Saturday, December 31, 2016

Have a Blissful 2017!


Continue from A Mysterious Encounter
                       A Strange Dream
                       The Mystery of a Sister Continues
                       Why I had to sign before he reincarnated

After I published Why I had to sign before he reincarnated , I happened to read an old post Who Smiles? Who Sees?  I realized I had two readings in 2006, one in March and one a few months later by the Stone Reader.  I remembered the March reading, but somehow I tended to forget what I heard in the later reading.

I meant no disrespect to the Stone Reader.  He was a good channel with the pure intention of service.  His way of doing readings was different from other psychics.  In the reading room was a table full of stones and crystals.  He asked me to feel the energies of the stones and pick 3 to 4 pieces.  He began relating the messages he received by holding the stones in the order that I picked.  Early in the reading, he talked about one of my past lives.  He said I manifested myself on earth around 400 B.C.*** (i.e. not by birth), taught a small numbers of students and left (not by death).

In retrospect, that was when the human I listened with disbelief, "If I was that being, why did I have to struggle so much mentally and emotionally in this lifetime?"  I thought what he said of me in a past life was irrelevant.  To me, I was a simple Chinese woman in this lifetime, and that was the fact!

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***When I decided to share the experience Who Smiles? Who Sees? a few years ago, I listened to the reading again.  Afterward, I put the tape away.  Now, I forgot where I put the tape.  During the reading, the reader was very specific about years and dates.  For instance, I asked him about something.  He saw a date flashing on my forehead.  I thought it could not be because the date was within the week.  Amazingly, it happened on the date as he had seen on my forehead.  As regards to that lifetime, I could not find the tape, and only recalled it was around 400 B.C.

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As I reread Who Smiles? Who Sees?, the words of the psychic in the March 2006 reading came to my mind.  She said, "In this lifetime, you have come to live an ordinary life.  You come to collect data living as an ordinary person, but cream is lighter than water.  You will eventually rise to the top because of who you are."  I asked her to explain.  She related her visions of me, but what she said was not what I wanted to hear.  I wanted to know where to look for a job and have an income.  For a while, she paused as if taking in the images she saw.  She said, "Q of D, you come to live an ordinary life.  You want to be like everybody else,  but you are not everybody else.  You are different.  You have to accept who you are ... "

I also remembered what happened on the first day of the 7-Day spiritual retreat.  The spiritual master said to Samuel, "She is an instrument."  He turned to me and said, "When you accept who you are, you will be much more and can help many people." His words caused a strong emotional reaction within me.  I thought I had accepted who I was by stepping outside of my comfort zone to mix with people.  (Re Day 1 of the one week spiritual retreat )

As all of these came to my mind, I reflected on what had happened.

When I wrote A Mysterious Encounter , I did not know I would write the posts that followed.  I had the reading in March 2006.  I went to the spiritual retreat in August 2016.  I only connected the psychic's words to the spiritual master's words in recent days.  I realized over ten years had gone by.  The spiritual master was right.  I had as yet accepted who I am.  I still lived in the limited view of self.  I only felt comfortable channeling healing energies among people without being noticed.  I thought there was nothing wrong with this attitude since I neither seek attention nor recognition. However, there were times I stopped the flow of healing energies because I did not want to be seen or ridiculed as weird.  Sometimes I did not speak up when words came to me.  I realized it was fear that blocked me from accepting who I am.  If I had accepted who I am, I would not have fear.  I would be at peace with what I did or did not do.

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While I wanted to finish the story of a sister, I did not know I was led to go through a process of self-examination.

My friends, have you accepted who you are?  Do you have fear of standing in your own truth?  Are you at peace and at ease with your life?  We are all much more than the human beings we appear to be.  What is your gift for the world?

I will definitely finish the story of a sister in my next post.

Have a blissful 2017!

Q of D

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Who Smiles? Who Sees?


In the challenging restaurant years, I learned how stress and worries could age people.

I had toothache all the time.  I went to a dental office a couple of times, but dental care was more expensive than I could afford.  When I came out of the restaurant years, I had lost some teeth.  One of my front teeth was broken and the remaining portion was black / badly discolored.

Standing in front of a mirror one morning, I was shocked to see my eyelashes were almost gone or sparsely visible.  The hair on my eyebrows was thin and sparse.  I thought about my sons.  Oh, I loved them!  I wanted to be there for them.  I knew I must change in order to regain my health.

With the love of the Divine, my angels and guides, I survived.  Despite of all the challenges, I came out of the experience feeling grateful and jubilant.

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In May 2005, I stepped outside of my family to mix with people as my spirit guide said in a reading.  When I was with the circle, I allowed myself to break into laughter on a few occasions.  Laughing was contagious.  My friends had a good laugh too.  When I attended public gatherings such as church services, part of me was conscious of my front tooth.  I smiled, but I would call it a contained smile.

In 2011, I had a few strange experiences about my smile within a short period.

One day, I was with a small group.  We meditated.  Right when the meditation was over, the minister said, "Q of D, I happen to open my eyes during the meditation. You are like a smiling Buddha!  There is light all around you!  It is so beautiful!"  I could only smile for I did not know what to say.

One Sunday after service, a woman walked all the way across the chapel to where I stood.  She said, "You have the most wonderful smile!  Thank you for sharing with us your smile."  I was surprised.  I was sure I was not smiling (physically) during the closing circle.

A couple of weeks later, I attended service in another church.  (Other than the small church that I called my spiritual home, I went to this church every few weeks.)  When the service was over, a woman pointed at me.  She said to the others that I had always walked in with a smile full of joy and peace.

One day, the speaker at church was one who had a few near-death experiences. After his near-death experiences, he was very intuitive and open to the Divine.  From his talk, I could feel his genuine love for all things.  Soon after the service was over, I was surprised to find him standing next to me!  We hugged.  I bought a book written by him.  On it, he wrote -

                     (My name)
                     What a beautiful and giving smile you bring to this world!

I found these incidents about my smile puzzling.  What did people see?  I was sure sometimes I walked into the church just liked everybody else.  I did not think I was smiling.  One night, I held this question in my mind before I went to sleep.  When I woke up, I suddenly remembered in 2006 a stone reader*** had said something about my smile.  I could not recall what he said.  Two days later, I decided to find the tape of the reading.  I listened to the tape again.  I realized I forgot what was said of my smile because I was not ready to take in those words at the time of the reading.
"The archangels want you to be aware that you have the ability within yourself, just by being yourself, to help people to heal very old emotional wounds by just listening, by just encouraging, by being who you are, by being the person that you are; just being in a room with people, your wonderful smile can help people to heal very dramatically."
As I listened to the tape, I realized these incidents occurred to remind me of my life purpose.  Looking back at what happened since the reading, I found it to be true that many times people healed as I listened or talked to them.

In the above incidents, the human I might be peaceful, but I knew sometimes I had not smiled.  However, it was obvious the few people that talked to me had seen a wonderful smile on my face.

                                            Who smiles?  Who sees?

I now realize the human I may not be smiling, but my true / higher self is.  The same applies to the few who see me smiling.  It is his or her intuitive higher self that sees.

With my personality, I originally do not want to share with you the story about my smile especially the words of the archangels.  However, as Oprah and Deepak said "we all come in with a purpose or a gift for the world."  My gift may be my smile, and your gift may be your talent in art / music.  We are all expressions of the Source / Creator, and each one of us is unique in our own ways.  I choose to share with you my experiences to show that we are far more than the human beings that we appear to be.  (Please click to view Oprah and Deepak's words of wisdom on Our Life Purpose )

Are you ready to unleash the magnificent YOU?*  Set your intention now.  Let all of us BE who we truly are.  (*Re my post Mark Romero and his healing music about the magnificent you.)

