Friday, December 29, 2023

It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life - Part 1


Christmas was over, and 2023 would soon come to an end.  I thought of my promise long ago.

In The Power Outage and the Refrigerator (published in Sept., 2022). I wrote that 'It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life' would be the title of my next post.  In Have a Great 2023 , I  promised to write that post as well as a post to honor the grace of Lord Buddha and Earth Treasure Bodhisattva (Ksitigarbha) because of what had happened.  I had sat in front of the computer numerous times.  Months went by, I could not finish the post.  I decided to let it go, and wrote about other things that happened in my life.  

If my husband's death was mainly due to a physical illness, I would not have found it challenging to share.  Part of me wanted to let it go - he had moved on; let bygones be bygones.  However, deep within me, I understood the importance of sharing what had happened as well as what I had learned from it especially at this time on earth.

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In one online meeting, someone asked the facilitator who was a medium if attachment or possession was real.  The medium said she had done hundreds of readings, and had not come across a real case of such manner.  She said those so-called phenomena were merely people's exaggerations.  She concluded by saying, "Even if there is, we live in a world of free will, and evil spirit can do nothing if we say 'No'."  "Oh, if only life is really that simple," I said in my heart.   

The above was one of many questions that people asked the medium.   Most professional lightworkers held zoom meetings wanting to share / teach what they knew as well as to get more business.  Life is not about who is right or wrongIt was the medium's conclusion at the time.  As life continued to unfold, sometimes we did change some of our views because of our new experiences.  For instance, when my husband came to me in 2003 with his automatic writing message that he said was from his master, I also told him that 'no matter what force, we can always say 'No' because we have the power to do so'.  I eventually learned it was far more complicated than what I said.  (Re In time of darkness, light always shines through ) 

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Was there really such thing as possession or evil spirit attached to humans?

In one of her books, Rosemary Altea, a world known medium, wrote about seeing ghosts / the discarnate that died of their alcohol addiction attached themselves to people (alcoholics) at a bar.  Other authors also wrote about possessions and evil spirits too.    

In some of the channeled readings by Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, possession was mentioned as the cause of disease.  Furthermore, it was said sometimes automatic writing might be a form of discarnate possession / influence, and might not necessary be inspirational writing from ascended beings.  

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Near the end of 2002, my husband asked me to read the stories in a Chinese newspaper about the communist government in China torturing lots of men and women that took up a practice.  He was already bitter and negative about life.  The stories fueled his anger and hatred toward the government that had wrongly killed his brother during the Cultural Revolution.  (FYI - In where we lived, two different Chinese newspapers were available for free in most Asian stores.  I read the one that focused on local news / events and not too much on politics.  I did not like the newspaper that my husband deemed as a must-read.  I found it to be too political and its stand was extreme.)

After reading the stories, I had lots of questions about the practice.  I wondered why so many men and women risked being arrested again and again after they took up the practice?  Why didn't the fathers / mothers stop doing those moves after being released from jail for the sake / love of their children?  As a mother, it was beyond me that a parent could choose to practice the moves and be imprisoned again than to be there for her / his children.  The newspaper had portrayed the master as godlike, and my husband believed in what he read.  His mind was set.  At the time, the word 'possession' did not cross my mind.  We lived in U.S.A., and I never thought my husband would soon addicted to the practice as those that living in China.  (Re Fall only into the divine emotion of love , In time of darkness, light always shines through and The Broken Alarm Clock and Past / Present / Future )  

My husband was hospitalized for the first time in 2008.  He only realized he was in a hospital after he came out of his frenzy state.  When we were allowed to see him, he looked very weak and scared.  I put my hand on his heart.  Waves and waves of chilling energy came through my hand to my heart.  It took a while to see the color back on his face.  Then my guide told me 'enough', and I withdrew my hand.  Later, we learned he was transferred to another hospital for observation and evaluation.  Though it was late, we drove to see him.  We continued to visit him every day.  After a few days, a team from the hospital and us sat down for a conference.  (There was much more to what had happened. I chose to focus on the title of this post, and skipped other details.)  The hospital had run all the tests.  They concluded his frenzy state days earlier as a 'sudden happening', and the cause was 'unknown'.  The word 'possession' did slip out of a young medical personnel's mouth briefly once.  They observed my husband was alert and friendly during his stay, and concluded he was of no danger to the society.  My husband was released from the hospital after the conference with no prescription of drug.  My son and I were relieved that the ordeal was over.  (We hoped it was over, but it was not.)     

A few days later, my husband and I went to a medical center for a post-release appointment.  (That was a term I used because it took too much time to look up every correct term / word.)  A medical personnel interviewed us.  I did not know if she was a doctor or a case manager.

