Thursday, December 31, 2015

The color RED will be important to you


Continue from A Fight against Poverty in Black and White

On June 6, 2003, I sent out a letter to place an ad on a Chinese newspaper to sell the restaurant.  The newspaper published once a week.  I enclosed a check to cover the ad for four weeks.  I prayed, "Please let the advertisement draw serious buyers this time.  Let us sell the restaurant and move into the next phase of our lives.  Thank you."  The ad appeared on the newspaper a week later (i.e. June 13).

On June 14, 2003, our family went to eat dim sum to celebrate Father's Day.  (On Sat. and Sun., we used to open at noon.  After our sons went to college, we opened at 2 p.m. on Saturdays so that we could go to see them or pick them up.  That was why we celebrate Father's Day on Saturday instead of Sunday.)  My fortune cookie message for the day was -

                                   The color red will be important to you.

When I read my journal, I found that I had actually glued the cookie insert onto the page of that date.  At the end of the entry, I wrote - What does my fortune cookie message mean?

Ten days later (June 24), a couple came to look at the restaurant.  The wife wore red. Could they be the buyers?  I wondered.  From our conversation, I learned they had good white-collar jobs.  They wanted to buy a restaurant as an investment for they had relatives who were experienced in the restaurant business.  There were others that showed an interest in our restaurant.  At night, sometimes I saw a red car parked a distance away watching how our business was.  Occasionally, I also saw a green car with someone inside watching us for hours.

Soon summer was over, and there was still no buyer.

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One afternoon, Nancy (not the real name) walked in.

Nancy had been our customer since we opened.  She usually ordered carryout after the lunch rush hours were over.  One day, I took the initiative of talking to her.  She said she ate Chinese food once every few weeks; when she did, she always ordered from us.  In time, we talked some more whenever she came.  She told me she read palms and gave tea-leaf reading at night.  Gradually, I told her that our business was slow, and I really wanted to sell the restaurant.  She went out of her way to buy some items that symbolized prosperity.  She gave them to me, and refused to accept any money.  One afternoon, she performed a ritual outside of the restaurant hoping to help us to have more business.  We had good business that night, but it did not continue.  She always paid for her food, and never accepted any money from me.  I was very grateful for her pure intention of helping me.

Nancy said she came to talk to me.  She said, "I know you have been trying to sell the restaurant.  I am supposed to tell you that there was a man in your family that does not want to sell the business.  It may be your son or your husband.  You can only sell the restaurant when the two of you have the same determination of selling the restaurant."  Then she left.

Coincidentally, Joan (not her real name), another customer who had become a good friend of mine, came at night.  She was in her 70 s.  She and her husband lived in a house near our restaurant.  They loved our food.  Her husband passed away a couple of years ago. She believed in angels and the afterlife.  She liked to dine in.  When I was not busy, sometimes she stayed for hours to talk to me.

That night Joan said, "I know you want to sell the restaurant.  I have to tell you this story.  My mother-in-law died a few years ago.  One of the assets she left behind was a vacation home.  She left it to her grandchildren, i.e. my children.  In other words, it was for them to decide if they wanted to keep it or sell it."  From our conversation, I knew Joan's children were doing well, and some might have their own vacation homes.  My friend continued, "After a discussion, they decided to sell the property and split the money.  Many came to look at the property, but it remained unsold after many months.  Other vacation homes in that area were easily sold within a short period of time.  One of my daughters went to see a medium.  She learned a couple of her siblings did not really want to sell the vacation home, a place they visited often and had much fun when they were small.  My sons and daughters sat down and talked again.  Together, they set an intention to sell the vacation home.  Within a few days, it was sold.  You have to talk to your husband for he may not want to sell the restaurant.  I know I will miss seeing you..."

After she left, I knew it was not an accident that I heard the same message from two friends on the same day.  The Divine had sent them in to deliver the message that answered my prayer as why I could not sell the restaurant.

After the Dec. 2001 reading, I told my husband that the Divine would help us to sell the restaurant.  I saw the light in his eyes dimmed.  It bothered me a lot.  Part of me had lots of compassion for him, yet part of me knew we had to sell the restaurant.  As a result, I sent the Divine contradicting messages when I prayed for the future.  (Re Do you really mean what you pray for? )  In 2002, I had talked to my husband several times about the situations we were in before I placed ads on the weekly Chinese newspaper to sell the restaurant.  My husband never voiced his opposition.  I thought he understood we had to do it even though he might not want to sell the restaurant.

That night I realized it was true that my husband did not want to sell the restaurant. For instance, the people who called about the restaurant were Chinese, but my husband always asked me to answer their calls saying he did not know what to say.  I understood I must talk to my husband again.    

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The next day, I told my husband about what happened the day before.  He said he had never stopped me from placing ads on the newspaper.  I said, "Yes, you do not stop me, but  in your heart you really do not want to sell the restaurant.  Can you say it is not true?"  He was silent.

As his wife, I understood he was afraid others would judge him after we sold the restaurant.  On a few occasions, he had said he did not want to work for others anymore.  He used to take pride in his work.  Most of his former employers appreciated him and respected him.  Everybody reacted to adversity differently.  It was easy for us to think (or judge) how one should deal with their situations, but we had to understand we were not them. ***
***Please do not think I am any different from most of you.  In my own relationships, I had been sad and angry.  I had judged and wondered why he did not see what I saw.  However, at the end, I found this to be true. 
When we look at others with love and compassionwe are looking at none other than our own selves with love and compassion.  
I talked about the situations we were in.  At the end of our talk, my husband finally realized it was time to let go of the restaurant.  I placed another ad on the newspaper some time in Sept.

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One day, a woman called about the restaurant.  It seemed she had come to our restaurant before.  She asked many questions as if she was ready to make an offer.

On Oct. 11, I was reading by the table near the window.  It was a Saturday.  Orders normally came in the late afternoon.  From the corner of my eyes, I kept seeing a seagull or two flew close to the window.  I was into reading the book, and I did not look outside.  The seagulls kept flying within my view.  I found it strange.  I finally stood up and looked outside.  In the parking lot, a large group of seagulls, big and small, were flying in circles.  As I watched, they put on a spectacular show right in front of me.  I stood there in awe.  After quite a while, all of them flew away.  All these years, I had never seen that in front of our restaurant.  I bowed and thanked the angels and the Loving Divine.