Q of D

***In 2006, a channel / psychic from another state came to the Center.  He was originally an engineer.  After a near-death experience, he came back to life liked a different person.  Suddenly, he could hear and talk to angels.  Later, he left his old life behind, and began fulfilling his life purpose.  When he came to the Center, he was known as "The Stone Reader".

About 25 people attended his talk at the Center.  He placed lots of crystals (or stones) on a table.  After sharing with us his story, he told us to pick two or three pieces of crystals from the table.  He then walked to a person and related the guidance from the angels.  I was the third person he talked to.  Most people left after he gave them the guidance.  The event was supposed to last for an hour and a half or two hours.  He had no obligation to read all the people there.  In settings like this, most psychics only read a portion of the group.  However, when the time was up, he continued to give people the information that came to him.  There was never a moment he tried to rush. His intention of service touched me.  I chose to stay because I wanted to thank and honor him for his spirit of service.

When he read the last person, three and a half hour had gone by.  I talked to the owner of the center that the stone reader was a wonderful being.  The owner who always treated me with love and respect said people had booked readings with the stone reader on the following day.  She said she had added my name and would pay for the reading!  I did not expect that.  I said I could not accept.  She insisted.  Finally, I said I would only come for a reading if she allowed me to pay for it by myselfShe said she would pay for the reading, and would go to my apartment If I did not come.

Oh, Sister, I cannot thank you enough for the love and support you have bestowed upon me.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Why I had to sign my name before he was to reincarnate


Continue from A Mysterious Encounter
                        A Strange Dream
                        The Mystery of a Twin Sister Continues

Some days after the second reading, I called my sister.  I asked if she remembered the mysterious encounter that happened many years ago.  She said, "I kind of remember it.  People mistake someone as somebody else all the time.  What happened that day was just a coincidence."  I told her the part of my reading about a sister.  She said it was absurd I thought I had another sister.  She said, "I am the oldest.  If our mother gave birth to another child, I would have known about it.  What kind of psychic did you go to?  You should not have believed a word she said!"

I had not talked to anyone in my family about My Strange Dream of my younger twin sister and brother.  My older sister did not know I had a conversation with our mother years ago about the twins.  In order to find the truth, I said, "I had asked Mama if there was a history of twins in our family.  She said she had a miscarriage, a boy and a girl.  They would have been our younger brother and sister.  Mama said that they were very beautiful.  I never knew Mama was pregnant and had a miscarriage.  Is it possible that our parents had given away a daughter?"  Immediately, my sister said, "I knew about the miscarriage!  I thought you knew too."  I replied, "You knew about it! When did it happen?  I really did not know anything about it!"

My sister thought for a while.  She said, "Indeed you might not know about it.  When the accident happened, I was already home after school.  Father called a doctor to come to our house right away.  Mama had a miscarriage very early in her term.  She told you the twins were very beautiful!  It was all in her mind!  I was there.  They were very small and had no apparent feature yet.  The doctor only said they were a boy and a girl when Mama asked.  Later, Father brought Mama to a hotel because the doctor said Mama needed a quiet place to rest and recover.  All of these happened before you came home."    
As I listened, I began to remember.  My sister was in secondary school.  She attended classes from morning to afternoon.  She was home by mid afternoon.  I was in elementary school.  The elementary school I went to had AM and PM classes.  I attended classes in the afternoon.  I normally got home around 6:30 to 7 pm.  One day when I came home from school, my father told me my mother was not well.  The doctor said for her to stay in a hotel for a while so that she could have some rest.  I did not understand why she had to stay in a hotel.  Every morning, my father brought me to the hotel to see my mother.  In those days, I was consumed with worries about my mother.  Every night, I prayed.  I was very relieved when my mother was home.

I asked my sister about the year our mother had the miscarriage.  The twins were indeed sixteen years old when I had the dream!  At the end of our talk on the phone, my sister said, "Sis, we don't have another sister.  I do not know how you get this silly idea from the encounter long time ago."  I believed my sister told me the truth.  I also knew the psychic was not a charlatan but a wonderful, loving psychic.  It might be the information that came through was not clear enough.  After I talked to my sister, I decided to put the whole thing aside.

I loved my sister, but we were quite different in personality.  She could not relate to my mother's pain and thought that the twins were beautiful.  But, I could.

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As I was writing about the Strange Dream, I suddenly understood the implication of signing my name before my brother was to reincarnate.

                                   This soul could possibly be in my life now!

I found the dream confusing because I thought my parents or my older siblings should be the one to sign before this soul reincarnated.  However, I was wrong to look at the dream from the human standpoint.

We planned our lives before we were born on earth.  We knew what we came to do as well as our roles in other people's lives.  For example, in the story of a woman and her extremely nagging mother-in-law, it turned out the woman had begged her best friend to be the nagging mother-in-law in order to learn the lesson of patience before they reincarnated.  We seemed to forget everything once we were born.  However, there were always events, words and objects that would trigger some memories / reactions.  For example, A met B; the pendant B wore could be the object that triggered a deep feeling within A.  Oftentimes, the intricacy or complexity of life was beyond the logic of our human mind.

My parents and siblings were not asked to sign before he reincarnated because they would not be part of this soul's new life, i.e. his present lifetime.  However, he and I would meet some time in this life.  The feeling was tremendous as I realized we could have already met!  In my past life dreams, I had been born in many different countries, e.g. European countries and Tibet.  In other words, this soul could be of any nationality.  Since I was into spirituality, he could be too.  I knew the year he was reincarnated.  In my current spiritual group, there were many young men around that age.  It was very possible my younger brother was among them.

I do not intend to find out who is my brother.  If we have met, we have met.  If we have not, we shall.  Having the dream and eventually the realization make me look at all with more love.

Is the story of a sister over yet?  Please stay tune.  (see link below)

Many blessings,
Q of D

Click to view The Conclusion of the Mystery of a Twin Sister

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Mystery of a Twin Sister Continues


Continue from A Mysterious Encounter and A Strange Dream

In Dec. 2001, I had a phone reading by a well known angel channel who lived in another state.  I got the name of the channel from an author.  (Re my post Seeing the birds, I had no doubt that God had shown me the sign )

During the reading, I asked a few questions about myself including the message I heard in the last quarter of 1999.  My spirit guide confirmed the message was from him.  At the time, I could neither understand nor accept what my angels and guides said of me.  As a mother and a wife, I naturally spent the rest of the time asking questions about my loved ones and the restaurant situation.

In 2004, we sold the restaurant business.  I did not know how to continue with my spiritual search.  (At the time, I knew nothing about the Internet.  I did subscribe for Internet service near the end of 2010.)  In May 2005, an ad on a metaphysical magazine caught my attention.  A holistic center in a nearby city had a full page ad with lists of practitioners, classes, and events.  I felt drawn to a circle that met on Thursdays.  On the ad, it stated the circle was for psychics and healers; however, all spiritual seekers were welcome.

In the early hours of May 26, 2005 (Thur.), I tossed and turned in bed.  I wanted to go to the Thursday circle, yet there was resistance within.  Other than going to work, I seldom socialized outside of my family.  Would people understand my English?  I had read many metaphysical books since 2000.  Still, I considered myself a novice on the spiritual path.  As dawn came, I said to myself, "I am not a psychic or a healer.  I do not belong to the circle.  I am not going."  With the decision, I finally fell asleep.

While I was deep in my sleep, the phone rang.  Sleepily, I picked up the phone.  A woman in a sleepy voice said, "I must have dialed the wrong number."  Then she hung up.  I was upset for her call had waked me up!  Suddenly, I realized the call was my spirit guide's way of prompting me to join the circle.  It was almost ten o'clock.  I was pretty late when I joined my friends for the first time.

