Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Front Yard was filled with Packaged Gifts


On Dec. 31, 2022, I turned off the light in my bedroom before 2 a.m.  Earlier, I had watched videos of other galaxies as well as how to set intentions for a new year on YouTube.  Though I was in bed, I knew it would be quite some time before I could fall asleep.

What intentions do I want to set for 2023?
To serve or help others had always been my intention since I was young.

What is my vision for 2023?

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After hearing a man's voice saying one unimaginable sentence loud and clear one early morning in the last quarter of 1999, I began to read many spiritual books hoping to find answers to my mystical experience.  I liked to read people's stories on their spiritual journey.  I was not interested in books about spiritual principles, laws, or practices.  I often returned them to the library after reading a few pages.  I had lived a simple ordinary life.  I was surprised to learn from books that we had angels and spirit guides in our lives to guide and help us.  

When I joined the Thursday Circle in May of 2005, I regarded myself a novice because I did not meditate and knew little about spiritual matters.  I prayed a lot especially during the challenging years.  When I tried to sit quietly, I felt asleep while my mind was still busy.  Occasionally, guidance / ideas / solutions to situations came to me as I woke up.  At the circle, a few people that met me for the first time thought that I must have been meditating for decades.  They were surprised to hear that I could not meditate.  In later years, my friends at the small church told me that praying was the first half of a meditation.  I was glad to know that in some ways I had meditated!  

During my time with the Thursday Circle, I learned spiritual practices such as the burning bow ceremony, cleansing with sage smudge sticks, and creating visions.  Some of my friends said vision boards really worked.     

On the trip to Camp Chesterfield in 2006, a friend shared with me her wonderful experience.  When she was ready to get married, she sat down to write a detailed description (e.g. appearance, height, age and etc.) and criteria of an ideal husband.  Later she met a man that was exactly as she wrote in her vision statement, and they got married.  At the time of the conversation, they had been happily married for some years.  (The trip to Camp Chesterfield was a transformative experience.  I had written a few posts about the trip - A man's face on the moon card saved my day , We are all much more than who we appear to be  and Don't be too critical of ourselves and others )

In July of 2005, the teacher of the circle told me that my spirit guide had asked her to tell me to learn a healing modality.  I did not follow the guidance.  I could not imagine myself working as a healer.  In March of 2007, I finally went to a 2-day healing workshop that was held in another center.  Afterward, I felt joyful for days.  When I told the circle I had learned a healing modality, I was shocked that the teacher who was then also the owner of the center asked me to be the on-site healer on Wednesdays.  Immediately, I said I was not qualified.  (Re  More on my journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy )  I thought of the original owner of the center, the teacher of the circle, and my friends at the circle fondly.  I am forever grateful for their love and support.

In August 2007, we moved to another state because my older son found a job there.  (Re The Prophetic Dream of Moving - Story 1 )  Of course, I did not see myself as a healer.  I just went to a workshop 5 months ago.  
In the 2006 reading *, I was told healing would take place when I sat among people, and I did not have to understand how.  (* Re  The Grand Prize and the 2nd Reading )  It was then I understood why powerful energy flowed into me from time to time when I sat among people.  I assumed nobody knew when I was surged with energy.  I was happy to serve without drawing any attention.  I eventually learned my assumption was wrong.  For example, the retired pastor saw energies going through me to heal different people.  She was clairvoyant.

When I arrived at the other state, the teacher of healing was on her way back to her home state nearby.  She asked me to meet her in a restaurant.  It was the first time and the only time we sat down to talk privately.  The teacher told me to go to a Unity Church to meet two traveling Unity pastors that had learned the healing modality.  She thought the three of us could give healing after Sunday service.  However, the pastors were there for another reason.  While I was at Unity, I met two women, a mother and a daughter.  Both of them were mediums.  They said another church was for me, and gave me the address of the small church.  (The teacher had moved on in June, 2019.  Re  Their way of being inspired me )

There were quite a few Reiki masters and experienced healers in the small church.  If not for the prompting of a kind pastor, I would not have approached the pastor who was in charge of the quarterly healing service.  (Re It is the not knowing that makes life intriguing )  I was inexperienced, and did not have the (earthly) credential of a healer.  I had planned to tell the facilitating pastor that it was totally okay to tell me that I was not ready or not qualified.  However, all that I planned to say turned out to be unnecessary.

In Oct. 2008, I went to a holistic store for a free dream interpretation.  About 3 months later, I was shocked to learn that the store had printed out their monthly brochure that I was going to facilitate a healing workshop there at the end of the month.   I almost stressed out yet part of me understood it was all in divine order.  (Re A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove )  When the workshop was over, I was very relieved.  I thought I would not hold any workshop again.   Not my will but Thy will be done.  I ended up holding three more workshops before I left that state in February 2012. 