On Oct. 13, two men came.  One wore a red T-shirt.  There was a big red van, and a woman was inside watching us.  Later, the man and a woman came in a few more time.  They were actually the same couple that came in June.  (I was not good in remembering faces.)  The woman liked to wear red.  There was another couple who showed an interest in the restaurant.  Since the potential buyers were watching us, the woman who liked to wear red came in to make an offer.  Near the end of the year, the couple put a down payment saying they needed some time to get the rest of the money.  We sold the restaurant to them in Feb. of 2014.

Here is one final story about fortune cookie insert.

In Dec. 2003, our family went to eat dim sum.  My fortune cookie message was -

                                Get off to a new start, come out of your shell.

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I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you A Joyful, Prosperous New Year!

Love and blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  Some days before Christmas, my husband changed his mind.  We went to our younger son's house, and had a merry Christmas.  (Re Compassion, allow others to be, and more **)  **When I edited another post, another post had accidentally replaced this post.  I tried to retrieve this post to no avail, i.e. this post was gone.


Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Fight Against Poverty in Black and White


In my last post The message in a fortune cookie, I wrote I would share with you another story of a fortune cookie insert.  In order to write about the story, I went through my notebooks of 2003.

I did not write on a daily basis.  There were days I did not write anything even though something significant had happened.  I noticed I wrote down some of my dreams in details because I recorded them when I woke up.  However, during the working hours, I had to take care of the business.  Sometimes I only wrote a brief account of a special incident or a meaningful conversation.  I did not write down the details for I did not know I would share my experiences someday.

After going through my notebooks, I found out the cookie insert incident occurred in June of 2003.  However, I wish to share with you an experience that happened a month earlier first.

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In my post Writing Is Healing, the sentence "On a cloudy, gloomy morning, I go looking for the sun" came to me as I woke up from my sleep.  I could not get the sentence out of my mind.  For about four weeks, I expanded on the sentence.  Before the writing, I used to worry a lot.  I allowed the weather to affect my mood.  I also had fear looking at the night sky or dark ocean.  Unexpectedly, I no longer felt fear seeing the night sky or sea after I finished the writing.  In many ways, I also had less worries than before.

Below was another interesting story of writing.

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In 2003, the business was very, very slow.  In addition, some of the equipments began to have problems.  From time to time, we needed money to fix the equipments. The cost of fixing or buying new equipment was very expensive.  When I talked to my husband, he did not seem to hear a word.  I was left to handle all the situations. Month after month, I struggled to pay for the bills; meanwhile, I knew my husband still did not want to sell the restaurant.

One night in early May, I was crying in the restaurant.  My mind was flooded with frustration.  In the midst of my pain, I picked up a pen and wrote "Poverty, a humongous monster".  Thus started my fight against poverty in black and white.

Whenever I had time, I sat down to write and re-write.  All the while, I had no idea how I would win the fight.  When ideas came, I dropped them down on paper.  Since English was not my first language, many times I found it challenging to figure out the right word to express what was in my mind.  I never thought of giving up.  I might stop writing for a couple of days, but would resume once new ideas came.  When I really did not know how to continue, I prayed for inspiration.  On May 19, with divine inspiration, the fight was finally over.

May 19, 2003 was a Monday.  Monday was usually a slow day.  After I finished my fight against poverty in black and white, as if God / the Divine was congratulating me, we had exceptional business at night.  To top it off, an elderly customer walked in while I was copying my fight against poverty onto another piece of paper.  The total of his order was

$4.44  (444 The Power of God's Love, a very significant sign / number in my life)

Below was my fight vs poverty in black and white.


A humongous monster
A massive black energy
Seemingly boundless
Powerful and unbeatable
Silently looming
Without me ever knowing

In its blackness
I see no light, no sun, no day
Frantically, I search for a way out
To my greatest dismay
I find myself running into walls and walls
Of terrifying chilly energy
Blocking me wherever I go

To regain my calmness
I stand still and listen
Only to the pounding of my heart
The pressure is mounting
The air murky and suffocating
Whatever it is, I can feel it is closing in
Paralyze with fear, I freeze like a statue

In the deadliness, I hear a faint cry
It gets louder and louder, and eventually
Like thunders that rock the earth
And shake me out of my paralysis
"I want to live! I want to live!"
It's the desperate cry of my heart, and
My Declaration of War

With all my might, I charge
But off I bounce by a force far greater than mine
Up in the air
Down on the cold hard ground
As if broken into thousands of pieces
I lie lifelessly and hopelessly
Waiting for the final moment of darkness

Sure of its soon-to-be victory and
The collection of yet another victim
The monster breaks out of its silence
Shrieking, dancing,
Mocking mercilessly at this weakling
Proclaiming its invincibility to all

Hearing that, my long buried memory is evoked
I remember now I am a loving creation of God
A soul everlasting
A being of Light
Immediately, my inner spark light up and expand
In a flash, the blackness retreats and completely disappears
In the beautiful sunlight, my tears of joy glisten like gold

I shared with you the words to show how I got stuck in the fight.  For instance, when I wrote "I freeze like a statue", I did not know how to continue.  Later, it came to me "I hear a faint cry".  I wrote I charged with all my might.  Then I thought I could not win by charging.  "As I lie lifelessly", I figured the monster that had been silently looming would break out of its silence to claim its invincibility.  Still, I did not know how to win the fight.  On May 19, I suddenly said, "Oh, I am a light being!"  That afternoon the fight against poverty in black and white was over.

Since 2002, we had tried to sell the restaurant to no avail.  There were callers, but no serious buyer.  The business in 2003 was even slower than 2002.  The situation was overwhelming.  Many times I had to pick myself up.  In the afternoon of May 19, I felt a renewed sense of hope.  The fight might be on paper, but I had fought the fight.

Why couldn't we sell the restaurant?  What message did I get from the June 2003 cookie insert?  I will write about it in my next post.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Friday, December 11, 2015

The message in a fortune cookie


In many of my posts, I had mentioned music (e.g. 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream'), numbers (e.g. time on the clock and license plate numbers), and birds were signs from the Divine in my experiences.  However, I had forgotten to include the fortune cookie inserts / messages.  On quite a few occasions, the Divine / my guides / angels had used them to communicate with me.  In fact, my first post  A Story of the Touch of God published on March 25, 2011 was about such an incident.

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On Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26), I brought a pan of dumplings, a pan of stir-fry asparagus, and a small bag of fortune cookies to our younger son's house.  When I was about to leave, I suddenly thought of getting a fortune cookie.

There were more food than the table could hold.  My daughter-in-law had put the cookies, pies, and cakes on the kitchen counter.  Later in the afternoon, we ate pies and cakes.  I had forgotten about the fortune cookies.  That was why I did not think of getting one earlier.

