Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Wonders of God are here, there, and everywhere


Last Saturday I took a walk on the sidewalk of the road in the late afternoon.  It was a five-lane road.  The center lane was a turn lane.  Traffic on the two lanes that were near the sidewalk (i.e. where I was) was eastbound while traffic on the two outermost lanes was westbound.  I was walking towards the east.  It was a hot day.  After about fifteen minutes, I decided to go home.  I turned around.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a car in the outermost lane with a 4444 license plate!

As I had mentioned in my other posts, 444 meant the power of God's love.  It was a very special number to me.  The state I lived in only required a license plate at the rear of a vehicle.  The car was heading west.  I would not have seen its license plate if I had not turned around to go home at that very moment.  The synchronicity made me smile.  "How great is the Divine!" I thought.

In the next second, I could no longer see the license plate clearly.  It was farther than what my eyes were capable of seeing.  I began to doubt.  I only spotted the numbers at that split second.  I thought I saw 4444, but I could be wrong.  How likely a car with a 4444 license plate would appear as I turned around, I thought to myself.

I continued to walk towards home.  I saw the traffic on the westbound lane in a distance away was somewhat congested due to the road construction.  I walked past some houses and a bank.  I stopped before the exit/enter lane of the school.  I was very surprised that the car I had spotted earlier actually made a turn into the school. The car stopped right in front of me.  The license plate was really 4444!  I was all smiles as the car made a U-turn back into the traffic.  It was now heading east instead of west.  People in the car must have a change of mind.  I was certainly glad they did.

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Since the last quarter of 1999, I have many wonderful 444 experiences.  I have related a few of those experiences in some of my posts.

In Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 2, I handed the pastor the envelope with the words of Christ.  I left the church.  I drove to a store.  As soon as I entered the store, I saw  a big sign with 4444.

In The Stop at a Railroad Crossing, I was very concerned about a young man.  I sat down to pray for him.  When I opened my eyes after praying, the time on the clock was 4:44 pm.

In The Lesson of Importance, my husband and I went to the bank.  When we came back on the road, I saw a car with a 444 license plate.  Immediately, with the music playing on the car radio, I loudly affirmed that I was important.  The radio practically stopped while I spoke even though my husband and I had not touched any button.  I was surprised.  I stopped talking, and the music resumed.

In The Importance of Maintaining Our Peace, I asked a company to send a technician to service the fire system as soon as possible because I knew the inspector might come any time.  The company said they could only send one out days later.  I let go (of my worries) let God.  I went shopping for the restaurant in the afternoon.  When I came back, a technician was there.  He said he was in another restaurant.  He flipped through his work orders, and decided to come instead of days later.  When he gave me the invoice, I was in awe.  The invoice number was 84444.

Before I left for the walk last Saturday, I had asked my angels to come with me.  I knew they were with me all the time, but I liked to acknowledge their presence in my life.  Normally, I took walks in the sports fields by the schools.  The 4444 license plate incident was a nice surprise and a loving touch of the Divine.

Our connection with the Divine is always there.  If we pay attention, God / the Divine are forever present in our daily life.  At times, we may have doubts (just as I did on Saturday).  However, if we allow our hearts to feel and our eyes to see, the wonders and beauty of God are here, there, and everywhere.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Thursday, July 16, 2015

What is G R A C E to you?

Dear Friends,

What is grace to you?

In today's (Day-4) meditation of manifesting grace, Oprah and Deepak described grace beautifully.  Oprah said, "Grace is replying; grace response."  Deepak said, "Grace is like the rain that falls on everyone alike." How true!  Thank you, Oprah and Deepak for sharing with us your wisdom.

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When I begin to write this post, tenderness fills my heart as I recall some of the grace in my life.

In The Grace of God, what a grace it was that my excruciating four days and nights painful ordeal happened right after we brought our older son home from the university.  My husband, who spoke little English, would not have been able to handle the business without our son's help.  With little money and no health insurance, I could only pray for healing.  What a grace it was I 'got' a date while I prayed.  Though I was a little bit off on my understanding of the date (see my post), this grace certainly helped me to hold on despite of the unbearable pain.

In The Grace of Good Intention, I found out I could not use my new camera on an important day.  I thought I would not have any picture of that day.  When the day was over, a woman came to me.  She told me she had taken pictures of me during the event.  It was her way of thanking me for a simple goodwill trip I made some nights ago.  Her grace (or the Grace of God) brought tears to my eyes.

In Let us start from ground zero, the brother, after listening to my explanation about the misunderstanding between his wife and me, said 'let us start from ground zero'. At the end of the post, I wrote 'Let us give ourselves and others the grace as the brother has given me'.  Indeed, we can be the grace in each other's life if we choose to turn a new page with love and acceptance in time of conflict / misunderstanding.

Now, let me share with you an incident that happened years ago.

On June 15, 2007, Friday, I went to the Center at night to participate in the New Moon Ceremony.  At the end of the ceremony, we formed a circle by putting the left hand on the right shoulder of the one standing next to us.  We put our right hands forward to send out healing energies to the whole world.  Our eyes were closed.  The facilitator said a short prayer.  Then she asked if anybody wanted to say something.  In our previous gatherings, people joined in one after another to say a prayer of healing or something that concerned them (or their loved ones).  Strangely, this time there was complete silence.  Meanwhile, I kept hearing these words -

                                 The Grace of God is the Grace of Love
                                   The Grace of Love is the Grace of All

My intellectual mind refused to say the words because I thought they were irrelevant for the gathering.  For quite a while, we stayed in this strange silence, yet the facilitator did not close the circle.