In time, I realized going to the 2007 workshop was not about learning the healing modality.  It was a process to uncover the truth within, i.e. to uncover the unique gifts / abilities that each one of us brought into this world. 

There I was, in the early hours of the last day of 2022, widely awoke recalling my journey.  An incident came to my mind. 

The quarterly healing service was over.  The healers in the front of the chapel began to walk back to where they used to sit.  I was one of the healers.  A woman stopped me.  She said, "You are a healer!  Why are you working in a cafeteria?"  This sudden happening caught me off guard.  In my mind I thought, "She looks familiar.  I have seen her before.  What is her name?  How does she know I work in a cafeteria?"  The woman walked away.

I was not good in remembering names and faces It took me quite some time to realize who she was.  She and her husband were long time members of the church, and had worked with the founder of the church.  They were well loved and respected at church.  In the years I was there, they did not come regularly.  That was why I could not recall her name right away.  It was probably because they did not live where the church was.  The church invited them to speak and host events every now and then.  (The founder of the church, a wonderful, wonderful teacher / master, had moved on in 1994 or 13 years before I moved to that state.)

As the Queen of Dreams ***, sometimes I got hints as what to do or what was to come before it was manifested in the physical / material plane.  The job at the cafeteria had something to do with a dream.  The wage might be minimal, but the bosses had treated me with kindness and love.  My time at the job served a purpose which was later confirmed by a channel.  When we moved back to this state, there was a time I volunteered in the office of a charity organization.  For weeks, I wondered why I was there since people rarely walked in or called.  One day a fellow volunteer came early for her shift.  We talked.  I might have assisted in the healing of only one person, but the purpose of being there was complete.  

*** As a child, I often woke up talking about my dreams.  I found my dreams fascinating - colorful, vivid as if watching a real life story.  As a result, my family called me the Queen of Dreams.  It was only a nickname 😊.  I am still learning about dreams.     

The sister that came to me after the quarterly healing service said those words out of good intentionI was (am) grateful

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It had been almost 16 years since I went to the healing workshop in March 2007.  We had moved back to this state for over 10 years.  The first few years flew by.   Our third grandchild was born.  Our younger son's house was about 20 minutes from our apartment.  We visited each other quite often.  It was always a joy to see my loved ones.  Later, they moved to a city in another county so that their children could attend good schools.  I was happy for them.  With three children, my son and daughter-in-law had a busy schedule.  We managed to get together on some weekends to play games, watch a movie, or go places.   

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Since my intention was to serve, there was a time that I had wished to work in a spiritual center where everyone worked in harmony, loving and supporting one another.  It was not necessary about energy work.  I had mentioned there was a couple of times healing energy did not come through.  I honestly said so.  An experienced healer said I was wrong.  He said I should pretend and continue to work on the one that asked for healing.  I could not pretend, and on both occasions I understood within the reason for that to happen.  I was not an at (my) will healer, and did not have a fixed step by step procedure during healing sessions.  I fully understood that some might either see me as egotistic or did not know much about healing when I first joined the quarterly healing service.  In many ways, it was true that the human I did not know much about healing.  If I was watching, I would probably judge too 😊.  (We can learn a lot about ourselves if we pay attention to our actions and reactions.)  In my experience, to listen with an open heart, and / or to speak up at the right time brought about healing as well.   Centered in loveWe could be the love and support to one another .  To me, any healing was an experience of grace.  I often thanked the one who asked for healing for allowing me to be part of the experience.

In 2016, I had asked the master healer for his advice.  He promised to help me to make a plan when he returned to our state.  (Re  The healing session with the master healer )  However, every time he returned to the state, he had a busy schedule, e.g. giving talks and healing sessions. During the monthly meeting, people asked him for healing too.  There was only one time he asked me to join in.  I was late.  As soon as I walked in, he asked me to work on that person.  I did not know anything about that person's condition, but healing energy came through right away to guide me to work on certain parts of that person's body.  The master healer had moved on a few years ago.  (Re The master healer had stepped out of the physical world )

Over the years, I had gone to some meetings hosted by healers.  I observed and seldom spoke.  Understandably, most healers wanted to teach as well as to get some business.  At times I wondered if it was necessary for us to compete or regard a certain healing modality as the best of all.                 

What is my vision for 2023?   

What do I want to manifest in 2023?  I thought of my vision to work in a center where everybody embraced one another.  However, I did not have the earthly qualifications  or certifications.  Most of all, I always found it challenging to promote myself.  