Five months later, the center hosted a body, mind and spirit festival in a big hall.  It was the first time I went to such an event.  Upon entering, everybody was given a small piece of paper to write down names and addresses for a drawing at the end of the festival.  I put mine into the box for drawing too.  The whole hall was filled with people.  Many people from other cities had come for the event.  I walked around for about an hour.  Then my younger son, who had driven me there, came.  We did not leave right away because my son wanted to look around.  Before we left, he asked a psychic for a mini reading.  The reading was short but interesting.

A few days later, I was surprised to learn that I had won the grand prize, a $100 gift certificate!  I eventually used the prize for a reading in March of 2006 (Re $100 Grand Prize and the Second Reading )

Before my first reading, I wrote down some questions.  For my second reading, I decided to let the psychic medium tell me what she saw.  The psychic had been on her spiritual path for a long time.  She was intuitive and clairvoyant since she was young.  She graduated from a university with an engineering degree.  After working for some years, she decided to follow her heart's calling.  At the time of the reading, she had been a spiritual teacher and a professional reader for many years.

She began the reading with a lively description of my spirit guide.  It was a very good reading.  The images she saw about my loved ones were interesting and accurate. The messages that came through answered the questions I held in my heart.  The guidance she related was helpful.  There was much more to the reading, but I would go to the part about a sister now.

At one point, the psychic saw a young woman working very hard in the field.  She described the images in detail.  She said the woman seemed to go through some hardships later in her life (political or other situations).  She asked if the woman was my sister.  I told her I had only one sister.  She never worked in the field.  We grew up together in the city.  She had worked as a bookkeeper and a teacher.  The psychic was baffled.  She saw vivid images of the field and the crops.  She got the impression that the woman was like a sister to me.  Since we did not know what to make of it, we moved on with the reading.

After the reading, I could not help but thought of The Mysterious Encounter .  I wondered why the psychic saw those images.  More accurately, why did my guides and angels show the psychic these images for I believed they were very much involved in the reading? 

When I wrote about the Mysterious Encounter , I had not planned to write about the Strange Dream of my younger twin brother and sister.  (To me, it was something too personal to share.)  It might be that was all meant to be.  I put my name into the box for drawing as everybody did.  I had not anticipated to win not to mention the grand prize.  With the gift certificate, I eventually asked for a reading.  It was in the reading I heard about a sister again.

My parents had moved on in 1984.  Would there be an answer to the mystery?  What about the strange dream in which I was asked to sign my name before my younger brother was to reincarnate?

I shall continue to write.  Please know that these are my experiences.  They are not fiction.  (Click to view  Why I had to sign my name before he was to reincarnate and The Conclusion of the Mystery of A Sister )

Q of D

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Strange Dream


In A Mysterious Encounter , the captain of a restaurant mistook the teenage me as someone else.  Afterward, I wondered if I had a twin sister.  When I asked my parents, they said I did not have a twin sister.  I knew they told me the truth for I had pretty good judgment or knowing since I was small.  I no longer thought I had a twin sister living somewhere on earth.

One morning in my 20 s, I woke up from a strange dream.  It was a feel*** dream, but the scene at the end was vivid.

***I labeled my dreams feel dreams, clear dreams and vivid dreams.  In feel dreams, I felt what went on, but saw no clear images.  In clear dreams, I saw images as in everyday life.  In vivid dreams, the images were vivid and colorful.  From my experiences, vivid dreams were prophetic dreams.  If I had a vivid dream right before I woke up, sometimes what I dreamt actually happened on the same day; at other times, it was the indicator of a coming experience that was profound and intense.

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Below was the strange dream.

A young female was communicating with me.  I understood she was my younger sister.  She said it had been sixteen years since she and her twin brother left the earth plane.  It was now time for her twin brother (my younger brother) to reincarnate.  She said I needed to go and sign my name so that our brother could be born again.

Next, I was in a place and the scene was vivid.  I was inside a huge, shiny white structure.  The whole place was in bright white light.  I did not see anybody.  On one of the white walls, there was a ledge.  On it was a big, shiny book that had opened.  I signed my name, and the dream ended.

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In the process of getting out of the dream, I thought, "Why did she ask me to sign? Should she have asked our parents to sign instead of me?  I am not even the oldest sibling?"

When I finally came out of the dream, I thought the dream could not be true for I was the youngest of three.  My sister was the oldest child.  Then my parents had my brother.  As far as I could remember, I never noticed a change in the size of my mother's belly while I was growing up.  However, as the Queen of Dreams, I could not help but wondered why I had this dream.

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In the past, miscarriages occurred far more often than they were today.  For instance, my husband was the youngest of four.  There were age gaps among his siblings for his mother had some miscarriages between their births.

In my mother's time, a woman would not go around telling others right away that she was pregnant.  Normally, she shared it with her husband and the closest of family such as her own parents and parents-in-law.  The news of a couple's possible first child might spread, but news of subsequent pregnancies were regarded as natural as the sunshine.  As a young girl, I knew my aunts were pregnant only when I saw their round bellies.  They did not talk much about their pregnancies in front of the kids.  It might be it was something among adults.  It might be women felt more secure after they were four or five months into their pregnancies.

In our tradition, we did not have baby showers as the Americans did.  We gave gifts after a baby was born.

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Was there any truth to this unthinkable dream?  Did my mother give birth to twins (a boy and a girl) 16 years ago?  I felt I should not share the dream with my mother, yet there must be a reason for me to have this dream.  I wanted to find the truth, but I did not know how to approach my mother.

One evening, I saw my mother sitting on her bed.  Suddenly, something came to my mind.  In my teens, I heard a woman (one of our tenants) talked to another woman about her experience of giving birth to her first child.  She said, "Before the baby was born, it hurt so much that I wanted to jump out of the window to end the pain.  A nurse in the hospital had to hold me down."

I talked to my mother about this incident.  I asked, "Mama, is it really that painful to give birth to a baby?"  My mother said, "Don't worry about it.  There is pain, but it is normal.  Women get over the pain once the babies are born."  I asked, "Mama, were there any complications when you gave birth to us?"  My mother said my sister was born at full term, my brother was born almost two months early, and I was born two to three months late.

The three of us were born in the village.  Women gave births in their homes with the help of a midwife that did not have any medical training.  Born premature, my brother was very weak and sick in the first few years.  My mother had to watch over him days and nights.  There was a hospital in the city, but it was far away.  One time my older sister got very sick that she nearly died.  She looked so sick that my grandmother (paternal) asked my mother to put the 'dying' baby girl outside.  She believed it would bring bad luck if a baby died inside the house.  (In that time, a mother-in-law was the authority figure in a family.)  For the first time, my gentle mother refused to obey her order.  Using a traditional method in an old medicine book, my mother saved my sister.  Later, we moved.  We grew up in the city.

My mother came from a good family.  She could read and write because my maternal grandfather was an educator.  While we were growing up, my mother never instilled hate in us.  She was always gentle and loving.  She did not say a bad word about my father and my one of a kind grandmother.  She did not talk to us about her sufferings, but I knew.  I observed what went on in my family.  Though the youngest among my siblings, I was the one that was not afraid to speak up.

That evening my mother opened up and talked to me for a long time.  Near the end of our conversation, I said, "One of these days, I may be a mother too.  Mama, has there been twins in our family history?"  Immediately, tears filled my mother's eyes.  In great sadness, she said, "Yes. I had a miscarriage some years ago .. a boy and a girl.  They were very beautiful.  They would have been your younger brother and sister."  Tears rolled down her face.  Seeing how sad she was, I put my arms around her.  I did not ask any more question.

I did not talk to my mother about the twins again.  I never told my mother about the dream.  I did not understand why my younger sister in spirit told me to sign my name instead of my father or mother.