I found this interview to be quite strange.  All the while, she did not really look at me.  She asked questions.  After listening to what I said, she tilted her head as if she was listening to something; meanwhile, she looked at the space above her or above me since we sat across from each other.  Then she spoke again.  This went on during the interview.  Before she ended the session, she said something I had not expected to hear.  She said, "Your husband will probably be admitted to hospitals 2 or 3 more times, but it is alright.  He will be in and out of hospitals, and you should just go about doing your thing such as go to church, attend spiritual fair or events.  It is of no use for you to stay and watch over him.  You have loved him compassionately . . . . . ."   

I was in shock!  My husband would go in and out of hospital 2 or 3 more times!!  How did she know things about me?  I could not help but wondered if the woman that worked in the medical field was seeing images or getting information as psychics did.  Of course, I did not tell (translate) my husband what she said. 

I had sought help from the small church when the ordeal started.  Some at church were Reiki Masters and experienced healers of other modalities.  Days later, a pastor sat down with me.  He said my husband was well for now, but hinted it might happen again.  He gave me a bottle of holy water.  (FYI In my experience in later year, holy water had no effect when we needed to use it.)
During that few days, the human I was physically and mentally exhausted; meanwhile, I found myself enveloped in a powerful field of energy, and there was this calmness / peace within that was hard to describe.  AND, it was this calmness within that carried me through that traumatic life experience.

As I was writing, I suddenly recalled two incredible incidents that showed the ever presence of God / the Loving Divine.  I looked through my notebooks and found the entries.  I would write a post to honor the grace of God.

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In the beginning of 2012, I felt joyful and hopeful even though my husband's way of being continued.  Over a month ago, I had held the 4th healing workshop.  We chose to conclude the workshop in the afternoon after Sunday service.  Quite a few people in the congregation commented we* looked radiant.  (* i.e. those that were in the workshop the day before)  On Jan. 14, 2012, I became an ordained minister of a particular non-denominational spiritual order.  I was very grateful for how things had unfolded that I did not have to go to another state for this initiation.  (Re The Grace of Good Intention )

Near the end of 2011, my son told me he would look for another job in the coming year.  I understood how he felt.  He really wanted to move back to the state we used to live, or at least to a state that was close to the home state.  I thought it might take months for my son to find the job he wanted, but he got a job offer soon after he posted his resume.  At the same time, my husband was hospitalized for the second time.   (Re Life is as God is - Turbulence is a life force )

The church had scheduled for me to speak on March 25, 2012.  It would have been my third time to speak during Sunday service.  Due to the situations, I informed the church that my family would be moving to another state in the second half of Feb.  The same pastor sat down with me.  He was a wonderful speaker and spiritual teacher.  He could see and talk to spirits.  At times, he also saw tree fairies and different kind of creatures.  When he spoke on Sundays, he shared his experiences from his heart, and there was not a bit of ego.  We loved his talks.  He told me that they had driven that force out of my husband again; however, he wanted me to know that my husband might open himself up to it again; he said it was his life, and it was up to him if he chose to invite it back.

On the last Sunday I was with the small church, the speaker was a known psychic.  She was the most if not one of the most popular Sunday speakers.  Her introspection about her own life was valuable.  Occasionally, she answered questions or gave short readings at the end of her talk.  We often found her no nonsense replies or advice right on the money.  However, at times the inquirer just could not get it or accept what she said because that was not what he wanted to hear.  The inquirer went on to ask many similar questions.  The psychic was patient, and sometimes her humor drew a lot of laughter from the congregation. (I laughed too, but also knew there must be times I was like the inquirer that just would not take in what I did not want to hear.)
When the Sunday service was over, my friend who was the chairwoman of the board approached her and asked when I would return (i.e. to the church).  The psychic said I would be in a roller coaster ride in the coming months, but the changes would be good for me. She said I would return home*** within six months.  As she was walking away, she said it was up to my husband if he would change the way he lived his life or his attitude, and if he wanted to stay on earth.  (*** My friend and I thought she meant the church that I called my spiritual home.  As life continued to unfold, I eventually realized she meant the home state that I used to live.  Her prediction turned out to be very accurate. Re Life is as God is - Turbulence is a life force )

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The pastor, the psychic, and the woman that worked in the medical center had given me the same advice.  I received similar guidance from my guides while journaling as well as in dreams. 

                             It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life. 

As a human being in a family structure, it was natural for us / most of us to care about others in the family, wishing them happy and healthy.  It was hard to look past our human labels such as husband and wife, parent and children, in-laws, and siblings.  We held different expectations in different relationships.  We felt displease or pain when others 'failed' our expectation.  I was of no exception, and had gone through my share of disappointments and pain.  (Re  You feel pain because you let pain be )
One night long ago, I felt miserable thinking about what happened during the day and my husband's troubling way of living his life.  In the morning, my guide's advice came through - look at him as a friend.  I grabbed my notebook and wrote down the words that came to me.  (If I found what I wrote down, I might share it.)  My guide was right.  I probably would not be that troubled and might see more light in the relationship as a friend.  Gradually, I began to look beyond the label of husband and wife, and tried to let go of my expectations of him as a husband / a father.