I asked my daughter-in-law if I might get a cookie or two.  She said, "Of course. Get as many as you want."  I went to the kitchen and got a cookie.  Here was the insert -
       Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge.

It had been over three years since I moved back to the state that I used to live.  I had gone to some churches and spiritual gatherings.  I had some positive experiences with a group or two, but the meeting only took place once in a long while.  I also had some unexpected experiences.  For instance, I went to a small spiritual circle.  The facilitator played a recording from YouTube about some so-called channeled message on symptoms of ascension.  Afterwards, the facilitator said she had many symptoms as said in the message, and was glad to have the confirmation that she was in ascension.  She then repeated the symptoms, and asked us if we had this symptom or that symptom.  There were over 50 symptoms!  Personally, I thought some people were too concerned if they were in ascension or not.  Besides, we should not believe everything that was under the label of 'channeling'.  Too many people were into channeling nowadays, but sometimes what came through could be nothing more than our logical mind at work.

On another occasion, a woman said she had learned a healing modality (not energy healing).  She had completed the advanced course, and was now a certified teacher of the healing system.  She said her life was changed for she had finally found peace. Then something no one could have expected happened.  We took turn to introduce ourselves.  There was a man from another state.  He said something neither rude nor offensive.  The woman got mad, and stormed out of the room yelling loudly all the way down the hallway that she hated all people!  I looked at the woman with compassion.  What happened to the sister happened to us too.  Sometimes when we thought we were 'there', we were shown we were not.  That was part of our journey on earth, and the challenge / situation came from none other than ourselves (or our higher self).

About 12 - 13 days before Thanksgiving, I looked back at the last three years.  After living in other states for five years, I was very glad to came back to the state where my loved one lived.  I also tried to sit among people because I knew this was part of my life purpose.  (Re My journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy and subsequent posts on healing published during June - July of 2013)  However, so far I had not found a church / spiritual group that I would want to join on a regular basis.  I thought it might be the main reason we were back was to reunite with my loved ones, and I should let go of the idea to go among people.  On that day, I thought of not going to any church or spiritual gathering for the time being.  Indeed, doubt had risen in my heart.  The guidance / the message in the fortune cookie was timely and important.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

When we were in the restaurant business, we had boxes of fortune cookies.  We served the customer with a cookie at the end of a meal.  However, I never cared to have a cookie for myself.  At that time, our family went to Chinese restaurants that served dim sum a few times every year.  Those were the only times I read the inserts if fortune cookies were served.  (Some Chinese restaurants did not serve fortune cookies.)  My husband and sons did not eat the cookies.  Oftentimes, we read the inserts for fun.  (My older son sometimes did not want to read the inserts.)  We did not take it seriously, and it was supposed to be.  The inserts were not any different from the daily horoscopes published on the newspaper.  It would be ridiculous to think all Taurus would have a similar day based on the horoscope.

In other words, I did not mean all the fortune cookie inserts were messages from the Divine.

In my post Divine guidance is not just for a selected few, I wrote
If we pay attention, all of us do hear (or receive) divine guidance from time to time.  It may not be the roaring voice as described in the bible.  It may not be something so powerful that triggers an immediate transformation.  They can be the simple words on the TV, radio, from a stranger or a friend.  What is significant about those occasions is the words seem to come out of nowhere, and they do not mean much to everybody else except YOU.  When it happens, you are touched in a way beyond you can imagine.
It was the case with my experiences of fortune cookie inserts on a few memorable occasions.  The first time a message that caught my attention was about a personal matter that had troubled me greatly for months.  Face it, lots of times when we prayed for a solution / answer, our mind was full of the problem / question.  We were in no position to hear an answer.  Our guides and angels had to come up with a creative tool to guide or help us; in my case, fortune cookie message was one of their tools to communicate with me.      

I will share with you another story about the fortune cookie insert in my next post. The message was "The color RED will be important to you".  It was an interesting story.

Q of D

Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Self-perceived Shortcomings and Disadvantages


About a week ago, I felt tired in the afternoon.  So I took a nap.  Strangely, some thought came to me as I woke up.  I would tell you what happened later in the post.

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Some years ago, I attended a workshop facilitated by a scholastically acclaimed young man.  He was a good facilitator.  The audience responded enthusiastically throughout the gathering.  With about 15 minutes left on the schedule, he asked us to say an affirmation that came to us because of our participation in the workshop; we might also speak something that we felt inspired to share.  He said it was voluntary, and it was quite alright if someone chose not to participate.  Hearing that, I said in my heart 'Good! I don't have to speak!'  I seldom spoke up in gatherings because my English was not good.

A man spoke first.  Another man who sat at one end of the room followed.  Across the room, a woman voiced her inspirational thought.  Randomly, people stood up and spoke.  There were many people at the workshop.  It seemed everyone wanted to participate (or almost everyone since I didn't).  The sharing went on for a long time.  I sat there peacefully listening to their words.  The room gradually became quiet as everybody had his or her turn.  We turned to look at the facilitator.  We waited for him to speak.

However, he did not say anything.  He sat there looking straight in one direction, or more accurately, I found him looking right at me!  Dismissing that he was looking at me, I looked to my left and right.  Then I looked back at him.  There he was, staring at me without saying a word.  I thought there was no way he could have noticed that I had not spoken since people in the room spoke up randomly.  Minutes went by like hours as he continued to stare at me in silence.  Luckily, all the eyes were on him (the facilitator) for people were waiting for him to speak.  Some more time passed.  From the serious look on his face, I knew this young man would not budge until I did my part of sharing.  I relented.  I opened my mouth, and spoke for a short while.  Then and only then, he moved on to the last part of the gathering.

When the event was over, a few people came to thank me for what I said.  I did not recall what I said, and they were probably some simple words from my heart.  On that day, I had wondered how the facilitator could have noticed that I had not spoken up.   

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The incident was not on my mind at all before I took the nap.  However, as I was waking up from the nap, I 'got' that 'I was the only Chinese there', and was reminded of the incident.  It was then I realized the facilitator easily recognized that I had not spoken because I was the only Chinese there.  With this realization, my old view of my shortcomings and disadvantages came to my mind.  I understood it was no accident that I recalled all of these at this time.

Before I came to USA, I seldom needed to speak in English.  In my time, our teachers did most of the talking in class.  We did not have public speaking class.  We never had to present a book report in front of our classmates as our sons did.  Some of my classmates were much better in English than me.  They went to religious or private elementary schools, and learned English since preschool or first grade.  I began learning simple English words such as a man and a pan in 4th grade.  The teacher did not teach us pronunciation.  In secondary school, I had a hard time remembering the words especially words with many letters.