At that time, I did not connect the twin history in the family to The Mysterious Encounter.  My parents died in 1984.  I thought I would never know if the twins were really 16 years old when I had the dream.  I did find out in later years.  It happened to be true.  In 2006, I had a reading by a wonderful psychic.  The reading caused me to think about the possibility of a twin sister (of my age) because I knew then about the history of twins in my family.

By the way, as I was writing these posts, I suddenly understood the probable symbolic reason that I had to sign my name before my brother was born into this world again.  I would share with you about it in my next post.  

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thank you Google for the High Contrast Options


I want to thank all the wonderful people at Google for having these high contrast options accessible to people like me.

After enabling the high contrast options, writing and reading the text is much easier than before.  There are six different options such as normal, increased contrast and yellow on black.  I often use increased contrast and yellow on black.  If you find the text on your computer screen not easy to read, please try the high contrast options by clicking asscessibility in the settings.  A high contrast symbol will appear on the top right.  Anytime you want to get out of the high contrast mode, just click the normal option.  The screen will return to normal.  By the way, you can read my posts with the high contrast options too.

I changed the featured post every now and then.  Yesterday I found out there was something wrong with the layout.  I supposed the current featured post would remain until the problem was fixed.

If you have read my last post A Mysterious Encounter , please know that the mystery continues.  I will share with you about it in my next post.

Q of D

Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Mysterious Encounter


I had quite a few mysterious encounters.  Below was one of them.  It happened when I was about 13 or 14 years old.

One day, my older sister and her friend went shopping.   They asked me to go with them.  After walking for some time, we noticed a man with an unkempt appearance seemed to be following us.  When we slowed down, he did not walk past us.  In order to find out if he was really following us, we decided to make a turn on the next side street.  After we made the turn, the man continued to follow us.  Worse yet, there were less people walking on the side street than the main road.  Though we were not hungry, we decided to go into a restaurant.

We were young.  We were cautious, but were not that scared.  After we sat down, we laughed at our experience.

The captain rushed to greet us.  He said, "It is nice to see you again.  Oh, you choose the same table."  He ordered some waiters to line up in front of our table.  It was then we noticed this was a nice two-story restaurant.  The captain gave us the menu and hurriedly walked upstairs.  He came down with the captain that managed the upper floor.  They bowed before us as if we were important customers.   Then the upper floor captain went back to do his job.  We were all surprised at what happened right in front of us.

There were other customers in the restaurant.  They seemed to look at us wondering who we were since the waiters lined up by our table.  The captains (or managers) wore business suits and the waiters wore formal uniforms.  Later, the captain came to take our  orders.  After I ordered, he said, "Oh, you ordered the same food the last time you came!"  The three of us had never been to this restaurant.  We looked at each other with bewilderment.

After we paid the bill, we stood up to leave.  The captain rushed to open the door with his head lowered as to show respect.  I was the last one to walk out of the door.  As the captain let go of his hand that held the door, he raised his head.  He looked at me and said, "Please come ... Oh, I've mistaken that you were Miss XXX!"  I saw his mouth and eyes opened wide as the door closed.  My eyes opened wide too because he had just said the sound of my name (i.e. my first name) !

My sister and her friend thought that it was just a coincidence.  They did not think much of it.  However, I found this experience very unsettling.  My name was not common.  How likely was it that there was someone that looked like me and had a name similar to mine!

When my sister and I were home, I told my parents about the encounter.  I asked if I had a twin sister.  They said I did not have a twin sister.  From their expression, I knew my parents told me the truth.

We never visited that restaurant again.  (I could neither remember the name of the restaurant nor the food I ordered.)  If that man had not followed us, we would not have gone into the restaurant.  At times I wondered why I had this strange encounter.  

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I might be more open to the divine as a child than I was an adult.  For years, I lived a simple life as a wife and a mother.  Without the mystical experiences, I would not have stepped outside of my family.  With my personality, it had not been easy to go on this spiritual search.  Emotionally, I was alone on this journey.  I wish I had someone to talk to.  Sometimes I thought how nice it would be if I did have a twin sister.  

Q of D

Thursday, November 24, 2016

I had a hard time reading the gray text on Google


In recent months, I had a hard time reading the gray text on Google.  Lately, the color changed to pale, pale blue.  To me, it was even worse than before.  I found it challenging to write a post, and it took me much longer to finish a post.

I did not know much about the computer.  I went online to find a solution.  I was able to set high contrast on Window.  However, I could not set Google on high contrast.  I could not find 'Options' on the horizon bars on the top right (i.e. customize and control Google Chrome) as instructed online.

Today (Thanksgiving Day) my younger son and his family came over for dinner.  After dinner, he spent quite some time fixing Wi-Fi and the computer.  He set Google on high contrast.  Then all of us played some card games.

Before he left, I turned on the computer.  I was glad to see the black background on Google.  However, when I signed into my blog, the text appeared in pale blue with white background as before.  My son said high contrast might not work on some websites.  I let it go because it was late.  Our grandchildren needed to go home and sleep.

Hours after they left, I turned on the computer again.  I signed into Blogger.  Looking at the light gray / blue text, I just could not continue to write.  I must find a solution, I said to myself.  Yes, I finally got it.  By clicking Accessibility in Settings, I set Blogger on high contrast.  Now, I could write without straining my eyes!

My younger son has always encouraged me to play with the computer and find out things on my own.  It may be it is meant to be that he does not set high contrast on Blogger.  I am certainly glad I solved the problem on my own.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Swan in the Sky and the Floating Angel Cloud


I got into the car.  My husband was already inside waiting for me.  After I buckled the seat belt, I looked up at the sky.  Excitedly, I said, "Look at that white cloud!  It looks exactly like a swan!"  My husband looked at the cloud.  He said, "It does look like a swan.  Its body, neck, head and beak ... but it is a cloud."  I said, "Do you see the small spot on its head where light is shining through?  It looks like light is shining from the swan's eye(s)!"  My husband said, "Yea ... light does seem to be coming out of its eye."  He began to drive out of the parking lot.  He said, "It is just a cloud, and clouds can look like anything."  With his personality, he would not have said that many words if the cloud only slightly resembled a swan.  I knew clouds could look like anything, but it was one beautiful swan (cloud) in the sky.

Interestingly, I later read online that one of the two spiritual masters (both had moved on) had a connection with swan.  She had drawn an outline of a swan after a dream / vision.  (Re my posts in recent months about the spiritual retreat)  

In a way, I was glad my husband saw the cloud swan too.  Not long ago, I had another experience with clouds.  I was by myself when I had that experience.  When I told my family, they did not know what to think of it.  I did not know what to think of it too.  It was one strange experience.  This was what happened.

One afternoon, I went for a walk by the school.  As I entered the football field, I saw a floaty** cloud above a corner on the other side of the field.  I said, "Oh, it is a big angel!"  The words just came out of my mouth because it looked like an angel.  **At first, I wanted to use the word 'light' to describe the cloud, i.e. the cloud was not dense.  In fact, it was flimsy as if it could disappear in a second.

When I walked to that corner of the football field, I examined the cloud from below.  I did not see a head, but next to the head area were two big round shapes (the energy around an angel that we thought were the angel's wings).  The angel seemed to be in a robe with one hand extended outward.  I smiled at my 'creative thinking'.  I continued on my walk.

As usual, I chanted (in my heart) while I walked.  On that side of the track, I had to walk with extra care because there were lots of geese feces.  Therefore, I did not look up at the sky.  Soon I was back to the side of the track that was close to the apts. or where I had entered.  I looked up.  Right above me was the floating angel cloud!  Had the cloud followed me all the way over to this side?  Then I thought the wind must have blown the cloud over to this side.

I began to walk again.  I was surprised the cloud was still above me.  As I reached the end of the track on our side, I decided to prove it was just a coincidence.  I quickly turned to walk in the other direction.  In my estimation, the tail part of the cloud should be above me; as I walked, the cloud should stay where it was, and would not turn around.  I was wrong.  The head of the cloud was above me.  The cloud followed me all the way to the other end.  I could not believe what happened.  To prove what I saw was not true, I walked from one end to another again and again.  No matter how I turned, the head part of the cloud was ahead of me!