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This post is too long.  I hope to finish Part 2 before the new year.  (It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life - Part 2 )

Relationship is indeed one of the most if not the most challenging lesson in life.  If you have time, please click to view the following posts on relationships. 

Guide's Words of Wisdom on Relationship (from my guide in March 2003)

Good Night!

Love and Peace,
Q of D

Saturday, December 9, 2023

As We Give, We Also Receive


On Nov. 29, Wednesday, I went to a store to buy grocery.  I was nicely surprised a brand name 24-pack bottled water was on sale because I knew we were almost out of bottled water.  (I did not drink bottled water, but my son did.)  Just then, I heard a voice from behind saying "Can I get one for you?"  I gladly said "Yes!"  A woman in her 30 s stepped forward.  I saw that she was not an employee of the store, but a customer just like me.   She grabbed a pack and placed it onto my shopping cart.  I thanked her with a big smile.  In fact, I smiled throughout the day feeling fortunate that I met kind-hearted people all the time.

The next morning a reading by a wonderful channel back in 2010 came to my mind as soon as I woke up.  Later, I looked through my plastic totes, and found the transcript of the reading.  According to the channeled messages, these brief interactions with others were part of a carefully designed divine plan.  As people drew close wanting to help me, they gave (i.e. helping me) and received what they needed.  It was the same with me.  As I received, I fulfilled my purpose of serving (giving) without drawing any attention.  Our human selves might not know what went on, and it was meant to be.

As we give, we also receive.  It serves to remind us to be kind, loving, gentle and patient toward others.

Many Blessings,
Q of D

Wednesday, November 29, 2023



I was in the middle section of a frozen food aisle.  An item that I wanted had been sold out on the lower shelves, but there seemed to be a few left on the top shelf.  

A frail elderly man walked by.  He was not looking in my direction, and seemed to be looking for something.  He walked to a woman in the front.  He said he was looking for some kind of vegetable.  He asked if the woman knew where to find it.  The woman said she did not know and walked away.  The man looked confused, and wondered aloud if the store still sold them.  It was a very common vegetable that was available in all stores, but he should have looked for it in the fresh produce department.  From the man's way of being, I realized his mind might not be as sharp as it used to be.  The man with his shopping cart was then near the end of the aisle, and was about to turn to the next frozen food aisle.

Hurriedly, I rushed forward.  The aisle was wide, and I knew it was quite alright to leave my shopping cart behind.  I caught up with the man, and told him I knew where the vegetable he was looking for.  He followed me to the fresh produce department.  When I pointed at the vegetable, he let out a sigh of relief "oh, that is what I am looking for."

When I got back to where my shopping cart was, I looked up at the top shelf and thought 'now, it is time for me to ask for help."  I turned my head, and saw a woman stood behind me smiling.  She was a few inches taller than me.  She reached into the freezer and got what I wanted.  I thanked her from my heart.

In my heart, I also thanked the divine.  How likely it was that I needed help and someone was right there ready to help!  I lived in gratitude because I recognized the beauty and wonders in life.  

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Due to the differences in our personality, we handled situations or what came up in life differently.  In my case, I followed my heart, and had not thought of right, wrong or trying to do good.  

One day long ago (before I got married), I rushed to the bathroom as soon as I got home.  I washed my hands for a long time.  My family wondered why.  I told them what happened.

At the time, I worked in an office that was far away.  If I took the bus, I had to get off one bus and wait at a bus stop to get on another bus in order to go home.  While I was at the bus stop waiting for another bus, an old woman appeared before me.  She said, "Miss, would you please help me up the stairs to where I live.  She pointed at an old building behind the bus stop.  Immediately, I said 'yes' because she looked old and weak.  She extended her hands before me so that I could help her.  It was then I saw the horrible condition of her hands and arms.  I did not know how to describe them - rotten might be the word.  "Miss, are you going to help me?" she asked again.  I took a deep breath.  I reached out to her hand and walked her to the building.  As I stood in front of the stairs, I saw that it was one of those old, old 3 - story buildings with straight upward stairs.  She told me she lived on the top floor!  I pushed her up each stair by holding onto her elbows and arms and supporting her body by standing close behind her.  After helping her, I did not dare to look at the ground below because the staircase was steep.  I placed my whole focus on every next step.  

My brother said, "You should have said 'no'."

I said, "She definitely needed help to go up those stairs."

My brother asked, "Is it your business?"

After a pause, he said, "Are there other people at the bus stop?"

I said, "Yes, there are many people at the bus stop."

He said, "You could have told her that you were not strong enough to help her up the stairs.  Have you ever thought of the fact that - since she could come down by herself, she should be able to walk up too?  Besides, you could have called out from the ground for a member of her family to come and help her."

