pocket-size bibles on campus.  He took one home and put it on the computer desk.  (Both of my sons lived on campuses, and came home every few weeks.)

Hoping to find some answers, I eventually went to the library.  On some occasions, energy filled my sensitive hand to reach out to certain books that the human I had not thought of borrowing.  For two years (2000 - 2001), I read many metaphysical and spiritual books.  From the books, I learned we all had our own spirit guides and angels.  I also learned 444 meant the Power of God's Love.

In other words, the 444 incident on Sept. 29, 2001 was not something new.  However, it reminded me that two years had gone by since I heard the message.  Still, l did not know what to make of it.  With the 444 incident, the urge within to find some answers was very strong that afternoon.  Besides, I wanted to know if selling the business was the right thing to do.  As much as I wished for success for my husband, part of me felt it was time to move on.  At night, I prayed earnestly for answers.

On Sept. 30, I drove my younger son back to campus.  On the lone drive back to the restaurant, I kept thinking about the message.  I also thought of writing a letter to an author for guidance.  It was a Sunday morning.  The traffic was very light.  I began talking to God, "God, is the message really for me?  If it is, there must be a reason. Should I write to this author?  If I should, please show me some signs.  Please let me see a group of birds resting on the utility wires in front of our restaurant today, and also let me see 444."

I did see 4:44 pm and a group of small birds on the utility wires that afternoon.  I told myself I saw 444 because I paid attention to the time whenever I walked into the kitchen.  It was unlike the day before that I was told it was 4:44 pm.  I saw those small birds around the strip mall all the time.  It was not that special that about 20 of them were resting on the utility wires.  I dismissed them as the signs that I had prayed for.

In retrospect, my earthly qualifications, a simple Chinese woman with a secondary school education whose English was not good, were very much on my mind.  Though I had asked for signs, part of me did not really want to write the letter.  I was afraid to know the truth or how the truth might affect my life.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stories of Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine


In Suddenly, I announced it was time to buy another car, a few big white birds appeared out of nowhere making loud sounds in the sky right above us.  Immediately, I recognized the significance of their (birds) presence.  I gave thanks to the angels for their help.  It was 2004.  The many touches of God during the restaurant years had taught me to pay attention to the signs of the Loving Divine.

While The Incredible 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' Phenomenon was obvious and indisputable, the appearance of birds, no matter how spectacular, was not easy to perceive as signs from the Divine.  For instance, one day during the restaurant years, I had a heavy heart.  I prayed for relief.  When I walked out of the apartment, I saw numerous small birds flew from the trees across from our apartment to the two trees next to our apartment.  Back and forth, the birds flew and covered part of the sky.  The unexpected scene captivated me.  I stood there in awe.  When the birds finally flew away, the heaviness in my heart was gone.  However, I thought the wonderful bird show was but a natural happening of nature.

It took a few more times before I realized the love of the angels.  The angels knew I loved nature.  Birds, trees, and flowers made me happy.  It was their way to uplift my spirit.  Below are some of my experiences of birds.

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One morning, my husband and I arrived at the strip mall (i.e. where our restaurant was).  I was sad.  It was my son's birthday.  I had talked to him the night before.  He was not happy.  He had graduated from a university, but could not find the job he wanted.  Without hesitation, he went to work in a store because he knew we / the family needed the money.   As a mother, how much I wish he was happy especially on his birthday!  I got out of the car.  I saw a large flock of birds flying in our direction from a distance away.  At that very moment, I 'got' that the birds would come and circle above me a few times!  My husband was already at the door of the restaurant.  I told him I would go in after watching the birds.  The birds came.  Incredibly, the whole flock of birds flew in a circular direction above me a few times before they flew away.  My heart was filled with awe and gratitude.  Peace filled my entire being.  I knew everything was going to be alright no matter how life appeared to be.

Later that night, I was glad to see my son came home in a good mood.  His brother and their friends had gathered to celebrate his birthday.  He was happy on his birthday after all.