After many tries, I decided it was time to go home.  On the last round, I walked past the end of the track and walked onto the grassy field.  When I walked fast, the cloud seemed to move fast too.  Standing on the grassy field, I found myself below the center of the cloud instead of the head.  I observed there were a few small, lighted spot here and there in the cloud.  As I turned to walk home, the cloud did not turn around.  I walked past the tail part.  I did not look up again.  I went straight home.

I had seen dense clouds disappeared without a trace the next second I looked at them.  How could a flimsy cloud retained its shape in a breezy evening?  Most of all, how could a cloud follow me around?  Was the cloud really an angel?  Could it be my heart recognized what the cloud was, but my human eyes saw it as a cloud?

Well, I have no answers to my questions.  It is quite alright.  I enjoy my walks, and that is what matters.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Thursday, November 3, 2016

A Chance Meeting in a Restaurant


Recently my husband and a relative went to a restaurant for breakfast.  As they were leaving, they seemed to hear someone mentioned my husband's name.

There were some Chinese men sitting in a corner of the restaurant.  One of them said to another man, "You are wrong!  It can't be him (i.e. my husband).  He lives in the same city as my brother.  It is far from here."  My husband looked at all the men sitting there.  He did not recognize anyone of them.  He thought they could not be talking about him.  He continued to walk out of the restaurant.

The relative had worked in Chinese restaurants.  He opened his own restaurant some years ago.  He said to my husband, "I am sure they are talking about you.  I kind of recognize the one that may have said your name.  Some years ago, I went to a restaurant looking for a job.  He was in charge of the kitchen.  He knew you.  He said you and him had worked very well together for a busy restaurant."  My husband took another look at that man.  Three of the men also stood up to look at him.  They said, "Oh, it is really him!"

It turned out my husband knew most of the men that were there.  Decades had gone by.  Their hair were now gray or white.  Their physical appearances had changed quite a bit.  For instance, the one that called out my husband's name used to be slim and his face was narrow; now he was not slim and his face was round.  It was quite a moment when they looked at one another after so many years.  For the next hour and a half, my husband caught up with his friends about their lives.  The relative left because he had to attend to his restaurant business.

Like my husband, his friends were retirees.  They said they met at the restaurant regularly twice a week.  They asked my husband to join them from then on.

When I learned about what happened, I was very happy for my husband.  I also thanked the Divine for answering my prayer.

Since the restaurant years, my husband did not talk much.  He only showed some enthusiasm when I talked to him about his experiences long time ago.  I had heard most if not all of his stories, but that was a way to start a conversation with him.  His heart was closed.  Even with our dear ones, he seemed to be distant sometimes.  I had been praying for him to meet up with some of his friends.  With friends, I believed he might open up and feel less disconnected to the world around him.

For the last two weeks, my husband has joined his friends at the restaurant.  He says the meeting was just all right.  He has as yet shown gladness or eagerness in going to see his friends.  In time, I hope he will.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P. S.  After some time, my husband learned his friends actually met at the restaurant for a cup of coffee every morning during the week.  A few of them might leave around 10 or 11 am to go to work, but there were always others that stayed in the restaurant.  My husband had since joined his friends every morning, rain or snow.  Sometimes they talked until 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.  Eventually, my husband went there everyday, and was among the last ones that left the restaurant.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Spiritual Teacher's Birthday


Many people came to honor the teacher on his birthday.  It was his 75th birthday.

The teacher sat in the front.  Samuel invited people to walk to the front and share their experiences of being in the presence of the teacher.  Samuel had a good sense of humor.  He said he was afraid Matthew would be the first one to speak for he had heard Matthew's story too many times over the years.  He was getting bored of Matthew's story for he could almost recite his story.  We laughed.  It was wonderful to see two friends that were close like brothers.  Matthew laughed too.  He began to tell us the synchronicity and miraculous happenings when he met the teacher for the first time about 19 years ago.  It was truly an amazing story.

One after another, people walked forward to thank the teacher.  Some cried while expressing their gratitude.  At one point, Matthew remarked, "Look!  He (the spiritual teacher) is in glee, yet sometimes he is shy like a child (hearing what people said of him)."  A master he is, the teacher often said he was but an instrument.  He served with humility.  His presence had made a profound difference in many people's lives.

A brother thanked the teacher, and then recalled the events that happened on his own spiritual journey.  He felt blessed to have met many wonderful people and spiritual teachers.  This brother was loved and well respected by many.  It was a beautiful experience to be in a gathering like this where people shared freely and truthfully.

Samuel asked the sister that emailed me about the meeting at Matthew's house to walk forth.  She was a joyful, loving being.  She said quite a few young people called her mother.  As a mother, she said she loved to hug her children.  She said, "Here in America, we can hug one another."  She wished the teacher had set aside the cultural difference and allowed women to come close to him just as men did.

In my post Day 1 of the Spiritual Retreat , I wrote 'There was an old Chinese saying that we should follow other people's customs when we were in their house / community'.  I thought I had shown respect to their customs.  From the talks, I realized I had not!  On Day 1, I saw people (men) bowed before the teacher to receive his blessings.  The teacher placed his hands over their heads, and / or touched their hands as he talked to them.  I thought it applied to everybody.  Not knowing the social rules, I had bowed to receive his blessings, and he had kindly obliged by placing his hands on my head.  This night I learned the teacher normally greeted women with folded hands, and women were supposed to keep a little distance (i.e. should not touch the teacher's hands / feet).  A sister said she hugged the teacher when she met the teacher for she did not know she was not supposed to do that.  There was a light mood in the gathering.  The difference of cultures helped us to understand and accept one another.

Hours went by as many people walked forth to thank the teacher.  I only thanked him in my heart.  After people finished expressing their gratitude, the teacher gave his last discourse.  He would fly back to his country in two days.  Time flew as we listened to his energetic discourse.  When it was over, Matthew brought out a huge chocolate birthday cake.

Later, the teacher walked forth to talk to people.  Many (men) surrounded him waiting to receive his blessings.  At one point, he walked to a woman (American).  As they talked, he held her hands.  One person explained the woman was older than the teacher, and it was their custom to treat the elders with respect.

The woman sometimes came with an elderly man.  (I did not know if he was her husband).  They both looked kind and gentle.  I heard she (or they) had postponed going (back?) to another state because of the spiritual retreat.  On the last day of the retreat, we sat around in Samuel's house waiting for the teacher to come.  I happened to sit next to them.  This kind woman reached out to hold one of my hands as her way of greeting.  I could feel the good energy in her hand.

The teacher continued his walk among people.  Someone asked the woman how old she was.  She was just a year or two older than the teacher.  I did not think age had much to do with how the teacher treated this kind woman.  We all regarded the teacher with much esteem.  Meanwhile, we might not have noticed that the teacher, in his humility, had treated everybody, young and old, with love and respect.  A father told me his teenage son's behavior improved after coming to the retreat.  

Before the teacher walked near where I sat, I stood up and folded my hands in a prayer position.  I intended to bow to him as he walked by.  Some men stood in front of me waiting to receive his blessings.  The teacher came.  He blessed each one of them by touching their heads and hands.  Then he stood in front of me.  I bowed and said "thank you".  Unexpectedly, he held both of my hands.  For the second time, I looked into his eyes.  I saw kindness, wisdom, and bliss in his eyes.  He looked into my eyes for a while.  He said joyfully, "We will meet again next year."  He looked around and told others, "I will come back next year."  We were all very happy to hear the good news.