I never thought of all that he said.  That day I really feared my hands might get some sort of infection.  After some days, I was relieved nothing happened and my hands were fine.

On a few other occasions, my brother also said, "Is it your business?"  For instance, when I learned I would be getting another raise (I already got 2 raises), I asked the owner to give the raise to a coworker who told me she had never gotten a raise.

My husband and loved ones sometimes said to me "Is it your business" too meaning I should not get involved or care what went on.  For instance, I felt something bad was going on in a school bus, my husband told me it was none of my business.  (Re Together we can change the world )

Some years ago, there was a few teens in the neighborhood that said racial words whenever they saw me taking walks in the school fields.  Sometimes they purposely rode their bikes toward me to scare me, but I was never scared.  (I wish to point out that most teenagers were polite and did not behave as they did.)  In racist circumstances, sometimes I spoke up, and at other times I did not.  It all depended on the situation.  In this situation, I chose to ignore their behavior.  At their age, some might not be racist but followers of the one that needed to call others names in order to feel good.

When my son learned about it, he wanted me to identify those teens.  I refused to.  I said his way of handling the situation was not what I preferred.  I was always alert of my surrounding and knew what to do.  I assured him I would be safe.  

One day, I saw these teens in a distance.  They stared at me and talked to each other for a while as if plotting something.  I was at ease.  My angels and guides were always with me.  I had no fear.  Soon one of the teens rode his bike at full speed toward me.  I calmly remained standing where I was.  They just wanted to scare me, I thought.  If I got hurt, they knew they would be in trouble.  If the teen continued to move in my direction, I could quickly push his bike to the side or quickly move out of the way.  I wanted them to learn the lesson that I was not afraid of them.  The teen was shocked that I remained where I was.  He had to turn the wheels abruptly, and ended up falling hard on the ground.  I rushed over to ask him if he was okay.  I was genuinely concerned, because after all, I was a mother.  His chest was red.  He was in pain.  At the same time, he did not dare to look at me as if he was embarrassed or ashamed.  His friends came to help him up.  They were obviously in shock.  They walked away quietly.

When I was home, I told my son what had happened.  He was upset that I actually asked if the teen was okay.  He said, "Is it your business if he was okay?  For goodness sake, he tried to run you down!"  I knew it was hard for him to understand.

I did not see these teens gathered in the school field again.

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When the title came to me, I never knew how the post would go.  I just realized 'is it your business' were words people said to me.  However, I did not ask / rarely asked myself that question when things suddenly unfolded before me.  (For examples,  The unfolding of a test and The Gathering)  In situations where I had more time to think / plan, sometimes I actually withdrew from what I should do or wanted to do.  

What would you do if you overheard what the elderly man said?  

Could you imagine the joy when I turned to see the woman who was ready to give me a hand?

In this post, I used the word 'elderly' with a smile.  I am a senior citizen myself.  It is good to be where I am at.  (Re Growing old in Grace )

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

Friday, October 20, 2023

May the Peace within guide us through this turbulent time


Due to the pandemic, I began to join spiritual meetings online.  Most of the groups I joined were in other states of U.S.A.  If not for the pandemic, I probably would have continued to go to spiritual gatherings that met locally in person.  Some people had said joining spiritual meeting online was something new to them too.  

Most of the hosts welcomed others to share their stories and views.  I had heard some incredible transformational and awakening personal stories.    Some participants were wonderful speakers and teachers.  They spoke gracefully.  They conveyed their messages or stories with ease.   I enjoyed listening, and seldom felt the need to say anything.  On the occasions that I did, I felt anxious.  I felt more comfortable talking to the others face to face than on zoom.     

Though I seldom said anything during online meetings, I got unexpected messages about me from others every now and then.  On second thought, it was not that unexpected.  The facilitators / guest speakers were spiritual teachers or professional psychics / mediums / channels / healers as well as some of the participants.  

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One day, I was in a zoom gathering during which an exceptional channel was to deliver short messages for some participants.  I was opened to receive whatever message that came through.  In other words, I did not hold any thought or question in my mind.

My name was called.  The channel said 'Even those that were awakened, some still had shadows.  Light and shadow were illusions, but it was true that some awakened ones still had shadows."  She went on to say that the guides were telling her that I had the ability to heal the awakened ones or bring healing to the awakened ones.  Of course, I was very surprised to hear that.  I wondered why I received such a message.  Right then, the facilitator joined in to talk about my aura.  I had joined this group for quite some time, and did not know the clairvoyants had been observing my aura.  The human I felt a little embarrassed.  As this was going on, it suddenly dawned on me why I received this message.     

Two days earlier, I thought of a spiritual teacher / master.  I went online to look up the latest video about him.  As I watched, I sighed.  I chose to leave the group because I could not accept one of his view / belief.  I never meant any disrespect.  I understood why he formed this view because this was instilled in him since young.  Then I thought "Who am I to say that he is wrong?  He is widely known as the awakened one."  