In order to get a passing grade or above in English in the official secondary school diploma, we had to take an oral exam. in additional to the written tests.  Students were scheduled to go to different schools for the oral exam.  Three teachers (not teachers of our own school) would ask some questions to start a conversation with the student to see how well she was in spoken English.  I still remembered my lower teeth knocked against my upper teeth making sounds audible to students standing near me while I lined up waiting for my turn to enter the examination room.  That was how nervous I was.  It was a good thing I recalled what happened with a laugh, and, with compassion.

When I came to USA, I knew my English was insufficient.  However, as much as I did not want to, I had to speak on behalf of my family.  My husband had only a few years of education, and he did not learn English.  Things changed for the better when I became a mother.  As I tried to figure out how to teach our sons, I suddenly realized English was not as hard as it seemed.  Still, my English was far from good.  My vocabulary was very limited.  Many times I could not express what I wanted to say.  I had an accent, and could not speak fluently.

Nine years ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone to mix with people as guided.  I went to spiritual gatherings, and eventually attended church services regularly.  Most of the time, I was the only Chinese.  When I was told to learn a healing art, I did not follow for I could not envision a Chinese woman working in energy healing in a western culture.  I also did not think I could teach or write for 'my English was not good'.  For years, I regarded my English as my shortcoming, and 'a Chinese woman in a western culture' as a disadvantage.

A few years ago, the words of a wonderful channel (he was not a psychic) gave me a new perspective of my self-perceived shortcoming and disadvantage.  I learned that it was by design I did not have the mastery of English so that I taught by simply being who I was and not by lofty words.  As a Chinese woman in a western culture, some people were drawn to me because they wanted to know more about me while others reached out to me thinking I needed help.  It was through these interactions that people might receive what they most needed to be healed without knowing that healing had taken place.  I knew the words that came through were true.  On many occasions, healing did occur even though the recipient might or might not be aware.

I had not gone to any church or gathering for some months.  Old thinking and living patterns died hard.  Sometimes my wrong view still crossed my mind like a shadow, and gave me an excuse not to do what I should do.  I understood why I recalled all of these at this time.  I needed to keep working on eradicating my wrong views.

In love, I share with you my experiences.  My friends, do you have any self-perceived shortcomings and disadvantages?  It may be you should re-examine your view.  We do not come into a lifetime by chance.  Our appearances, the personalities we take on, and every aspect of our life are carefully designed.  Sometimes our shortcomings and disadvantages may be gifts or blessings in disguise.  We just do not see the big picture.  Sometimes our shortcomings may be something for us to work on in this lifetime.  For example, if we get angry easily, we need to work on controlling our temper; we have to look deep within to find the source of our anger, and change.  Let us give ourselves a chance, and don't waste the opportunity to overcome.

Love and blessings,
Q of D    

Random Acts of Kindness


In the morning of Saturday, Nov. 7, our older son was driving home.  He stopped at McDonald to buy breakfast.  As usual, he lined up at the drive-through lane.  Before it was his turn, he thought of bringing home some breakfast for us.  Therefore, in addition to his own breakfast, he ordered two coffee, two egg muffins, and two apple pies.  When he drove to the window to pay for his order, he was surprised the driver of the car in front of him had paid for his order!  He did not expect this to happen.  For a while, he did not know what to do.  The car in front of him was gone.  He recalled it was with an Illinois license plate.

At home, he told me what had happened.  He thought it must be one of those random acts of kindness.  I asked how he felt about it.  He said he was grateful.  He said, "Mom, I should have paid for the car behind me, but I did not.  I was too surprised that someone had paid for my order."  I said, "It is alright.  You can do it anytime when you feel you want to."

To the one who paid for our breakfast, thank you for your kindness and generosity. Many blessings to you!

Q of D

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Beautiful, Powerful LOVE in You and in Me


Continue from Is turning off the TV the only way to maintain our peace?

In the afternoon of Sept.2, 2006, I was all alone in the family room.  I thought of what happened earlier.

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It was the Saturday before Labor Day (Monday, a public holiday).  Many stores had big sales.  In the morning, I asked my sons if they wanted to go shopping.  I was delighted my younger son said yes.  My older son said he never liked shopping as other people did.  He wanted to stay home to finish revising his resume so that he could email it to a company as soon as possible.  He had a job.  However, due to the slow economy, the auto company he worked for had laid off many people, and was planning for more cuts.  I said he had plenty of time to work on his resume since all the offices would close on Monday.  He chose to stay home.

My younger son bought a nice pair of shoes at a very good price.  At home, he showed them to his brother.  My older son looked at the shoes.  It was obvious he felt the shoes were nice too.  Then I caught a brief expression on his face, and it touched my heart.  I said he could still go to the store, or we could go there for him.  As his mother, I knew he would said no, and he did.

Since he got a decent job, he told us not to buy things for him anymore.  He said it was time for us (his parents) to spend money on ourselves.  He always said he would gladly gave us money if we needed money to buy something.  He said he would rather give than receive.  On a few occasions, he had shown annoyance / displeasure when we bought things for him.  Therefore, we did not go to the store to buy the shoes for him.

Years ago, I went for a half hour reading wanting to know what to do with the restaurant.  I did not tell the psychic (a gentle, young woman) anything or what I wanted to hear.  She described my husband's personality accurately.  She went on to talk about our older son.  She said he wanted to be the breadwinner of the family.  He loved his parents and his brother.  He wanted to take care of his parents.  Suddenly, she paused for quite a while.  She said, "I see lots of white light around you.  You are a very, very good teacher.  You should teach."  She then related a vision of me. Hearing her vision, I dismissed her reading.  With my English and my level of education, I thought there was no way I would teach.  I did not talk to my older son about the reading.

In many ways, the psychic was right about my older son.  In high school, he worked after school.  Knowing that we struggled to pay the bills, he gave me his paychecks even though I asked him to keep the money for his college education.  When he graduated from a university, the economy in our state was very slow.  He could not find the job he wanted.  Without hesitation, he went to work in a store to earn an income to support himself and help the family.  For over a year, I drove him back and forth because we had only one car.  In time, he saved some money as a down payment for a used car.  Months later, opportunities opened up.  He got a better job, and his younger brother also got a job soon after.  (Re my post  Happy Mother's Day to all the loving mothers & grandmothers )

After our sons found decent jobs, they soon began to take up their shares (i.e. 1/4) of the household expenditure except for the months* I asked them not to.  (*After we sold the business, their father only found temporary jobs once in a long while.  When I could manage the expenses for the whole family, I asked our sons to save the money for their use in the future .)  Our older son worked in a company far from home.  Two months into his job, he had to rent an apartment near where he worked to avoid the long drives.  Our younger son lived at home because his workplace was not far.