(While writing this post, the human I wondered if the last part of Grace should be "the Grace of Love is the Grace for All" instead of "of All"  I decided to stick with what I had written down on that day.  All Is Well.)

The words sounded over and over in my mind.  Finally, I said in my heart, "Okay, I am going to say it!"  I summed up my courage.  I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.  I said "The Grace of God".  Immediately, I stopped because I was startled by my own voice.  It was loud!  I opened my eyes.  Everybody was startled by my out-of-nowhere loud voice.  Their eyes were wide opened.  Their left hands no longer on others shoulders.  Their right hands suspended in the air.  The expressions on their shocking faces were so hilarious (sorry, my brothers and sisters), I started laughing and laughing.  Since laughing was contagious, others began to laugh uncontrollably. Some were laughing so hard that they bent down holding their stomach.  For quite some minutes, all of us laughed.  It took a while before we got a hold of ourselves, and I got to finish what I had to say.

   The Grace of God is the Grace of Love; the Grace of Love is the Grace of All.

My friends, what is grace to you?

If you will, please take some time to think about the grace in your life after you finish reading my post.  As we acknowledge the grace in our life with gratitude, we open ourselves up to more wonderful experiences of the Loving Divine.

By the way, I hope you have a good laugh too.

Q of D

Monday, July 13, 2015

Oprah & Deepak's New 21-Day Meditation Starts Today


Millions have joined Oprah and Deepak in meditation.  I have talked about their 21-Day meditation experiences in my blog.  They begin a new 21-Day 'Manifesting Grace through Gratitude' meditation experience today.  I have just participated in the Day-1 meditation minutes earlier.  The energy is great as it always is.  Originally, I do not plan to write about it because most of you who read my blog must have known about it.  However, there have been some new traffic to my blog.  In case you are interested, please go online and look up Oprah and Deepak meditation.  It is free, and you are never too late to sign up.

If you have time, please click to view some of my experiences when I participated in Oprah and Deepak's meditation.

My heart knows the answer
Oprah and Deepak's Words of Wisdom on Our Life Purposes

Have a good night!

Many blessings,
Q of D

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw ...


We lived next to two schools that had three huge grassy sports fields.  People in the neighborhood liked to take walks on the playground when the schools were not in session.

Yesterday evening I decided to take a walk by the school.  Though it was already past 8 p.m., the sun was still shining.  There were many people playing and walking on the fields.  As soon as I walked onto the field, something unexpected happened.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something with wings rapidly approaching my head.  I thought it was a butterfly with big wings.  (Yeah, I wished it were a big butterfly!)  Instantly, I raised my right hand above my head to catch it.  It was faster than my hand, and I never even touched it.

The next thing I knew a bird had landed on my head!  It was chirping loudly.  (I did not know if I should use chattering or chirping.  I could only describe it as loud.)  I had washed my hair three hours ago.  The movement of the bird made me think about the possibility of bird poo on my hair.  I tried to get the bird off my hair with my hand.  I did it gently.  I thought the bird that landed on my head could be a baby bird that just learned to fly.  I did not want to scare the bird.  In order to avoid my hands (I only used one hand at a time), the bird walked around my head swiftly.  I could feel its talons touching my head, but it did not hurt.  The bird moved so fast that I never touched any part of its body.  Meanwhile, the bird continued to chirp loudly.

I did not expect this to happen at all.  I was somewhat embarrassed because I knew there were a few people walking where I was.  I decided to stop trying to get the bird off my hair with my hands.  Instead, I stood still.  For some long seconds, the bird continued to flap its wings as it walked around my head.  All the while, it was chirping as loud as it could as if it was making its announcement.  Then it flew high up into the air and out of the field towards the apartments.  It was definitely not a baby bird.

I continued walking as if nothing had happened.  A while later, I could not help but laughed as I thought about the funny scene  - a bird landed on a woman's head and refused to leave.  I was also relieved that there was no 'you know what' on my hair.

Birds are very special in my life.  They are the confirmation, the messengers, and my link to the Divine.  I hope to share with you some wonderful experiences of birds in the future.

Q of D

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A dream on July 7


In the morning of July 7, I dreamt of Joan who had moved on over a month ago.  (Re I am grateful for the warmth and kindness and Joan is home ).

In the dream, Joan and I sat side by side.  I did not see anybody else.  In the background, church music was on.  I sang along with the music for a little while.  I said that was all I knew.  Softly, Joan began to sing.  I listened.  I did  not know the song.  When Joan finished singing, she turned to face me.  We held each other's hands.  Joan looked well, and there was much peace in the dream.  Then I woke up. For quite a while, I hummed the music again and again.  I wanted to record the music, but I did not.  Later, I took a walk by the school.  I still heard the music in my mind.  In the afternoon, I finally sat down to write about the dream, but I could not recall a single musical note of the song.  I knew the best time to record a dream was as soon as I woke up, but failed to do so from time to time.

Joan was in Hospice Care before she moved on.  Some people regarded spiritual and energy healing practitioners as healers.  However, many doctors, nurses, hospice chaplains / workers, and hospital / hospice volunteers were also healers.  Their work was very important.  They helped to ease the pain, stress, and / or fear of the patients and their families.  In their loving, compassionate presence, many people moved on in peace.  People often associated healing with a physical healing, but a smooth, peaceful transition was in itself a great healing process.

To Joan, nice seeing you again!

To all the people who serve with love, thank you!

Many Blessings,
Q of D