A sister, whom I loved and respected, had shared with me this personal experience.  She was always open to embrace or hug others.  One day, she forgot the expected manner toward the teacher, i.e. women should not hug the teacher.  She was shocked that her hands passed through energy instead of a solid back as that of a regular person. 
There was no doubt that the spiritual teacher was an advanced spiritual being.  In fact, he knew more about me than the human I knew myself.  He did not talk to me directly, but had talked about me to his direct disciple (s).  My brothers and sisters had treated me with much kindness and respect.  It was not an easy decision to leave the group, but I thought it would be better for them to move forward with one mind and one heart.

I did not think the spiritual teacher and I would meet again.  In my heart, there was only love for the teacher and all my brothers and sisters. 

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On another occasion, a channel said, "You know you receive divine guidance all the time, but you don't always follow the guidance."  I knew it was true.

For example, one recent Thursday, I received a text ** about a psychic fair in a community center of a city that was not far from where I lived.  The fair would take place on the following Saturday and Sunday.  
** A few years ago, I went to a psychic fair.  The facilitator asked if I would like to receive news about holistic / psychic fairs.  I said 'yes'.  She asked me to give her my phone.  Since then, I received this kind of text on my phone regularly including fairs that took place in nearby states.  In our state, one or two groups held psychic fairs in different locations weekly or bi-weekly during the summer.

I had only gone to 4 body, mind and spirit festivals since I moved back to this state over 11 years ago.  When I received messages about psychic fairs in other states or far away cities, I usually deleted them right away.  There were fairs near where I lived.  However, at this time, I did not feel like going to any holistic fair.       

Saturday morning I went for a walk in the school field.  As usual, I brought my small camera and phone with me.  When I was home, I put my phone and camera on the table.  I saw a message on my phone's screen about the fair.  I went to use the bathroom.  I thought it was nothing unusual.  This kind of messages were automatically resent on days of the fair.  Later, I noticed the message was not new.  It was sent on Thursday.   I found it kind of odd.  Normally, the message would not reappear on the screen after I had read it.  

Sunday morning I went for a walk.  The same thing happened again after I was home.  The Thursday message appeared on the screen of my phone.  Both times the message simply appeared on the screen, and there was no alert or notification sound as it should be.  I talked to my son about it.  My son said it was kind of weird.  He said he would go to the fair with me if I wanted to.  I thanked him, and told him I did not want to go.  A while later, I decided to talk to my guide.  I mentally said, "If you want me to go to the fair, let me receive another message."  Some time after 1 p.m., I heard the alert sound.  On the screen was a new message "Still time to come to the Psychic Fair . . . . . . ."  

I did not go.  In my heart, I said, "Sorry, guides.  I just don't see the point of going to another psychic fair.  Open up another opportunity for me if it is beneficial for me to go to do something or meet someone."

Over the years, I had many amazing experiences by following the divine guidance, e.g. I said "No" three times on this Sunday and It is in not knowing that makes life intriguing .  If my guide had not prompted me to go to the holistic store on Jan. 23, 2009, I would not know the store had scheduled me to hold a healing workshop in Feb.  (Re A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove )  Therefore, I understood the significance of divine guidance.  However, at this time, I just did not feel like going to any psychic fair.  I was at peace with my decision.  

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Since September, we have many rainy, cloudy days.  The fall colors in the school fields are beautiful.  It is a joy to walk among the trees.  

The other day I went to a spiritual center for a peace event.  I went to two stores shopping for grocery afterward.  Arriving back at the apartment parking lot, I unloaded the bags.  I turned to walk toward the apartment.  I almost dropped the bags because I saw a beautiful, big rainbow in the sky!  I put all the bags back into the trunk of the car, and began taking pictures of the rainbow.  This was the first time I saw a rainbow in 2023.  The rainbow faded after about 8 minutes.  (If I was inside the apartment / store or in my car, I would not have seen the rainbow.  In where I lived, rainbows usually did not last long.)

During that time, a neighbor happened to turn into the parking lot.  He saw me taking pictures of the sky.  He turned to look at the sky and saw the rainbow.  He said, "Oh, there is a rainbow!"  I smiled.  Before he headed back to his apartment, he smiled and said, "Enjoy your rainbow!"

With the wars going on, we all prayed for peace.  It was the reason I went to join others at the spiritual center.  

May the Peace within guide us through this turbulent time.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sometimes we may not realize our innate abilities are at play


In my last post Growing old in Grace , the store employee responded to my thought, and might not have realized that I had not verbally said the words. 

