Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Sukiyaki on Christmas Morning


Merry Christmas to all!

This morning I woke up hearing Sukiyaki in the air.  I was surprised.  Sukiyaki on the morning of Christmas?  Later in the morning, I could not hum a tune of the music.  This was the third time I woke up hearing this piece of music.  (Re my post  Why did I wake up hearing a song about Japanese food? published in June, 2018) 

In Divine Inspiration and Co-creation , I felt inspired to use my own words as I listened to the music O Come, O Come, Emmanuel played by the Piano Guys.  As if making a song of my own, I could now easily and joyfully sing the song at will.  A few months ago, I woke up hearing 500 Miles (Peter, Paul and Mary version).  I only knew it was 500 miles, and did not know the lyrics.  I listened to it online. 

If you miss the train I'm on
You will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

Immediately, I felt the beginning of the song was sad.  I decided to change it.

I'll get on the train you are on
And join the lightworkers gathered there
We go anywhere as guided
to anchor light
We go east
We go south
We go west
We go north
Where there is a need of us, we'll be there

I called this song A Train of Lightworkers

As with the O Come, O Come, Emmanuel song, I had since sung my version of 500 Miles (A Train of Lightworkers) when I was in the mood to sing.  As for Sukiyaki , I still had a hard time recalling the tune when the music was not on.  I did not feel the need to do anything as I did with the other two songs.  Why did I hear Sukiyaki this Christmas morning?  I did not understand.  Would I ever know why?  Time would tell.

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I have recently edited my posts on the 2006 Camp Chesterfield trip.  Here are the links to the posts.

A Man's Face on the Moon Card Saved My Day
We are all much more than who we appear to be
Don't be too critical of ourselves and others

It is a nice Christmas.  The weather is calm, and there is no snow.  It is a joy to see my loved ones. 

Peace and blessings,
Q of D 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Be mindful of what we say


One day, many at the circle tried to help a friend to look at her problems in life from a different perspective.  However, it was obvious this friend was not ready to accept the advice at the time.  She joined the circle not long ago ***.  She was angry and sad because she felt her coworkers as well as her family had not treated her right.  

When the circle was over, she looked lost and frustratedI looked at her with compassion.  I walked to her and told her about the good in her.  Then I left.  

When we met again, she said what I said that morning had possibly saved her life. She told me what happened.

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After I left, the friend stayed behind to chat with others in the circle.  Suddenly, she found Cindy** stood in front of her.  (** Cindy used to be a regular at the circle, but had not come for some weeks.  That morning was the first time they met each other.)  Right away, Cindy said the friend was the most negative person she had ever met.  For the next few minutes, Cindy blurted out many more stuff about her such as she was so negative in this incident and selfish in another.  The friend stood there in shock.  She could not utter a word in response to what Cindy said. 

When Cindy finished talking, the friend walked out of the center in a daze.  She got into her car and drove away.  In her mind, she kept thinking she must really be a very bad person, or how else someone that met her for the first time said that of her.  She felt terrible physically and emotionallyShe could not focus on her drivingJust then, she had a flashback of what I said.  She thought, "I can't be that bad!  Q of D (i.e. me) has said there is good in me!"  Taking comfort in the good in herself, she was able to recover from the shock.  She drove home safely.

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I knew Cindy.  She used to come to the circle regularly.  She was known for her clairvoyance and psychic gift.  We loved her.  Sometimes she seemed to have a hard time dealing with the information she received and what to do with them.  I believed she never intended to hurt the friend.  She probably saw lots of images in her mind eye that day, and blurted them out.  Perhaps she thought it might 'force' the friend to examine her attitude and change by relating what she saw.

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Each one of us learns life lessons at one's own pace.  Sometimes our words can help or uplift others.  At other times, our words may hurt or even destroy others.  To say the right words at the right time can be miracle in the making.  At other times, the same words may either fall into the deaf ears or be the cause of irritation.  We have to be mindful of what we say.  It serves us well to remember we all have our own shortcomings, and always treat others as how we want others to treat us (which to me is love and respect).

When I talked to the friend before I left, I did not know she would have such an experience.  

