Sunday, February 28, 2021

Have A Great New Beginning


Continue from my last post I kept asking myself "Why am I here?" .  

In the dream, I found myself in a gathering of recognized healers.  I felt I did not belong to be there because I did not see myself as a healer.  I wondered why I was there or why I was invited.  Upon waking up, I realized the me in the dream was a reflection of the me in life.  After contemplation, I understood how relevant it was for me to have the dream at this time.

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Did I feel qualify as a healer?  

At church and in spiritual centers, I had seen a few healers demonstrated what they did during healing sessions.  They were calm and collected.  Some of them knew what was wrong by seeing, sensing or feeling one's energy field.  As for me, I might be able to see one's sadness / pain in his eyes, but did not get anything about one's illness.  Some healers got info or messages to relate to the one they worked on.  I rarely ** received anything to relate to those that came for healing.   ( ** "Tell her that she is very, very loved." )  

A friend told me she was very pleased with a healer because he worked on her for over an hour.  It was normal for people to feel that way.  Since my way of going about a healing session was 'let go let god', I would work on a client as long as needed.  However, often than not, a session could be over in a couple of minutes to about 15 minutes.  I understood some people wanted me to work on them longer.  However, when I felt it was finished, it was finished (or for the time being).  Some healing arts had a procedure of what to do before, during and how to finish a healing session, but that was not the way I went through a session.  I was not a professional healer, and was never concerned about time.  On a few occasions, people chose to remain in the field of healing energy (on a massage table / chair) for a long, long time.  I would leave them alone, and let them take as much time as they wanted.  

In some ways, I always felt I did not know much about healing.  This feeling might have much to do with my experiences during which I was suddenly moved to heal others.  When that happened, I was as surprised as others.  Though part of me was at peace, the human I understood how inappropriate it was in the social view.  For examples, I stood up to work on 5 people in the middle of a Sunday service; during the healing circle, I suddenly moved to work on a woman that another healer was working on.  (Re My higher self and the human I in my healing experiences )  After the Sunday service incident, a brother who was himself a wonderful, long time healer called me.  He said I should remain sitting where I was to channel healing energy without drawing attention.  A loving being that he was, I knew that he must be doing that during Sunday services.  I could not explain to him that energy had been flowing into me in the past without causing any attention, and what happened that Sunday was a total shock to me.  Thanks to the loving Divine, I got to understand why this or that happened as things continued to unfold, or received validations from others.  (Re Part 1 - The Unexpected Incident , Part 2 - The Gathering , Part 3 - The Dream and Part 4 - Afterthought of the Whole Experience )

As a result of these experiences, I felt I might be a channel of healing energy.  However, I was not qualified as a healer / a professional healer.

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After the dream I kept asking myself "Why am I here?", I realized the me in the dream was a reflection of the me in life.  

In the days that followed, I happened to read my post More on my journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy .  Upon hearing that I had learned a healing art (Mar. 2007), the teacher of the Thursday Circle who was now also the owner of the center immediately asked me to be the on-site healer on Wednesdays.  Instead of feeling joyful about the opportunity, I judged myself unqualified.  Below was the postscript of the post.

P.S.  As I re-read this post on July 15, 2019, I realized how easily I judged myself and set limitations instead of opening up to what could be.  I also realized I might have made some progress in this aspect, but I had as yet let go of this pattern / old habit of thinking.

I also read the following in my post Have a Blissful 2017 

As I reread Who Smiles? Who Sees?, the words of the psychic in the March 2006 reading came to my mind.  She said, "In this lifetime, you have come to live an ordinary life.  You come to collect data living as an ordinary person, but cream is lighter than water.  You will eventually rise to the top because of who you are."  I asked her to explain.  She related her visions of me, but what she said was not what I wanted to hear.  I wanted to know where to look for a job and have an income.  For a while, she paused as if taking in the images she saw.  She said, "Q of D, you come to live an ordinary life.  You want to be like everybody else,  but you are not everybody else.  You are different.  You have to accept who you are ... "

I also remembered what happened on the first day of the 7-Day spiritual retreat.  The spiritual master said to Samuel, "She is an instrument."  He turned to me and said, "When you accept who you are, you will be much more and can help many people." His words caused a strong emotional reaction within me.  I thought I had accepted who I was by stepping outside of my comfort zone to mix with people.  (Re Day 1 of the one week spiritual retreat )

It was no accident that I had the dream and reread the two posts.     