Some years ago, a similar incident happened while I was a volunteer for a charity organization.  One day, we went to visit seniors living in a tall apartment building.   The residents knew our two team leaders well.  A woman began to talk about her health problems particularly about her eyes.  She might have surgery before, and was very worried about the upcoming surgery.  She and her friends sat closely with our team leaders by a table.  I was at a distance behind her back getting things ready.  Hearing what the woman said, I mentally sent her my blessings such as 'everything would be alright and the angels would watch over you'.  She turned her head back toward me and said "thank you".  Then she continued her talk.  I saw the puzzling looks on my friends' faces.  I smiled, and did not explain.  I believed the woman, like the store employee, had not realized that I had not voiced my thought.

In the case of the mother in the fruit market, I believed she was intuitive, and was aware of her innate abilities.    (Re Is our thought a secret known only to ourselves )

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When I joined the Thursday Circle in May 2005, I regarded myself as a novice on my spiritual journey because -
  • I did not meditate for I could not get into a meditative state.  
  • When I was small, I could easily form an image in my mind eye.  I did not know this was called visualization (in English) until I began to borrow spiritual books from the library in 2000.  It was then I realized I could no longer visualize.  
  • I did not know much about spiritual stuff such as spiritual terms, practices, and universal laws.  I had read many books, but was only interested in reading other people's stories on their spiritual journey. 
In retrospect, my view of self at the time had much to do with my human nature.  I found my friends' abilities or gifts amazing.  While I was having so much fun and joy sitting among them, I automatically thought 'I was the only one among them that was not psychic'.  Besides, I might have watched a little bit too much TV shows 😊😊😊of famous mediums such as Sylvia Browne, John Edward, and Rosemary Altea.  I ended up forming a wrong view that being psychic must be as they were.  

Of course, I eventually understood my friends were right that everybody was psychic because intuition was our innate ability.  Some people might be more opened to their innate abilities than others.  Some people might not even have heard such words as clairvoyance, clairaudience and etc.  Nevertheless, their innate abilities might sometimes be at play except they did not recognize that.  

Recently my son came to me and talked about showing off / getting attention again.  I did not want to get into the same old talk which could go on for an hour or two.  Instead of answering his question, I asked if he still wanted a fancy car or fancy clothes.  (Many years ago, my son saw a man drove a fancy car into a gas station to get gas.  Everyone looked at the man and his car.  Some women surrounded the car and tried to talk to the man.)  My son said, "No, I do not need those anymore."  I smiled and said, "I know.  It is because you are already getting the attention."  (He is into bodybuilding.)  All of a sudden, two incidents came to my mind.

During the restaurant years, a customer walked in to pick up an order.  She was a chiropractor who ordered from us every now and then.  She owned an office in the same mall.  As I handed her the order, I was surprised to see the look on her face.  She looked at me with disgust!  She did not leave right away.  Finally, she said, "You work in a restaurant!  Why do you wear such a fancy shirt?"  My eyes opened wide.  In great disbelief, I answered, "It is only $8!  It is on sale in XXXXXX (a local store that sold grocery and other household items).  The original price is $16.  There are a few more left if you want to buy one."  Her face changed.  She was so embarrassed that she rushed out of the restaurant.  She did not order from us again.  (The shirt I wore was pale apple green.)  

The next incident happened in 2004.  For a short while, I worked in a restaurant whose owner was a friend of my husband.  (Re There is extra money in the cash register drawer )  One of the waitresses was a young Chinese woman in her early 30 s.  She called me auntie because I was the older generation.  She worked nights.  Every time she saw me she asked where I bought my white shirt and black pants.  I had wore them for years.  The color of the black pants was somewhat fading, and the white shirt was not that white anymore.  Of course, the shirt and pants were ordinary and inexpensive.  However, this young woman would not believe what I said.  Her shirts and pants were more expensive than mine.  The light in that restaurant was very dim.  On several occasions, she walked to me and said my shirt look bright and white that she really wanted one like mine.  At the time, I thought she was just getting used to what she said, or it had something to do with her personality.

I said to my son, "You know I do not have fancy clothes, don't you?"  He said, "Yes, I know."  I told him the two incidents.  I said, "Could it be both of them were kind of clairvoyant?  They saw the light around me and aligned it to what I wore."  My son knew the word clairvoyant.  He said it was possible.

Earlier this year, I went to a spiritual temple.  The energy there was exceptional.  Many people were there.  Most had been on their spiritual path for decades.  While sitting there, I noticed a woman from the other end of the temple kept looking at me.  When the service was over, she walked over to me and said, "The color of your blouse is very beautiful!"  I said, "Thank you."  I knew the woman in the temple was clairvoyant.  

It was a good thing that the two incidents came to my mind while my son and I were talking.   I had wondered why others judged what I wore particularly the chiropractor.  The puzzle was solved.  Both the chiropractor (American) and the waitress (Chinese)  were probably not into spirituality.  They did not realize their innate ability was at play.

In writing this post, I looked up the definition of spirituality online.

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

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Many people around the world had awakened to their innate abilities.  There were so many webinars and online workshops.  I had signed up for the 2-day series of The Many Faces of Mary Magdalene.  In the midst of watching the series, I decided to stop, and finished the post.  