The next day I went out for a walk in the evening.  There in the sky was a beautiful rainbow.  I rushed home to get my camera.  Hearing why I came back into the house, my husband said, "What is the big deal?  In the village, I saw rainbows all the time."  I rushed outside.  I only got to take a few pictures before the rainbow disappeared.  I continued my walk around the football field of the school with a sense of joy.

When I was home, my husband swayed his head saying how ridiculous it was for me to think rainbows were rare and worth taking pictures for.  With his personality, he could only look at things from his practical view, and had a hard time accepting other's way of being.  I had learned to let it go in situations like this because he seldom changed his view no matter what others said.  However, I wanted to give it a try that evening.

I said, "I know rainbows often appear after raining.  You grew up in the village and worked in the fields.  Of course, you saw rainbows from time to time.  We have lived in USA for decades.  We only see rainbows once in a long while.  It is because we stay inside most of the time.  For example, when you were a cook, you stayed in the restaurants for eleven hours a day.  We go to the stores every week.  Sometimes it rains, but we seldom see a rainbow.  Why?  Because rainbows do not remain in the sky for long.   Some days ago, it had rained.  You did not see a rainbow when you took a walk.  I came back from the healing workshop.  I sat down next to you and watched TV.  Suddenly, I decided to go for a walk.  Did you remember I rushed back to get the camera because I saw a rainbow?  That evening you made similar remarks too.  Let me tell you an interesting coincidence.  I told my friends about the rainbow on the second day of the workshop.  Someone said they were meditating with the spiritual teacher inside a house at that time, and many saw a rainbow above the teacher's head!  You often go for a walk at a fixed time, but I do not.  As you know, some days I do not go for a walk.  Yes, I was happy to see the rainbow.  I took a few pictures before it disappeared.  If I went for a walk an hour early, I might not see a rainbow.  If I went outside a few minutes late, the rainbow was gone.  People only get to see a rainbow at a particular moment or for the brief while it appears in the sky.  I do not mean all rainbows are signs of the divine, but I do think rainbows are beautiful."

After a pause, I continued, "When I go for walks, I look at the trees and the clouds.  I enjoy the sunlight.  I appreciate the beauty around me.  You tell me you simply walk and do not look around.  It is totally fine with me however you choose to walk.  Why should you feel upset or I am ridiculous because I feel happy seeing a rainbow?"

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Our group got together recently.  We were happy to see each other again.  Matthew called the teacher during the gathering.  It was good to hear his joyful voice.

This is my last post about the healing workshop and the spiritual retreat.  I hope to share with you something else in my next post.

Have a good night!

Q of D

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Discourse in Matthew's house


On the last day of the retreat, the master healer spoke briefly.  It seemed he learned of the important role he played in the divine plan just a while back.  He said he heard "Get ready" one day about eight years ago.  He did not know what he should get ready for.  He said he had not planned to return and hold a workshop.  Under much urging, he finally did.  From his voice, it was obvious how things unfolded had been quite an experience to him as well.  

After the 7-Day spiritual retreat, the master healer, who was a professor, flew back to his state because a new school year was about to start.  He said he would come back to meet with us once a month.

With the master healer back to his state and the spiritual teacher soon to go back to his country, I thought our group would not meet again until the end of September or early October.  Twelve days after the retreat, I got an email in the morning about a gathering in Samuel's house the same night.  I gladly said "yes".  Then I got another email.  The meeting was in fact at Matthew's house.  I looked up the route online.  It seemed pretty easy to drive over there.  I was relieved.

However, it was a different matter when I drove there at night.  I had to make a left turn to get into the subdivision.  There were quite a few side roads to the left.  It was dark.  I could not see the small street signs before making the turn.  Anyway, many people were already there when I walked in.  I met Matthew's wife.  She was a wonderful, kind young woman.  Their children were adorable.  The spiritual teacher was there.  I was glad to see him again.

During the discourse, the spiritual teacher revealed the spiritual aspect of the divine plan and the vision of the masters of what we would do.  Many at the gathering had read the books about the spiritual journey and visions of the two masters.  They had some ideas as what we would do.  I was new to this group.  I did not hear anything specific about the divine plan during the healing workshop.  I had assumed the plan was for us to learn the alternative diagnostic assessment practice as the master healer did in his healing work.  Sitting there that night, I realized what I had assumed was probably part of the plan, yet not the whole plan.  Later, I thanked the sister for emailing me about the discourse.  She was the co-organizer of the spiritual group.  When I joined the group for the first time on June 18, she was the one that said someone could take me home if my son wanted to leave.

At the end of the meeting, Matthew asked us to come back a week later for the celebration of the spiritual teacher's birthday.  We applauded the great news!

As I drove home, my heart was filled with joy.  I looked forward to be there on the spiritual teacher's birthday.  What a blessing it was to be in his presence one more time before he went back to his country!

Q of D

Wednesday, October 5, 2016



In my post The Unveiling of A Divine Plan , I wrote a brief introduction of the spiritual teacher according to the online info.  However, the teacher was far more than the words that described him.

In The Rainbow and the Spiritual Teacher, I told the others I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky as I took a walk in the evening after the first day of the workshop.  I said the rainbow signified a realized one.  When Matthew heard that, he excitedly rose from his chair.  He told us they were meditating in Samuel's house at that time, and many saw a rainbow over the spiritual teacher's head!

In later days (i.e. after the retreat was over), I heard the story of the clairvoyant healer meeting the spiritual teacher for the first time.  The healer could not help but kissed the teacher's hands over and over and over again because he saw that the teacher was not of this dimension.  I also heard other amazing stories about the teacher.  In particular was the event of how Matthew met the teacher nineteen years ago.  It was a wonderful story, and a life transforming experience for Matthew.  

It might be more appropriate to call him a spiritual master, but I would continue to use the word 'teacher' as I did in other posts.  (A realized one he is, I do not think he minds what we call him.)

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After Day 3, I continued going to the retreat every evening.  I did not record anything in my journal from Day 4 to 7, but each day was special especially Day 7.

On Day 7, we met at 5:30 pm.  When I arrived, the master healer and some others were there.  Later, many people came.  Some I had never met before.  We sat around listening to the master healer.  Later, we had potluck dinner.  The spiritual teacher did not join us for dinner.  During his visit, he stayed in Matthew's house.  We were told he would come later.

After dinner, we sat around talking.  At one point, I heard the sound of gong.  People rushed to the front door.  I  walked to see what happened too.

Some people were walking toward the house.  In the front was the spiritual teacher. They came with a wooden box that held a sacred statue***.  (Somehow, I did not recall if the teacher was holding the box and handed to someone in the house; or, someone else was holding the box.)   Inside the house, Samuel and others were hitting brass gongs as a way of welcoming the teacher.  The house had a wide entrance area.  It was now crowded with people that wanted to stand close to the teacher and the sacred statue.  Everybody was in a joyful state.

The space behind the entrance was narrow because there was the staircase.  Seeing that, I moved to stand inside an area next to the entrance so that there would be more space for the teacher and others to walk through to the living room.  Soon, I found myself standing deep into that area as some people came to stand before me.

Suddenly, the teacher's face was right in front of me!  He had poked his head through other people, and was looking at me with the most gleeful smile.  For the first time, I looked directly into the teacher's eyes.  (During the discourse, I saw him, but was never as close as this.  When I bowed before him, I did not look into his eyes.)  His eyes were wise and full of kindness.  I stood there in awe of what I saw.  He said, "Go! Go! Go! Go and get a flower, and offer it to Krishna!"  (It was then I knew the sacred statue was Krishna.  Tears filled my eyes as I recalled what happened.)  In his voice was the excitement like that of a child.  Obediently, I walked to Beth who was holding a basket of beautiful red petals.  She put some petals into my hands.  I offered them to Krishna with all my heart and soul.