Saturday was the 2nd of a month.  Our older son must have paid for the rent and utilities of his apartment.  Every month, he also had to pay for his student loans, car payment, insurance, food, and other expenses of living on his own.  In addition, he continued to pay for his share of the household expenses as his brother did.  He said he wanted to for he had the money.  Like most young people, he never concerned himself with saving money.  At home, he ate a lot.  Living by himself, he probably had to spend quite some money on food.  From the brief expression on his face that day, I understood he was not as free financially as he said he was.

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All alone in the family room that afternoon, I thought of my sons.

I loved my sons dearly and equally.  They had different personalities.  When they were young, the older one was outgoing, friendly, and kind; the younger one was sweet, self-directed, and creative.  The struggle in  the restaurant years affected each one of us in the family.  With his sense of obligation, the challenging situations had probably been very hard on our older son.  Looking back, those were the years my older son began arguing with me and wanting me to agree with him that money was the most important thing in life.  (I never did.)  As an adult, many saw him as shallow, immature, and materialistic because of the way he presented himself.  They could not see his generosity, gentle, and caring side that hid behind his warrior mentality.  (Re my post Who's driving? )

Sitting there, I thought of this wonderful soul who had chosen me as his mother.  I thought of his generous, giving nature.  As a baby, he happily handed his father what he had (soup or food) when his father came home from work.   As a small boy, he gave whatever he got at school (e.g. candies and toys) to his little brother as soon as he came home.  He did it on his own!  I knew not many children would do that.  He gave good tips to wait persons, pizza delivery persons, and hairdressers even when he did not earn much money.  I thought of his courage.  He graduated from a university, and was willing to work in a store instead of waiting for a job.  He always said he got to do what he had to do.  I also thought of his talk with me recently.  I knew he was anxious about his job.  He wanted to find another one.

I began to pray.  I sent my son love and blessings.  Suddenly, I felt love sprang out of my heart.  Love kept flowing from me, expanding, and filling the space.  (These were mainly words, and no words could adequately describe what had happened.)  I did not know how long it went on.  My whole being was vibrating strongly long after the energy stopped flowing out of my heart.  I knew everything was going to be alright.

My older son sent out his resume anyway even though he knew the offices were closed on Monday.  His determination succeeded.  He got a call from that company on Tuesday morning asking him to go for an interview two days later.  The interview was a success, and he got a new job.

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After the experience, I found people around me including those I saw on TV looked more beautiful than before.  I easily said truthfully in my heart, "She (or he) is beautiful."  In circle or gathering, when a friend said she was sad or sick, I listened with compassion.  I looked at her with love, but I was not sad.  I did the same when I watched the news on TV.  "I love you, I love you..." was a song that automatically began in my heart when someone on the screen was overwhelmed with grief or sadness.

One day in the Thursday circle, a friend said she could not watch the news on TV anymore.  The stories made her felt sad.  Other joined in expressing the same feeling.  I shared with them my story, and how love sprang out of my heart.  I told my friends to practice sending love with truthfulness.  We might not see / feel it, however, love reached and embraced beyond distance, space, and time.  I said sometimes it might help to say "Peace be with you" or "Peace be with me" in our hearts.  My friends were quiet after I talked.  I shared truthfully, and held no expectations.

A week or two later, a dear friend told the circle her experience.  One day, she turned on the television.  On the screen, she saw a boy with a badly deformed face.  In the story, the boy was known as the "Elephant Boy".  Looking at the boy, the loving being that my friend was, she felt very, very sad for the boy.  Sadness overwhelmed her, and she did not know how to deal with it.  Suddenly, she remembered my story.  She began to send the boy love with all her heart and soul.  Love filled her and sprang out of her towards the boy.  She no longer felt sad.  She was in love and peace.  With tears in her eyes, she thanked me for the experience.

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Love soothes.  Love heals.  Love neutralizes and modifies what are not of love.  And, that beautiful, powerful LOVE is in you and in me.

Many blessings,
Q of D


Friday, November 6, 2015

Is turning off the TV the only way to maintain our peace?


                                 In a war torn zone
                                 After another round of bombing
                                 A man stood on the ground
                                 Pools of blood here and there
                                 Fires and smoke everywhere  
                                 Seeing the destruction around him
                                 He looked up at the sky
                                 With his arms raised
                                 He let out a deafening, painful cry
                                 "All we want is to live in peace!"
                                 Lowering his head
                                 In a choking, barely audible voice, he asked
                                 "Is it too much for us to ask for?"

The above were the words I wrote after watching a man in a war torn zone said to a journalist on TV, "All we want is to live in peace!"  His words touched me.  "All we want is to live in peace."  Was it not what all of us wanted?  However, in some places, children grew up knowing only the tragic and violence of wars; as for the adults, peace was like a fading dream they had long time ago.

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In spiritual circles and at church, quite a few of my friends had expressed their sadness over what happened in our world.  Some said they had stopped watching the news.  They did not want to hear the news about the wars and violence every day. Some said they seldom turned on the television for that was the only way they could maintain their peace.

I knew how my friends felt.  There were times I felt sad watching the news too.  I prayed as many of my friends did, yet, praying seemed to be the only thing I could do.

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On May 26, 2005, I joined the Thursday circle for the first time.  In July, the facilitator asked us to write a simple vision statement for our next meeting.  Many of my friends at the circle were long time spiritual seekers.  Some were psychics / mediums, workshop facilitators, spiritual / metaphysical teachers, and healers.  They held visions of what they wanted to do, but I could only see myself as a simple Chinese woman.  For days, I could not come up with a word for my vision statement.  I decided to give up, and then something unexpected happened.  (Please view my post Who are we and the meaning of life )  On the day I proclaimed "who I am", I could feel powerful energy all around me.  It was a life transformation experience.

However, as time went by, the sense that "I am a powerful, beautiful, loving being created by God" as I had proclaimed began to wane.  I allowed myself to react to life dramas again.  At times, I felt sad and powerless towards what happened around me.