According to the divine messages through many channels around the world, we have been embarking on a new beginning.  During the ascension, there have been multi downloads of energies, frequencies and vibrations from different dimensions.  There are many shifts and transformation.  It is the time of awakening that many people have been waiting for.  Some people may smoothly ease into the new beginning, some may find life chaotic and confusing, while others may experience a mix of both.  The new beginning is like a clean, new canvas for each to create or draw.  The message is '2021 is a year of creation', and it is of vital importance that we pay attention to what we hold in our mind / thought.

It was true the divine (higher self / guides / angels / loving ascended beings) was ever present to inspire, guide and assist.  I realized I should let go of the limiting old view of self that had been holding me back.  It is time to fully accept and embrace the truth I am!

In love, I share with you my experience.  I hope you will look deep within and release whatever may be holding you back.  

Have a great new beginning!

Q of D

Monday, February 15, 2021

In the dream, I kept asking myself, "Why am I here?"


A while back, I had a dream in which I kept asking myself "Why am I here?"  Upon waking up, I saw the time on the clock was 5:53 a.m.  

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I was in a gathering.  The place was spacious.  The host was a woman.  Other than the host and a few others, it seemed we *** were there because we had received invitations to come.  (*** There were probably about 10 to 15 of us.)  The host began the meeting by asking one after another to talk about herself or himself.  As I listened, I realized this was a gathering of healers, and those that were invited were highly regarded healers.  A woman healer said she was clairvoyant.  She talked in length about her healing work.  Another healer shared his healing modality and experiences.  All the while, I wondered why I was there.  I thought they were known healers, but I was not; in fact, not many people knew me as a healer.

Next scene - People were walking back into the place after a break.  (Outside, I saw bright sunlight.)  Some new faces walked among us.  They were not there earlier.

As I walked back inside, I saw a man sat on a long sofa (much longer than the average sofa) near the back of the place.  I recognized him as a well known healer.  (The me in the dream recognized him, but in life I did not know such a person.)  I went to sit on a regular size sofa by the side of the wall.

Two women went to sit on the sofa where the man was.  They were known healers too.  The man sat to the left, one woman sat in the middle, and the other woman sat to the right.  There was a lot of space between the three of them because it was an extra long sofa.  The woman that sat in the middle looked at me with a wonderful smile.  She said to me, "Don't sit there alone!  Come and sit with me!"  I went to sit next to her.  In my heart, I continued to wonder why I was there.

There was a commotion in the front of the hall (i.e. near the entrance).  A young woman said loudly that a particular woman healer should have been invited.  She said the healer had performed many magical healing, and lots of people lined up to receive healing from her everyday.  A small group of people that came with the young woman voiced their support.  In a calm and polite voice, the host said the organization had done a research before sending out the invitations.  The young woman continued to say the healer she knew was very famous and should have been invited. 

Again, I wondered, "Why am I here?"  I felt I did not belong to be there or I was not qualified.

The man sitting on the long sofa said, "She (the young woman) just does not get it.  The host is telling her that the one she tries to promote is not qualified because the organization had done a thorough research.  Those that are invited are real healers."

The me in the dream continued to ask myself "Why am I here?"  I did not understand how I could be one of the healers that were being invited.  

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As I woke up, I went over the dream in my mind.  I remembered it clearly, yet only part of the dream was vivid.  For examples, I saw images of the man healer, the extra long sofa, the woman healer that invited me to sit next to her, and the bright sunlight outside.  (As mentioned above, the me in the dream recognized the two healers, yet they were not any healer that I knew / heard of in this plane).  At the time of this writing, I could no longer recall how they looked like except I might have a brief description of them in my journal.  In the dream, it was obvious the gathering was not a ceremony for glory or honor.  The healers were invited there for a purpose. 

In my experience, my dreams sometimes conveyed an advice or an important message that was relevant to where I was (spiritually speaking), e.g. A Powerful, Profound Dream .  As I contemplated over the dream of "why am I here'', I understood how relevant it was for me to have such a dream at this time.  Afterward, I thought it was time to go back to sleep.  I looked over to the clock.  The time was 6:53 a.m., exactly one hour had gone by. 

I would share my understanding of why I had this dream in my next post.  

The ground is covered with snow.  Stay warm, and may peace be with you always!

Love and blessings,
Q of D