***Later, we learned the incredible story behind the sacred statue.  One day, the teacher saw two beings walking through a wall carrying a statue of Krishna.  There was much more to what happened later.  Since I did not know the whole story, I would leave it at that.  Over the years, the teacher had traveled to many places and delivered hundreds of discourses.  This was his 429 discourse.  It was the first time he brought with him the sacred statue.  Joyfully, he asked Matthew, the master healer, the organizer of this group, Samuel's family, and eventually everybody to have pictures with the sacred statue.  

At the end of the discourse, I learned there would be a special ceremony or celebration few days later in Matthew's house.  Matthew said, "The ceremony will begin at midnight.  All are welcome.  If you don't know my address, please talk to me afterward."

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Throughout the retreat, the teacher's enthusiastic talks uplifted us.  He had lots of energy.  After speaking for 3 to 4 hours, he was as fresh as he walked in.  Afterward, he walked upstairs to the living room.  People sat around him asking questions or listening to his wisdom.  I heard the discussion sometimes went on for hours.  I never stayed for the discussion.

One night, I was on my way out of the house.  A brother asked, "You are leaving?"  I said, "Yes.  It is past midnight.  It is dark.  I am not comfortable driving at night."  He said, "Does it matter when do you leave?  If you leave now,  outside is already dark. If you leave later, it is just as dark as it is now."  He was right, but somehow I never looked at it that way.  I smiled hearing the "truth", but I left anyway.

My husband was not into spiritual matter as I did.  He never asked what happened at church or if the workshops I facilitated went well.  He seldom expressed his anxiety of me stepping outside of my family to socialize with other people, but I understood.  As his wife, I had to be considerate of his feelings.  Most nights he went to bed around 9:30 pm.  I left after the teacher's talk because I did not want my husband to wake up worrying where I was.  (I was fine with the late evening discourse because I used to sleep after 1 or 2 am.)

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When the retreat was over, I kind of missed going there in the evening.  I wanted to go to the ceremony or to be in the teacher's presence one more time.  I had not asked Matthew for his address.  I did not feel confident of driving to a new place at midnight.

Around noon on the day the celebration was supposed to take place, I thought I would not see the teacher again since he would be returning to his country in a few weeks.  With my eyes closed, I sent the teacher my love and gratitude for coming here to teach us.  Soon, I found myself enveloped in a field of loving energy.  It lasted for quite a while.  Despite of the distance, I knew the teacher had received my love and gratitude just as I received his.

Q of D

Friday, September 30, 2016

Day 3 - A new route


After Day 2, I went to sleep thinking of not going to the retreat the following evening.

In the morning, I woke up with this thought.

"You hit the curb because you had to look at the GPS as when to turn.  When you saw that you should turn, it was too late.  You struggle because you are not familiar with the roads.  Go there and make sure you know the turns well.  Or, you can find another route that is easy and has less turns."

Then a story that my husband told me long time ago came to my mind.  My husband had once worked in a restaurant with four owners.  After he worked there for a while, he learned one of the owners had a car accident some years back.  He fully recovered from his injuries, but he was too scared to drive again.  Everyday others picked him up and drove him home at night.  When his wife and children needed to go somewhere, he had to ask his friends, relatives, or employees to drive them.  My husband told me the story because he felt it was sad that the man had given in to fear.  The man was only in his late 40 s.  He was healthy, and did not sustain any lasting injury from the car accident.  As I recalled the man's story, I thought, "I do not want to live like that.  I will not let fear control me."

I rose from my bed.  I took a shower.  I walked into the family room and told my husband, "I am going to the evening retreat.  Will you please help me with raising the car seat?  I am going there this morning because I want to know the roads.  I may use another route to get to the house."  Of course, my husband was surprised.  As usual, he did not say anything.  Sitting on the raised car seat, I knew everything was going to be all right.

I followed the instructions on the GPS to get to the house on the first two days, but the online info had mentioned another route.  Indeed, the new route was easy and with less turns.

During the discourse, I could see the pictures of the masters.  Half way through, a man sitting on the second row in the front left.  I could see the teacher too.  As the evening before, powerful energy kept flowing into me and through me.  I sat there listening to the discourse as well as bathing in light.

The drive home was smooth.  I did not have to use the GPS.  I was very grateful for the insight that came to me in the morning.  Thank you, guides and angels.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day 2 of the spiritual retreat


On Day 1, the spiritual teacher said to me, "When you accept who you are, you will be much more and can help many people."  His words caused a reaction within me.

At night, I recalled two separate incidents* during which others had related similar messages to me.  I realized following the guidance did not equate to accepting who I am.  I also realized it was my wrong view or attitude that was blocking me from accepting who I am.  In the morning, I woke up with a positive affirmation and more insight.  

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In the evening, I went to Day 2 of the spiritual retreat.

After I greeted the teacher, I went down to the basement.  I bowed in front of the pictures of the masters before I sat on the same chair.

People sitting in the front rows of beige chairs were pretty much the same.  New people were guided to sit on chairs that were unoccupied the day before.  When the teacher came, we stood up until he sat down.  I still could not see the teacher from where I sat.  However, something had changed!  It might be a few people sitting in the front had changed their sitting postures.  It could also  be one or two people had slightly moved their chairs. The change created a space that I could look directly at the pictures of the masters!  Incredibly, I felt a strong vibrational connection as I looked at the pictures.  Powerful energy kept flowing into me throughout the discourse.

Near the end of the gathering, Matthew announced we would meet at 8:30 pm instead of 8:00 pm for the rest of the week.  I thought, "Oh, no!  There will not be much  sunlight when I drive here."

It was pretty late when the discourse was over.  I rushed to leave.  I got into the car and plugged in the GPS.  Soon, I saw a car close behind me.  It added to my anxiety because I could not drive as slow as I needed to.  At one point, I thought there was still a little distance before I had to make a turn.  My judgment was off, and my car hit a curb.  There was no damage to the car or the curb because I was driving at a slow speed.  However, I was somewhat shaken up.  Most of all, I was upset with myself.

At home, I told my husband about it.  I told him I could not see the roads clearly inside the residential area, and the starting time had changed to 8:30 pm.  I said it might be I should not go to the retreat anymore.  My husband said, "So don't go."

When my son learned about it, he said, "Mom, there is not much difference between driving on the main roads and the roads inside residential areas.  You just have to focus on the short distance ahead of you."  I said, "You and your father are taller than me.  When I sat inside the car, I cannot even see the hood."  He said, "Why don't you raise the car seat so that you can see better."  I said, "I just cannot see as well as during the day."  He asked, "Why?"  I said, "Don't you know that people's receptivity to light diminishes as they get old?"  My son did not want to hear anything about aging. As usual, he went on to talk about exceptions that some people had defied aging. Not in the mood to carry on the conversation, I said, "I have made up my mind.  I will not go to the retreat tomorrow."  My son said, "If you don't want to go, don't go.  It is your choice."

My son did not understand my anxiety of driving at night.  The truth was I seldom went out by myself at night.  I had been too dependent on my family to do the driving in the last twelve years.

At night, I thought about the vibrational connection when I looked at the pictures of the masters.  I also thought about how amazing the divine plan had been.  (Re The Amazing Divine Plan Continues and The Unveiling of A Divine Plan )   Still, I went to bed thinking I would not go to the spiritual discourse the following day.  I told myself it was alright to skip a day or two.

I shall continue with my story in my next post.

Q of D

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Session with the Master Healer


Before I went to Day 2 of the spiritual retreat in the evening, I had an appointment for a session with the master healer that morning.

I had promised my younger son I would ask for the master healer's advice as how to move forward with my healing work.   (Re A Beautiful Rainbow in the Sky )  I had not planned when to ask or what to say.  I set the intention and placed my trust in the Loving Divine.