                                           ~       to be continued       ~

Next post The Beautiful, Powerful LOVE in You and in Me

Monday, October 26, 2015

Love Has No fear


Under the title of my blog "Loveshines", I wrote "In faith, I share with you my experiences.   My experiences are not just mine and yours are not just yours for in truth We Are One.  Let LOVE shine through the blog as the title has intended".  Since I stepped outside of my family in 2005 to socialize with other people, I found from my experiences that it was very true that we were intricately intertwined. 

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I usually prayed for answers or relief to a challenging situation / relationship during the night.  On quite a few occasions, guidance came to me the moment I woke up.  It might be I was more receptive to inner guidance as I came out of the sleeping state than other times of the day.  It often came as a message (i.e. a sentence).  For example, there was a time I was very worried about the well being of a loved one.   For many nights, I prayed earnestly for help from the Divine.  One morning, these words came to me as I woke up.  

                                               "LOVE HAS NO FEAR."

Meanwhile, I found myself in a powerful field of loving energy.  As I reflected on the message, I realized how true the words were.  The cause of my suffering was but the result of my fear / worries for the well being of the loved one.  In the human sense, my fear was normal and justified.  However, fear never helped in any situation.  Lying in bed, I asked for love and support to release my fears.  Holding the truth that "All Is Well", I surrendered the situation into the Loving Divine.

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When I began to sit among other people, occasionally, an experience or a message that I had received came to my mind.  It was like an inner prompting to share.  In the beginning, I often dismissed the thought.  Sometimes I felt the message / experience was irrelevant to the talk that went on.  Most of all, I looked at my experiences as personal, and I was not comfortable to share them especially I knew I had to speak in English.  Therefore, I suppressed the prompting to share, and many times I ended up rushing to the bathroom coughing nonstop.  

It took me quite some time to be more at ease in sharing my experiences.  While the human I sometimes thought the incident / message was irrelevant, I found out time after time what I related was in fact what one or two of my friends needed to hear at that particular time.  In time, I was more open to share my experiences.  In my posts, I had mentioned the facilitator always began the circle by relating to us the guidance that came to her in her meditation.  On a few occasions, tears filled my eyes as  I listened.  I knew from deep within my heart that the Divine had talked to me with love through her, and I was grateful.

Indeed, my experiences are not just my experiences, and your experiences are not just yours.  The guidance that comes to you may be the guidance I need to hear.  It is in the joy of sharing, we live, laugh, cry, connect*, and feel the wonders of Oneness.  

Many blessings,
Q of D

*Connect is only a matter of speech since we are never separated from one another.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015



In my last post  Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign ,  I wrote I had a dream in the morning of Oct. 4, 2001.  I believed it was worth sharing.

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Around 5 am that morning, I woke up from my sleep.  Later, I prayed.  Near the end of my talk to God, I said, "Please teach me or talk to me in my dream.  Most importantly, please let me remember the dream."  I had dreams all the time, but most of the times I could not recall the dreams.  It might be my mind was on the challenges we faced.  I often went to bed late, and did not have enough sleep.

This was the dream.  I was in the dream, yet part of me was observing the whole scene as if watching a movie.

I sat by a table.  The observing me found the shape of the table 'weird' or different.  It was neither round, oval, square, nor rectangular.   A man sat to my right.  Three people sat across from us.   I did not recognize any of them in the present life.  The man to my right walked to somewhere else.  As soon as he left, the three people began criticizing him.  They talked louder and louder.  They were very critical of him.  I tried to calm them down, but they would not stop criticizing him.  Finally, I said in a very firm voice.

                                       "Judge not, or ye shalt be judged."

The above were the exact words I used in the dream.

Then I woke up.  For a minute, I thought the dream might be a scene of another lifetime.  Since I said "please teach me in my dream", "Judge not, or ye shalt be judged" must be an important teaching that I should  bear in mind.

I wrote down the dream.  I noted the shape of the table was different from the regular shapes that I knew.  Sometimes I drew pictures to show what I saw in my dream, but in this case I had not done that.  I recorded the words I used in the dream.  I knew 'ye' meant 'you', and was somewhat sure 'shalt' was the old form of 'shall'.  (In another post  A Powerful, Profound Dream , I dreamt of a little boy named Brendan.  I would have spelled his name 'Brandon' which was the only spelling the human I knew, but 'Brendan' was how the name was supposed to be in the dream.)

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I know there are many quotes of wisdom that tell us not to judge.  Originally, I want to go online and see if I can close this post with some quotes.  However, I decide to simply share with you the dream.  Words don't teach, but experience will.  Sometimes reading or hearing an experience is an experience in itself.

For instance, when I read the story of a woman who wanted to divorce her husband because of her nagging mother-in-law, the story changed me.  It turned out the woman wanted to learn the lesson of patience, and she had begged her best friend to be her nagging mother-in-law before they came into this lifetime.  (Re my post  Life is not what it seems .)  It caused me to look at life with a new perspective.  I realized a difficult situation might be an opportunity for us to handle it with creativity and joy instead of dread.  Someone we had a hard time getting along was but a tool in our journey of life.  It did not mean it was the same case as that of the woman.  However, it was beneficial to look at what happened with a new perspective or attitude.

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My friends, what does  'Judge not, or ye shalt be judged' mean to you?

To me, 'do not judge' does not mean we should live a passive life unresponsive to what happens around us.  It does not mean we should not speak the truth or take a stand when we see / feel something is wrong (e.g. injustice) even though it may not involve us.  'Judge not, or ye shalt be judged' reminds us not to be too quick or too harsh in judging others.  It reminds us that the measures we use to judge others are the measures that may come back to measure us.  It reminds us to be kind, patient, forgiving, and gentle towards ourselves and others for in truth We Are One.

Q of D

If you have time, please view  A Powerful Profound Dream .  Over the years, my guides words of wisdom helped me greatly in dealing with the dramas of life.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign

Continue from the following posts
Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine   9/15/2015
The background of the significant experience of the birds  9/23/2015
Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense  9/24/2015
I had brought home the wrong book!  9/29/2015

On Oct.3, 2001, my son called me.  He asked if I had made up my mind to write to the author.  I said I would only do it if God gave me the signs.  My son said, "MomGod is going to give you the signs again."

On Sept. 30, I had prayed to see a group of birds resting on the utility wires outside of the restaurant and 444 on the same day.  In the afternoon, I saw about 20 birds on the wires and 4:44 pm when I walked into the kitchen.   I dismissed them as signs.  I said to myself I saw 4:44 pm because I paid attention to the time.  As for the birds, I saw those small birds around the mall all the time.  I thought it was not that unusual to see about 20 of them on the wires.