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In my post Gateway to Heaven, I shared with you the following experience.

After volunteering at the soup kitchen for some months, I decided to attend their church service one Sunday.

The soup kitchen was inside the church.  I usually arrived before 10:30 am and left around 3 pm on the days I volunteered.  All those days, I had never seen a single bird in their parking lot.  However, I saw a phenomenal scene that Sunday.  When I got out of my car, I saw a small flock of white birds flying right above my car!  They stayed for quite a while at a short distance above my head.  In retrospect, the angels were probably showing me their love and support for I had taken a step outside of my comfort zone to sit among lots of people that day.

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This happened years ago.  I learned from the newspaper that the city we lived in had completed the construction of a large, beautiful park.  It had a big artificial body of water, streams, and small bodies of water throughout the park.  Unlike me, my husband did not appreciate the beauty of nature.  He said he saw hills, grass, fields, ponds, animals, and birds while he grew up in the village.  He regarded them as nothing special.  When our sons were young, we brought them to parks quite often so that they could play.  After our sons grew up, we stopped going to parks.  I had talked to my husband about the new park in the city, but he showed no interest of going there.  I knew he would go with me if I asked him to.  However, I did not want to drag him to a place where he saw no point of going.

One summer afternoon, we had to go somewhere near the park.   I finally said I wanted to visit the park.  Very few people were there.  Standing by the big body of water, I was surprised I did not see any seagull.  I expressed my disappointment.  My husband looked at me.  He said, "Why do you expect to see seagulls?  This is not the beach.  It is not by the sea."  I said, "I thought I would always see seagulls above bodies of water.  I see seagulls in the parking lots of restaurants and stores.  I have hoped to see lots of seagulls here."  My husband said, "You see birds in the parking lots of stores and restaurants because they can find food there.  This is an artificial body of water.  In other parks, sometimes you see people fishing.  If you look into the water, there is nothing much for the seagulls to eat.  Of course, seagulls will not come here."  I closed my eyes.  I said in my heart, "But, I have come to see the seagulls!"  I opened my eyes, and continued on my walk along the body of water.

Suddenly, a few white birds (seagulls) came.  Soon, lots and lots of white birds came.  They flew gracefully above the water, and put on quite a show.  My husband watched in disbelief.  I smiled.  I was grateful and joyful beyond words.  (I just went online to see pictures of seagulls.  I was surprised that there were so many different types of seagulls.  The seagulls I saw that afternoon were white.  Since that incident, I observed the seagulls I normally saw in parking lot of stores were mostly white with grayish blue wings.)

Since that afternoon, my husband and I visited the park once in a while.  We often saw ducks, but did not see seagulls again.  Somewhere in the park, there was a line of trees.  I usually walked by the trees thanking them for sharing with us their peace, beauty and healing energy.  One time, healing energy surged through my hand and moved me to work on a tree.  It was then I saw that lightning had struck part of the tree.  Since we moved back to this state, we had not visited the city we used to live.  I hoped to visit the park again someday.

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This morning I took a walk.  Later, I sat on a bench.  A  honey bee came and circled around me - my hands, arms, jean, head, and body.  It stayed about 2 inches above my body.  I waited for quite a while, but the bee still flew around me.  Later, I stood up and walked home.

Bees and many other things are signs from the Divine too.

If you have been following my blog, you know 2007 was a year of many changes for me.  Before I realized the changes, I saw cars with license plates BEE and BED wherever I went.  It was unbelievable!  From my dream experiences, bed signified something in the making (i.e. events in our life  that are about to unfold).***   One day, I found a bumble bee on the window of our car.  On another day, I went to a big body, mind and spirit festival.  Arriving home, I found a big bumble bee on the handle of the screen door.  In other words, in order to open the screen door, I had to touch the handle.  I observed the bumble bee was barely breathing (from the movement of his body).  I waited and waited for it to fly away, but it did not.  I thought it was dying and too weak to fly.  I touched it lightly, and it flew away as fast as lightning.

