Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Interesting Dream on Attribute and the song 'A Time for Us'


Here was the dream I had in the morning of April 11, 2019.  (Re The Word Attribute )

I was in a big classroom.  It was filled with students.  A teacher, male, instructed the students to reflect on their life and come up with what they obtained / attained **  from their experiences.  He said what one had obtained / attained from one's experiences was like a ring on a finger.  He gave us some examples such as Ring of Power, Ring of Fire and etc.  (** I used got / obtained / attained while writing down my dream.  These were the words that the human I was familiar with, and might not necessary signify any difference in the meaning.) 

I talked to the others.  Some said they attained this or that.  I was undecided as what I had obtained.  It seemed each one of us sat by a desk with two chairs.  So we could move around and talk.  I went to the desk where my mother was, and sat next to her.  She was totally focused on reflecting upon her life.  I went to another desk, and sat next to my son (i.e. my older son).  He was focused on his assignment too.  I went back to the desk I used to sit.  Some students were moving around talking to the others like I did.  (When I moved to sit next to my mother or my son, I observed how focused they were.  We did not talk.)

By then, the teacher had left the classroom to let us do our work.

At this point of the dream, I felt confused.  I seemed to be observing what went on in the dream instead of in the dream as I had been.

I saw the me in the dream came up with the thought that I had obtained / attained 'gentleness' through my life experiences; life was not by force or power, and it was through my gentleness that I had made a difference.

I saw two men came to where I sat.  They were there to take me to see the head of the school or the council (no clear indication in the dream).  Though I used the word 'talk', no words were spoken.  Everything that went on was more like a mutual understanding than a conversation.  There was an indication that what I came up was of importance.

The observing me wondered why was it what I came up was important.  Did it mean I attained the Ring of Gentleness?  At that instant, the human judgment came in.  I thought as far as I knew  'gentleness' was not an attribute (as said*) in the attributes of God.  (*the words 'as said' were in my journal)

Then I woke up hearing music in the air.  The music, enthused with powerful energy, became louder and louder.  I bathed in a wonderful field of energy.  The music went on and on.  It became more and more invigorating as if telling me something yet I did not know the title or the lyrics of the song.  My whole being was energized and filled with powerful energy.  I did not want to leave the bed. 

I finally got out of bed to use the computer to find out what the music / song was.  I went to the website and hummed the tune.  The song was

                                                      A Time For Us

The first one on the list on YouTube was sung by Andy Williams.  I liked the lyrics.  Why did I hear this song?  I did not know.  Since that morning, I heard the song every now and then.  On that day, I simply wrote down the dream and what happened later as it had happened.  I did not try to analyze the dream.

In this particular dream, I felt confused for a moment when I found myself observing instead of in the dream as I had been.  However, I wanted to point out that in some of my dreams I was the observer as well as a participant in the dream too.  As I observed what went on in a dream, sometimes thought / ideas / inspiration came.  I might learn a lesson or something about myself through observing a dream.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~ 

If you have been reading my blog, I have shared many stories on this phenomenon of waking up and hearing music.  For examples, You Are My Sunshine , Music in the air , On Angels Day I heard 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' , Sukiyaki on Christmas Morning and And I love you so To this day, I still cannot remember the lyrics of most of these songs except And I love you so and A Time for us.

Enjoy the nice weather and beauty of fall!

Many Blessings,
Q of D

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Word Attribute


One night long time ago, I sat down to write my journal.

I wrote about a situation.  I felt I had handled it with courage and strength which to me were some of the qualities of my personality.  As I was going to use the word 'personality' in my journal, the word 'attribute' suddenly came to my mind (or sounded in my head).  With my limited understanding of English / limited English vocabulary, I knew the word 'attribute' as in 'attributes of a river' in geography class, e.g. 'attributes of a river' meant 'streams of a river'.  I wondered why the word came since I was writing about personality.  Somehow, the word stayed in my mind.  I decided to look it up in a dictionary.  To my amazement, 'attribute' was the right word to use instead of 'personality'.  That night I realized the whole me (higher Self) knew much more than the present human me appeared to be.  It was the same with all of us.  ( Please click to view We are all much more than who we appear to be . )

The above incident took place in the restaurant years.  At the time, I did not have a computer.  I seldom looked up meanings of words in a dictionary for the words in the dictionary were too small and hard to read. 
Thanks to Google / the Internet, now I can easily check my spellings and find out the meanings.  While writing this post, I look up the meaning of attribute and personality online.  There are many similar as well as different comparisons.  I may share with you my view in a later post.  As usual, I get it from my experiences.  It does not mean I am right or I am wrong.
I shared with you the incident because I happened to reread an interesting dream in my journal today.  It was also about attributes.  I had the dream on April 11, 2019, but had forgotten about it.  Other than the dream that morning, something remarkable happened too.  I would share with you the story in my next post.

Love and blessings,
Q of D


Monday, September 9, 2019

I went there with an open heart and mind


I opened the door and walked in.  The host looked at me.  It was obvious the host did not know what to make of an outsider like me.  The host continued to put some print-outs here and there on the tables.  Other than the host, four people were there.  I greeted all with a smile.  There was not much response.  Peacefully, I sat down.

When I signed up, I perceived the gathering could be different from other spiritual meetings that I had gone to.  I did not know anything about the belief / culture.  I went there to hear a lecture on a subject matter that was totally new to me.

The day before the event, I had received an email that there would be five people.  Therefore, I thought I was the last one to walk in.  The host began to talk about their belief and nature.  Every now and then the host retrieved a picture from a phone.  The host walked forward to show the picture to each person, and subconsciously (or consciously) skipped walking to where I sat.  (It was a small place.  Small tables were put together in a U-shape and the one to my right was about two feet away.)  I observed with a smile, and did not say anything.  I got that the host was feeling uneasy of my presence.  In my heart, I said, "I do not judge you."

Unexpectedly, more people continued to walk in.  Later, the host said it was time for each one of us to introduce ourselves.  The host pointed at me and said, "Let's start with you!"  I did not expect that, but I was at ease.  I said, "I am (my name).  I do not know anything about (the subject matter).  I come here with an open heart and mind."  Immediately, I felt the heaviness or uneasiness seemed to have lifted off the host.  The host looked at me with a nod and an accepting smile. 

The one that gave the lecture was a humble, scholastic young man.  It was a good lecture.  After the lecture, I raised my hand to ask a couple of questions.  The host answered them truthfully.  I thanked the host and the young man before I left.

In August, I had wanted to go to a holistic expo, but did not go.  I was glad I went to the above event to begin the month of September.

Love and peace,
Q of D