Did I believe that God would give me the signs again as my son said?  No.  I prayed to see the signs on Sept. 30, and it was now Oct. 3.  Besides, I realized I had not been specific about the signs.  For instance, I asked to see a group of birds.  When I saw about 20 birds, I said that was not what I meant.  I meant a lot of birds, or it must be at least more than 30.  Since I was not specific about the signs, I thought there was no way I would know (or would be able to convince myself) that they were truly signs from the Divine even if I saw them.  Therefore, I did not anticipate to see the signs again.

The truth was, despite of many amazing touches of the Divine, I still had doubts about myself and my experiences.  

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Before I continue with the story, I would like to talk about my head sensation.

While the 444 incidents and other unexplainable incidents were going on, I became more sensitive to energy.  I felt the constant flow of air on my third eye area.  It bothered me a little bit since I did not sense it before.   (I still could not visualize as when I was young.  Please see my post Why did he thank me? )  Sometimes I found myself in a field of loving energy.  It was warm and very comfortable that I wished to stay there.  The sensation that troubled me was the pulsation around the upper part of my head.  These pulsations often started suddenly.  It was hard to describe how I felt in words.  I practically felt as if part of my head and the energy around my head were pulsating.  Sometimes the pulsation was mild.  It might stop after a while, or it might come on and off throughout the day.  On some occasions, the energy around my head vibrated vigorously.  This bothered me greatly.  Part of me felt something was taking place, yet I did not know what it was.  The strong vibration normally stopped with a sense that it was over.  It might start again later with similar intensity, but it would stop.  It did not linger as the mild head sensation did.

In time, when my head sensation came on, I tried to ask myself (or my angels and guides) for answers,  Most of the times, I got no answers, but sometimes thoughts came to me regarding the cause of the pulsation.  From my experiences, I eventually got some ideas of the difference between the mild and strong head vibrations.

When the sensation was not very strong, I believed I was receiving thoughts concerning me.  It might also be something was taking place involving a loved one or someone I knew.

When I had strong and sudden head sensation, something was either happening at that moment or was about to happen.  For instance, I left the restaurant to drive my son to work.  In the car, my head sensation came on strongly.  The restaurant food inspector came to my mind.  I felt the food inspector was coming or could already be in the restaurant.  I asked my son to call his dad and ask if I should go back to the restaurant.  After the call, my son said, "Mom, your are wrong.  Dad said that you worried too much.  He said it was not time for another inspection.  Dad asks you to buy some vegetables for the restaurant after you drop me off. "  (The inspector came twice yearly, but he never came on a fixed day.  He had showed up any time he chose.  It could be four to eight months from his last visit.)  The sensation remained for quite a while.  Then it stopped.  When I returned to the restaurant, my husband looked at me with a strange look.  He said, "After I answered the call (our son's call), I went back into the kitchen.  Soon the inspector walked in."

Therefore, I found the head sensation troubling because I knew something was happening, yet I did not know what it was.

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In the afternoon of Oct. 4, 2001, a woman walked in.  She was a nice woman who dined in every now and then after the lunch rush hours were over.  We talked for a little while.  I left her alone after bringing out her lunch.  At one point, I felt intense energy on my forehead, and strong energy vibrated around my head.   I could not help but thought, "Is it about my sons?  Why is my head pulsating?"  I did not get any answer.   The customer left around 2:30 pm.  After she left, I had to go to a store.

As I stepped outside of the restaurant, I saw a large group of birds resting on the electrical wires high above the ground.  They were black and were much, much bigger than those small birds that I often saw.  I stood there in awe.  I counted the number of birds.  There were over forty birds!   All the birds were facing me.  I looked at them, and they looked at me.  I understood why I had strong head vibrations earlier.  For a few minutes, I stood there looking up at the birds while tears ran down my face.  None of the birds flew away.  I said in my heart, "God, I hear you. I will write to the author."  Then I got into the car and drove to the store.

I came back to the restaurant before 4 pm.  I ate lunch.  (That was life in the restaurant.  We normally ate lunch around 3 pm and had supper some time between 9:00 to 10:30 pm.)   Part of me was still in awe of what had happened.  Part of me thought about how to relate my story to the author.  At one point, I thought 'what about the 444 sign?'  The answer was 'Go inside (the kitchen) now!'  I walked into the kitchen.  I saw 4:43 pm turned to 4:44 pm right in front of me.

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I used the computer to record this incident.  I used the word medium to describe the size of the black birds.  The electrical wires or utility wires were high above the ground.  Days later, I observed the small grayish birds looked tiny on the wires.  The black birds I saw that afternoon spread over a big portion of the length of the wires.  I could easily count the number of birds.  I did not know much about birds.  I learned from the Internet that ravens flew in pairs while crows flew in groups.   I never saw those birds around the strip mall again.  We sold the restaurant in 2004.

I might not know what kind of birds they were, but I would always remember that moment of seeing them.  At that very moment, I had no doubt at all that God had shown me the sign I prayed for.  In awe and gratitude, tears rushed down my face.

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Some days later, I settled down to write the letter.  I knew the author received thousands of letter after he published his book.  I thought it would be a long time before I heard from him, but he wrote back soon.  He gave me the names and phone numbers of three world known angel readers.  My calls to the first two angel readers did not get through.  I booked a reading with the third angel channel.  She was a very good channel.  Through her, my guides and angels confirmed I really received the message from them, and it was not my imagination.  However, what they said about me led to more questions than answers.  The words about my husband and sons were true and accurate.  They said my husband was indeed a good cook, and he should not feel he had failed.  I was surprised to hear that the business venture was not bound to fail, but it was the wrong location.  I learned it was the right choice to sell the restaurant.  They wanted me to move on and do what I came here to do.

Four years later, I went to a holistic festival and won the grand prize - a $100 gift certificate.  (Please click to view The Grand Prize and the 2nd Reading )  Months later, I used the money for a reading.   The first reading back in Dec. 2001 was by a channel.  In other words, she related the words of my guides and angels.  The second reading was by a psychic.  As a mother, I asked many questions concerning my sons again.  She was an exceptional psychic.  Her words about them were right on the money.

I did not tell her about the message I received, yet she said many things that made sense.  She said she had read many people, but my reading was different.  She normally saw images of what would be (or the possible future) for the people she read, but she could not get that from my guides.  She said my guides were not trying to be evasive, but it seemed what would happen was up to me or what I chose to do (or not do).  Indeed, in readings, my guides and angels never talked about the future other than encouraged me to go among people.  There were more to this reading.  She was indeed a wonderful psychic.  I could hear the love and truthfulness in her voice.