The bee I saw this morning was a honey bee.  I wondered what it meant.  Anyway, the Divine gave us signs all the time.  Sometimes signs were simply manifested to show us the ever present love that was around us and in us.

I hope to share with you one of the most important experiences of birds in my next post.

Many blessings,
Q of D

***Many people look up meanings from books (or online) of the signs they see and the dreams they have.  However, the same sign may have a different meaning to different people.  For example, there are two people.  One loves little animals and the other strongly dislikes pets.  They both dream of a dog.  Their feeling in their dreams may be very different.  How we feel is also an important factor in understanding the dream or the sign.  Therefore, the symbols I understand from my dreams may not apply to other people's dreams.  However, if we pay attention, all of us can gradually learn how to better interpret our own dreams or the signs we see.

If you are interested, please click to view What do we do when we have dreams of fear and More on Dreams . 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It is always a joy to see all of you


Recently we were in our younger son's house.  Our son and his family had moved to another city last December.  They moved there because they wanted their children to go to good schools.  Our grandchildren loved their present house because it had a bigger backyard than the old one.

We, our grandchildren and us, played with giant cardboard blocks.  We built a fort with the blocks, and had lots of fun.  Then it was time to clean up the playroom.  (It was the rule in their house that the children had to put everything back to where they belonged after they played.)  The blocks were originally sitting in a corner of the playroom.  It was easy to push all the blocks back to that corner, but I wanted the little ones to have some fun doing things in a different way.  We formed a line similar to people passing the heavy sand bags to one another.  I asked my husband to pass to me a few blocks.  I passed them to our granddaughter who in turn passed them to her brother to put in the corner.  (The youngest one was in the family room.)  We worked as a team.  We did it in a way as if we had to do it in a hurry.  (Their parents said they had to clean up in five minutes!)  Our granddaughter and grandson were laughing happily as they tried to pass the bricks as fast as they could.  Yeah, this grandma was all smiles too!

A while later, our son saw what we did.  He said, "Just put the blocks into the big plastic bucket!  It is much faster that way!"  As he walked away, he murmured, "That is the slowest way of doing it (i.e. we did it by passing the blocks to one another)."   He did not see I looked at him with a smile.***

One day, my grandson played with a wooden board that had lines of holes.  There were five lines and each had five holes.  It came to me we could play Tic-tac-toe with the board.  My grandson was surprised to hear that for he only knew the 9 squares Tic-tac-toe game.  It was new to him that we could play the game on 5 x 5.  I intentionally let him win so that he could get the hang of the game with enthusiasm.

At one point, I looked over to my son.  He was smiling.  He let me know from his facial expression that he knew I let his son win.  He slightly swayed his head to show he did not agree with what I did.  I smiled.  I respected his authority over his children.  He and his wife had always taught their children to play games fair and square, but I was not teaching / allowing his son to cheat.  I continued to play the game with my grandson allowing him to learn the game at his own pace without pointing out this or that move was right / wrong.  My grandson soon learned how to play the new Tic-tac-toe.  As we continued, I observed he actually tried to let his old grandma win.  It reminded me of the times he taught me to play the games that I had never played before.  When I lose, he said, "It is okay, Ah Ma (grandma).  With practice, you will do better."  He had probably heard those words from his parents, but I knew he meant what he said from his heart.

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We visit our son's family once or twice a month now since we do not live as close to each other as before.  It is always a joy to see them (i.e.our son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren).  Our dear ones had once laughingly teased us that we were only happy to see their kids.  I hope I make my point with pink color wordings.  If not, that is okay.  It may be my dear ones can come up with some more jokes.  Ha!  Ha!

Q of D  

***I did not take it personally.  He made this comment because of his personality.  As his mother, I had known he was very bright since he was small.  The readings confirmed that this soul was very bright, intelligent, and creative.  In many lifetimes, he was the one who designed cities and engineered bridges.  He was very good in solving problems that people often sought his counsel.  However, in a reading, the advice for this bright soul was to lighten up because he was too serious sometimes.