The session was similar to having a session with a doctor / counselor.  He sat behind a big office desk while I sat on a chair across from him.  I told him the symptoms of my physical being that bothered me.  For instance, I had concerns about my feet.  I wondered if poor blood circulation was the cause.  He used a pendulum and chart to check the vibrational level of my feet.  He went into a light trance as if to find out the cause or to fix the problem.  Later, he used the pendulum to check if the condition had improved.  He continued to use his tools to check the functional / vibrational level of my entire physical being.

During the session, few words were exchanged.  He asked about a condition; I confirmed or told him I was not aware of it.  From time to time, he went into a trance. Sometimes he came out of it after a short while.  At other times, he stayed in his trance for quite a while.  He detected a problem I did not know about as well as a problem I experienced yet I had not told him.

The session went on for a long time.  It was supposed to be a one-hour session.  I did not look up the time on my phone, but I knew an hour had passed.  He was very patient with his work, and how could I mind the time if he did not!  He also used the pendulum to check on my husband's well being.  I knew my husband had some problems such as hip pain.  However, he rarely talked about his health, and did not want to see any doctor.  The master healer used his ability to raise my husband's vibration.

Afterward, we talked.

Later in our conversation, I finally asked for his advice.  I told him how I got to hold a healing workshop while I did not even consider myself qualified to be a healer.  (Re A Beautiful Pink Fish on the back of A White Dove )  He laughed heartily as he listened to my story.

When I talked about being judged, he said, "Sometimes an egoless act can be seen as egotistic by some people because people judge others from where they are at As a black professor, I had been judged by many students."  He shared with me some of his teaching experiences.  He said, "I always teach others all that I know, and I hold nothing back."  He taught his students with a great heart, and was truly an exemplary teacher (professor).  He said, "In the beginning, many students thought that I was meanPeople judge others because they don't know them.  The good thing is, their view will change when they really come to know him or her.  Is that not your case?"  It was very, very true.  I nodded with a smile.

A new school year was about to begin.  The master healer had to go back to the university / his state soon.  He had signed a lease for the office (the place where the session was held).  Knowing that I did not have a place to practise healing, he said I could use the office for free.  It was very kind of him.  I told him I did not have a plan of what to do.  He said he would help me to make a plan when he returned.

When I got into my car, it was 1:22 pm.  It meant almost two and a half hour had gone by.  At the same time, it was amazing to see 1:22 pm because 122 had become a significant number in the last few years.

122 - Your thoughts and your faith are very sacred tools that you brought to Earth in this incarnation.  This number sequence is a sign for you to honor these tools and know how powerful they are.

I booked the session before Matthew revealed the important role the master healer played in the bigger divine plan.  I am glad to have the session, and look forward to participate in the plan.

I will share the Day-2 retreat experience with you in my next post.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  During the 2-day workshop, the clairvoyant healer told us they had went to a lab. in the university to test the professor's (i.e. the master healer) brainwaves.  The result was phenomenal.  At one point, the lab technician was shocked to see no brainwave at all on the monitor when the professor got into a light trance.  During the session, I asked the master healer if he was aware of his surroundings when he got into a light trance.  He said he was still fully aware of what happened around him.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day 1 of the one-week evening spiritual retreat


The one-week spiritual retreat began a day after the healing workshop was over.

We were supposed to meet in Samuel and Beth's house at 7:30 p.m.  During the second day of the healing workshop, Samuel announced the retreat would start at 8 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m.  Two days later, the starting time was changed to 8:30 p.m.

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Samuel and Beth's house was not far from where I lived.  It was a big, beautiful house filled with wonderful, peaceful energy.

I seldom went out at night.  With age, my eyes' receptivity to light was down.  I had no problem driving home after work in the evening because I was familiar with those roads.  They were main roads, and were well-lighted at night.  I knew I would be fine driving to their house since the sun was still up.  However, I felt anxious about driving home afterward because most residential areas did not have sufficient lighting.

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When I entered the house, some people were waiting to greet the spiritual teacher.

There was an old Chinese saying that we should follow other people's customs when we were in their house / community.  In other words, we should respect other people's culture and tradition.  When it was my turn, I showed the teacher my respect with all my heart and soul.  Samuel talked to the teacher about my energy.  In response, the teacher said to Samuel, "She is an instrument."  He turned to me and said, "When you accept who you are, you will be much more and can help many people."  He blessed me by placing his hands over my head.  Other people were waiting to talk to him.  I did not ask him to explain, but his words drew a strong emotional reaction within.

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A woman said the teacher would give his discourse in the basement.  I decided to walk downstairs since I did not know most of the people there.

In the basement, there was a table with two big pictures of the globally known spiritual masters that had moved on, and a small picture of the teacher.  (Re my last post)  I bowed and prayed.

A few men were setting up video and audio equipments.  There were different columns of chairs.  In the main column, four or five rows of beige chairs were placed in the front.  Behind those beige chairs were rows of orange-tan chairs.  I decided to sit in the center of the first row of orange-tan chairs.  There were seven chairs in that row, i.e. three to my right and three to my left.

Gradually, people walked into the basement and sat down.  Then the teacher came.  I thought I could see him during his discourse since he sat directly facing the main column.  I was wrong.  The master healer sat in the center of the first row.  His friend sat next to him.  They were both tall.  Besides, people took up all the seats in the front rows.  My view of the teacher as well as the pictures of the two masters was blocked.

In the beginning, five people (incl. me) sat in my row.  The chair to my left and the chair to my right were unoccupied.  Some people sat in the rows behind us.  Later, more people came.  Some looked at the empty chairs next to me, but they went to sit somewhere else.  (To me, that was interesting.)  I knew I might have a better view of the pictures or the teacher if I moved to sit on either chair next to me.  Somehow, I remained sitting where I was.

After the teacher finished his discourse, Samuel said the teacher asked us to sit on the same chair throughout the 7-day retreat.  I could not recall the exact words of what Samuel said.  My understanding was we formed a connection with the Divine from where we sat (or the chair retained our energy after we sat on it); appropriate / unique high frequency energies that were beneficial to our spiritual evolvement would continue to flow into us throughout the evenings of the retreat; therefore, it was imperative for us to sit on the same spot.

I left the house soon after the discourse was over.  It was dark outside.  I had to press the button on my car key in order to find my car.  I plugged in the GPS.  I struggled a little bit to follow the instructions on the GPS to make some short distance turns to get out of the subdivision.  I was relieved when I arrived at the parking lot of our apartment.

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At home, I thought about what the teacher said.

In my unawakened state, I really did not know 'who I truly am'.  I might get a hint here and there, e.g. in readings and mystical experiences.  I had said affirmations about my divinity from time to time.  Still, I could not say I knew 'who I am'.  "Since I do not know who I am, how can I accept who I am as the teacher said?"  Other than this reaction, part of me felt I had accepted who I was.

My older son was not interested in spiritual matter, but I needed someone to talk to.  I briefly told him what happened.  I said, "I have followed the guidance to sit among people.  I had allowed myself to be an instrument on some occasions even though I knew some might misunderstand / judge me.  I thought I have accepted who I am." My son thought for a while.  He said,"Mom, you have not accepted who you are."  I asked him to explain.  He simply repeated his comment, "No, you have not accepted who you are."  He went back to what he was doing.

Anytime when we (or I) had a strong reaction to something, there underlay a cause we needed to deal with.  (Re Part 4 - Afterthought of the Whole Experience ) That was my case with the teacher's words.  "What does it mean when I accept who I am?  How do I accept who I am?  Who am I?  How is it that I have not accepted who I am?"  I did not have the answers to these questions.  However, there was one thing in my heart that had never changed.  I had always wanted to be of service.  The teacher said, "When you accept who you are, you will be much more and can help many people."  I did want what the teacher said to happen.  In the quietness of the night, I prayed to the Divine for help.

Q of D