The message I received was like a jigsaw puzzle game.  Over the years, I found a piece here and there that fitted the game.  In June of 2009, a big piece of the puzzle finally fell into place.

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In truth and faith, I have shared with you the significant experience of the birds.  I had a dream in the morning of Oct. 4, 2001.  I will share it with you in my next post.

Nowadays, whenever I have strong head sensations, I surrender whatever it is, the person and the situation, into the loving care of the Divine and all the benevolent forces.

I don't know what my future will be, and wish to end this post with words from a post I published in 2011.  (An entry in my journal dated 1/23/2003.  Here are some of the words from my guides.)

You want to know what's to come before it comes.  You want us to confirm what you think you know.  The 'real beauty' of life is 'what you do not know'.  For instance, if you know you will be very rich in May, you will look forward to May. What happens in between now and May you will not handle them with emotions of not knowing.

With not knowing, you will handle whatever happens with creativity.  You will deal with them with your true emotions.  And to do that - living your life truthfully - is what life is all about.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"In the Name of God, heal!"

Continue from these posts
Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine   9/15/2015
The background of the significant experience of the birds  9/23/2015
Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense  9/24/2015
I had brought home the wrong book!  9/29/2015

About two hours later, severe pain inside the bottom of my feet woke me up.  I curved my feet towards my upper body.  From my experiences, this usually freed me from cramps.  It did not work this time.  I had cramps during pregnancy.  It was a long, long time ago.  From time to time I had minor pain on my feet, but this time the pain was terrible.  I rose from bed to hold my feet with my hands.  I imagined healing energy enfolded my feet (I learned this from books).  It did not help.  The pain was too much to bear.  All of a sudden, I heard myself yelled,

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

The pain abruptly subsided.  Luckily, my yelling did not wake my husband up.  While I was a light sleeper, my husband was a heavy sleeper.  Lying in bed, I wondered what overcame me to say those words.  Every time when I got sick, I begged God to heal me.  Even during the 4 days and nights excruciating pain ordeal, I just kept repeating, "God, please heal me. God, please heal me."  (Re my post The Grace of God )  "In the Name of God, heal!" sounded like a command to me.  I had never done that before.  As the pain subsided, I fell asleep again with a heart of gratitude.

I talked to my younger son on Tuesday (Oct.2, 2001).  I told him I wanted to write a letter to an author, but I did not see the signs that I had asked for.  He encouraged me to just do it (i.e. write the letter).  I said I was not ready for part of me was afraid to learn the truth.  He said, "Mom, you are never afraid.  Write to the author so that you can find out the truth once and for all."

On Oct.3, 2001, a customer who had become a good friend dined in.  I was very surprised to see her walked in without a cane.

She was in her 70 s.  She always walked with a cane.   She said her feet and legs hurt all the time.  Recently she told me the pain was getting worse and worse.  She could not sleep at night.  She was afraid she might have bone cancer.  (Her husband died of bone cancer.)  She said she had made an appointment with a doctor.  I told her not to worry.  She was a good friend.  She was the customer who stayed and talked to me for hours.  She believed in angels and the afterlife.  In recent nights, I had prayed for her with all my heart and soul.

Since she walked in without a cane, I assumed her visit to the doctor must have helped her.  I asked her about it.  She said she had not seen the doctor yet for her appointment was next week.  She said she had been walking without a cane since yesterday because she woke up feeling much better.  Seeing the smile back on her face, I was very happy for her.

Somehow, what happened reminded me of another incident concerning a graceful black woman that worked in a store.  She was a cashier.  Sometimes she worked at the lottery counter.  Whenever she saw us, she greeted us with a big smile.  Even when we lined up at other checkout lanes, she waved at us with a great smile.  I had seen many customers smiled back at her just as we did because she was so nice and friendly.  (The cashier in this post was not the cashier in my post She looked like a movie star.)

One afternoon, I went shopping for the restaurant.  I saw her working at the lottery counter*.  One look at her, I knew she was very sick.  I went to buy a lottery ticket.  I asked, "How are you?"  In a barely audible voice, she told me she had been sick for some days and her whole body hurt terribly.  I asked if she had seen a doctor.  She said she did, but the medicine did not help.  I suggested for her to take some days off and rest at home.  She said she had already taken a few sick days.  She had to work because she needed money to pay the rent.  I looked at her with lots of compassion.  (*This was the same store that I wrote about in Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 2.  The lottery counter used to be right by the entrance.  The layout of the store is different now.)

That night I knelt down by the side of the bed and prayed for the cashier.  As I prayed, excruciating pain came over my entire body.  I kept praying.  Meanwhile, I wondered why I was in so much pain.  When I finished praying, I was surprised the pain was completely gone.  I was fine.

The next day, my husband asked me to go to the store to buy something.  Again, I saw the woman at the lottery counter.  She looked at me with her usual wonderful smile.  I asked how she was doing.  She said she felt great for she was no longer in pain.  I was glad she was well.  I thought the pain I felt during prayer was just a coincidence.

When I connected this incident to the severe feet pain incident, I thought*** it might be I should read some books as how to pray or ask for protection before I prayed. (That was what I had written down, but I never followed through on that thought.  Please see note at the end of this post.)

Later that night (i.e. Wed. Oct.3, 2001), my son called me.  He asked if I had made up my mind to write to the author.  I said I would only do it if God gave me the signs.  My son said, "Mom, God is going to give you the signs again."

                                            ~           to be cont'd           ~

            Next post Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign

*** If I remembered correctly (since I had not written it down), I believed I had said to my guides and angels that I would continue to pray for others, but I did not want to experience other's pain anymore.   Since then, I had not experienced any pain or discomfort again when I prayed for others.

The above incidents happened in the restaurant years.

After we sold the restaurant, I eventually stepped outside of my family as guided.  When I participated in healing service (or worked on others), I set the intention to be a pure, clear, open channel of healing love and light.  I did not pray for protection for I had faith in the Loving Divine.  I did not ask others which part of their body needed healing before I worked on them.  Afterward, people often said, "How do you know my shoulder (or any part of the body) is hurting since I have not told you?  Is it because you feel the pain I have?"  No, I did not feel other's pain during a session.  I had no idea why the Energy guided me to work on certain parts of his / her body.  Some healers saw images or received information while working on others.  I normally heard and saw nothing.  I did not concern myself with the outcome, and all credits went to the Divine.