In retrospect, I can see the Grace of God in this incident.  The experience may seem to involve only the three of us, but it is our experience since we are interconnected.  May love always be in all that we do.

Many blessings,
Q of D

*** All of us at the circle usually hugged one another after the circle was over, but for weeks this friend always walked past me as if she did not see me.  I let it be.  I understood some people were not comfortable with those that looked different from them.  A week earlier, I had taken the first step to greet her because I could sense her frustration was up to the rim.  I walked to her and gave her a hug.  She began to cry, and continued crying for quite a while.  Afterward, she looked embarrassed.  She said she did not understand why she cried.

**not the real name

Her loved ones did not want to hear her talk on spirituality


In a spiritual gathering, a woman said, "My children and their families as well as their in-laws are coming from another state for a visit.  Whenever my daughter comes, she always asked what I have been doing lately.  I enjoy spiritual meetings like this.  I really want to share with my loved ones the spiritual stuff that I have learned.  On previous occasions, everyone became very quiet after I talked.  They looked at me as if I was weird.  My daughter or son tried to talk about something else.  I don't know what to do this time.  If my daughter asks, I probably will talk about this meeting.  I am honest.  I cannot lie!"

From her voice, we could hear she was very frustrated about her situation.  A young man raised his hand and talked for quite a while.  His words were wise and kind.  Unfortunately, the woman, in her state of mind, could not take in what he said.  The woman felt very frustrated because she thought it would be good for her loved ones to hear what she learned.  However, what good could come if they found her talk repulsive?

A few of my friends (female) had voiced similar frustration.  I could relate to how they felt for I was in a similar situation as they were.  My husband was not supportive of me going among people outside of my family.  After I spoke at church or facilitated workshops, my husband never asked if everything went well.

As a child, I gradually knew to keep my dreams to myself when I observed the adults were not really interested in hearing them.  When I had those unexplainable or mystical experiences during the challenging restaurant years, I kept most of them to myself.  It was not easy to convey the touches of the Divine.  On some occasions, these happenings touched me deeply, but I fully understood other people might not feel the way I felt.  Our experiences with God / the Divine were often felt on a personal levelWhen others heard them, they might either feel what happened was nothing special or it was all in one's mind to see something out of nothing.  Some might think those occurrences happened by chance or were merely coincidences.
When I heard my spirit guide's voice for the first time, I knew nothing about spirit guides and angels.  The sentence / message was so strange or unthinkable that I could not set it aside.  I thought there was no way the message was for me.  I called my younger son thinking it might be for him.  At the time, he was a freshman in college.  As more strange incidents occurred, I shared some of them with him.  However, in later years / in recent years, I chose to listen when I was with my loved ones.  As with dreams, I realized it was better to keep my mystical experiences to myself.  I did not feel as frustrated as the woman did because I liked to listen and observe.  Of course, it would be nice if we had someone in the family that was like-minded, but we had to accept if they had different interest / preferences.

I understood my older son's personality.  Therefore, I rarely talked to him about my spiritual experiences.  One day, he talked to me about something.  In response, I shared with him an experience that I thought was relevant to what he was talking about.  Immediately, he said for me not to share with him anything spiritual again.  His bluntness or the tone he spoke irritated me.  In return, I said, "Okay.  I will not share with you any spiritual experience again; likewise, you must promise me you will not talk to me about bodybuilding again."  (Yes, the human I reacted to his words.)  Not expecting to hear what I said, he paused for a while before saying he would not talk to me about bodybuilding again.

Did he stop talking to me about bodybuilding?  No.  When he watched videos of bodybuilding competition online, he asked me to guess who won.  Sometimes he talked to me about other bodybuilders' stories and asked for my comment.

Bodybuilding is his passion.  What is a mother if I cannot listen to him?

As for me, I was mindful of what I said since that day many years ago.  However, on a couple of occasions, I did share something spiritual because I felt the time might be right for him to hear my experience.  He seemed to take in what I said, and did not respond with irritation.

Though he says he is not into spirituality, my son has always let me know he is willing to drive me to spiritual gatherings.  For this, I am grateful.

After I finished this post, I decided to publish Be mindful of what we say
again (it was originally posted in 2012).

Love and blessings,
Q of D