Then something else came to my mind.  During zoom meetings, sometimes we got free / unexpected messages from psychics or channels.  Incidentally, In Nov. and Dec. I received similar guidance / message on two separate occasions.  One was a one card reading which was a two of heart.  The other was a message that I was clear on wanting a few truthful friends, but was very blurry on how I wanted to live the rest of my life, and that I should spend some time to create a clear vision of a personal relationship / a partner.  It reminded me of my Dec. 2001 reading by a known channel.  I was told that if I wanted a happy relationship, I should not fixate on anybody, and should simply focus on what a happy relationship was.  (Re Do you really mean what you pray for? )

Relationship was indeed one of the most challenging if not the most challenging lesson in life.  My relationship with my husband had not been easy.  As a loved one said his father never found peace in life, and it might be his father was finally in peace now.  

I looked back at my life.  The human I had never thought of moving to another state.  I had never envisioned hosting healing workshops.  Of course, I had not intended for The Unexpected Incident to happen, yet there seemed to be a divine plan in place in every turn of my life.  At the end, I simply affirmed my intention - not my will but Thy Will be done through me, in me and as me; may all my going in and coming out be in total accord with Thy Will; wherever I am, may I ever be in total alignment with my higher self that is of the Source of All That Is, and may I ever be of service, may I ever be a clear, pure channel of divine blessings, healing love and light to the others in every way and in every moment of now.  (Note - I am a member of A.R.E.  I am grateful for the messages that came through Edgar Cayce and the words from the founder of the small church which were both inspiring and helpful.)   

Gradually, I fell asleep.  This was the dream I had in the morning.

I talked to a few people.  Then I said I was going to go home first.

Arriving at my place, I saw the front yard in front of my place was filled with packaged gifts.  Some neighbors were outside looking.  I said happily, "Oh!  All my gifts have been delivered!"  

A neighbor I knew walked by.  I thought of giving him one of the gifts / packages.  Then I thought I should bring all the gifts inside my place first.  I should look at all my gifts, and then I could decide what to give.

In the dream, I was very happy seeing all the gifts had arrived.

I woke up smiling and feeling very joyful.  And, I thanked the Loving Divine.

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Last Saturday was the Chinese new year eve which was as important as The Thanksgiving Day in USA.  January 22, 2023, Sunday, was the Chinese New Year.  We got together in our younger son's house to celebrate.  Their living room looked nice and warm with lighted mini Chinese lanterns and other beautiful Chinese decorations.

What is the Year of the Rabbit going to be?

Well, I am glad the post is finished.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Have A Great 2023!


Happy New Year!

I had not published any post for three months.  I stuck in writing about what had happened because it was a controversial matter.  Most of all, part of me really wanted to move on and write about what happened in the 'now'.  Other than that, I was doing well, and 2022 was an interesting year.

Due to the pandemic, I began to join online meetings held by different spiritual groups.  As with in person meetings, I seldom said anything.  In the beginning, I often turned off the camera, and only turned it on when I had to.  One day, I was in a meeting with a group that I had joined for some time.  The host said, "Q of D wants to hide her light.  She does not want any attention."  Then he said to me, "You don't want others to see you.  How are you going to do your work?"  During online meetings, there were others that chose to turn off their cameras too.  However, I knew the host was right.  (He was an exceptional psychic, and could see even if we turned off the camera.)  What he said that day caused me to change my attitude.  I had since joined zoom meetings with video on.  

At first, I felt uncomfortable seeing myself on the top corner of the screen throughout the meeting.  It took me quite a while to feel at ease.  (I think Zoom should change the format and show pictures of the participants in the time line that people join the meeting.)  2022 was an interesting year.  Through zoom meetings (sometimes channels offered messages for some that attended), I discovered things about myself that I did not know before.  For instance, while I was with the Thursday Circle (2005), a long time professional healer offered to give some words she received about each one of us.  When it was my turn, she said "Ancient, Ancient, Ancient . . ."  I received a similar message in 2022 confirming I was one of an ancient group.  Later in an online ceremony that honored our ancestors, unlike most of the participants, a large crowd of ancestors surrounded me because I came from a wide lineages (a variety of groups).  I also learned of some of the galaxies that I had lived which also confirmed a dream I had many years ago.

On new year eve, I went to bed around 1:50 am.  Earlier I had watched some videos about setting intention for the coming year.  I lay in bed.  For quite a while I could not sleep.  Many things came to my mind.  In the morning, I woke up from an amazing dream.  I would share with you in my next post.  

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  I shall write about what happened to my husband later.  It is important because I want to write about Lord Buddha and Earth Treasure Bodhisattva's grace and help for humanity.