I am glad I did.

Many Blessings,
Q of D    

P. S.
My sons had been bullied while in middle schools.  Chinese normally started puberty a few years later than the Americans.  My older son grew some inches during the summer before the start of high school, and it helped.  Both of my sons took body building class while in high school.  My older son said he sometimes visited the city we used to live.  In stores, he had come across a few of his old classmates that had bullied him.  He said they were all out of shape.  They recognized him.  Seeing how he was now, they looked down at the floor.  As a boy, my older son was friendly.  He was like a magnet, and other children came to play with him wherever he was.  His experience in school had an effect on him.  If we paid attention, we often formed a view or made choices because of our experiences in life. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Growing old in Grace


In the parking lot of a store, I unloaded bags of grocery into the trunk of my car.  I made a little noise as I tried to lift the 24-pack bottles of water from the shopping cart.  A young woman about 30 feet away immediately asked if I needed help.  She and a man about her age were talking to an older man.  With a joyful smile, I said, "No, thank you!"  Later, I walked over there and thanked her for her kindness.

I met kind people all the time.  

One afternoon, the mail carrier also offered to help me carrying the groceries.  One day, a young woman who happened to walk by wanted to help me too.  On another day, a young man who lived in another building wanted to help me as well.  He was nice and polite.  Their kindness made my day.  On those occasions, I talked to them for a short while thanking them for being so kind, and sent them blessings in my heart as we parted ways.

One day in a store, a man is his 40 s seemed to be following me in a distance.  He dressed like someone who worked in an office.  I kind of looked back at him.  I sensed no ill intention.  On his face was a delightful smile as if he saw something in me.  At one point, I stopped to look at some items on the top shelf.  He quickly walked forward.  I got it he wanted to help me to get what I wanted to buy from the top shelf.  So I asked for his help.  He gladly got it for me.  Joyfully, he walked away and did not follow me anymore.

Years ago, I rarely asked for help to get something that I could not reach.  If I could not get something from the top, I might use another item to bring it down and catch it with my hand.  However, I had learned to allow others to help me was also a service.  (Re   Helping others and allowing others to help you can both be a source of joy  )  

Whenever I needed help in a store, I usually asked someone that looked friendly or cheerful.  One day while I was pondering who I should ask to help me, I saw a man walked past me.  He was tall and slim.  On his face was a look of gloomy as if he was depressed or sad.  I called out to him, "Sir, would you please help me . . ."  He walked back and got me two frozen TV dinners from the top shelf.  I looked into his eyes and said truthfully, "Thank you very much for your help."  We soon came across each other in the next lane.  I was glad to see that the gloominess on his face was gone!  We greeted each other with a smile.

One day, I was on my way out of a store.  I saw a store employee sitting on a bench by the customer service center.  He was a senior like me, and was probably taking a break.  He looked very tired.  He took out a small towel to wipe the sweats on his face.  In my heart, I sent him blessings.  To my surprise, he seemed to hear what I said in my heart.  He stopped in the midst of wiping his sweats.  He looked at me and said, "Thank you, thank you, Madam!  May you have a blessed day too!"  (It reminded me of other occasions where people actually received my thought.  See  Is our thought a secret known only to ourselves )

After the incidents in Who smiles? Who sees? , I allowed myself to smile more.  Recently I had an amazing experience.  As a mother and grandmother, I loved seeing families with children that happily shopped in stores.  I saw a family of three generations (grandparents, parents and two small children).  I smiled at this family.  They happened to notice that.  All of them, young and old, looked at me and let out the most wonderful smiles!  I still remembered the light in their eyes and their total smiles.  Thank you for the gift.

Autumn is here.  Earth / the world is going through many changes.  Take care.

Many Blessings,
Q of D

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Oh, I was holding a grudge . . . . .


Some weeks ago I was taking a walk on the sidewalk of the road.  

In a distance, I saw a man walking in my direction.  I recognized him.  I thought of walking quickly to turn into a side road because I did not want to greet him.  Right away, I caught my negative reaction.  Oh, I was holding a grudge against him!  I laughed (at my self), and told myself not to hold any grudges.  I continued to walk on the sidewalk at my normal pace.  As we met, we greeted and wish each other a blessed day.  

He was one of those that walked in the school fields.  I did not go for walks at a fixed time.  It could be any time in the morning or in the afternoon.  Therefore, we only came across each other once in a long while.  When we did, we exchanged pleasantries as most others did.  (I used the word 'most' because there were always a few with their eyes looking straight ahead.)

I loved nature.  I smiled as the light breeze touched my face.  I took pictures of insects, birds, trees, flowers, little animals, rainbows, sun, moon and etc.  One day (not this year) I saw a beautiful cicada on a tree.  It was in the process of shedding its old skin / shell.  I took out my camera to take some pictures.  This man happened to walk by.  When he saw the cicada, he said, "Oh, it is ugly!  It is gross!"  He walked away with a disgusted look on his face.  In retrospect, I must have formed a negative view of him because of this minor incident.

I fully understood we all had things we liked and things that we did not like.  I loved cats and dogs.  The friend that used to live in the neighborhood strongly disliked cats, but we were friends. ( Re A conversation between two grandmothers )  I normally accepted how other people were.  In where I lived, I rarely saw cicadas.  When I saw the cicada, I felt joy.  I must have reacted adversely when I heard the man's 'extreme' comments about the beautiful insect.  It was a good thing that I caught myself holding a grudge because I could then choose to let it go.  It was his negative emotion / judgment toward the cicada, and it had nothing to do with me.

As my spirit guide shared with me in  We don't necessary have to like or dislike someone 

It is alright to react with a certain mood such as happy, surprise or even upset.  Face it, this is what life is all about.  But then, we discern ourselves from the feeling, and observe it with tranquility.

Many changes are going on at this time on earth.  Take care.

Love & Blessings,
Q of D

Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Voice Besides Mine was Recorded!


After publishing my last post, another experience came to my mind.  It was an incredible experience that was worth sharing.

On March 21, 2022, I received an email from a spiritual society.  Other than a list of upcoming events, it was suggested for us to consider adding an invocation to our meditation practice and/or prayers.  At the time, many people around the world were concerned about the Russian's attack on Ukraine.  The small church that I called my spiritual home had asked us to pray for Ukraine, and some spiritual groups / societies held prayers for peace services as well.

Below was the invocation in the email.

Invocation for Harmony

May the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind.
May the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May the Law of Harmony prevail.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
So let it be and help us to do our part.

As I read it, something seemed amiss.  I wondered if the source of the invocation was from a book or someone had channeled it through meditation.  Meanwhile, there was this strong, strong prompting from within to create a spiritual ideal with this invocation and make it into a song.

For the following days and weeks, I was totally into doing just thatIt was hard to explain.  I did not know how to read music.  All I did was to sing the words again and again until I felt that it was good.  When my son was not home, I sang the words.  At night, I quietly sang it in my heart.  I was fine with the first sentence of the invocation.  I felt the second sentence 'May the spirit of peace be spread abroad' seemed to indicate peace spread from USA to other places.  I changed it into 'May the Spirit of Peace spread throughout the world.'  I also felt the song was more in flow with 'May the Law of Harmony prevail on Earth' than simply 'May the Law of Harmony prevail.'  I made some minor changes for the rest of the invocation according to how I felt what a spiritual ideal for humanity is / could be.  I could sing in a normal tone, and could not sing high notes. 

When I was alone, I stood in the center of the family room trying to sing the invocation as a song.  Whenever I did, I could feel lots of energy around me especially above my crown.  When I felt I was ready, I used the computer recorder app to record the song.  As I listened, I realized I had to make some adjustment.  For examples, I might pause too long between words (i.e. it had something to do with my breathing), or my voice cracked when singing high notes.  Day after day, I continued to perfect the song of invocation for harmony.  Finally, I was satisfied with the song.  I sang the following version of invocation a few times and thought I did not have to record anymore.

Invocation for Harmony

May the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind.
May the Spirit of Peace spread throughout the world.
May the Law of Harmony prevail on earth.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation, 
   and work toward * the good for all.
Let it be so and help us to do our part.

* With my limited understanding of English, I thought the correct grammar was 'work for the good for all'.  I did not want to use 'for' twice, and replaced it with the word 'toward'.  
A while later, I thought "Would it be better if people everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation and work toward the good for all.'  I  thought it would be heaven on earth if all of us meet in a spirit of cooperation and work for the good for all.  Besides, I found it easier to sing 'May people everywhere meet . . .' than 'May people of goodwill everywhere meet . . .' 

So I joyfully sang the final version (at least that was what I thought) and used the recorder app on the computer to record it.  When I listened to the recording, I was puzzled because there seemed to be some static or voice somewhere in the recording!  As far as I knew nobody was in the apartment across from us.  I listened to the recording again.  There really seemed to be a voice besides mine!  I listened again and again, but could not figure out what it said.  I usually set the sound volume of my computer at 33%.  I turned the volume to 100%.  I was stunned.  It was a woman's voice.  It was barely audible, but she seemed to be saying 'No, no, not everybody' in an urgent tone while I was singing 'May people everywhere . . .'

In disbelief, I ended up listening to all the recordings since I began recording this song.  In one of the recordings in the earlier days, there seemed to be some static about the verb 'spread'.  However, that was the only time and did not happen in later recordings.  As I sat there contemplating what had happened, it came to me the human I might think it would be heaven on earth if everybody in the world worked in a spirit of cooperation; however, people on earth were of many different levels / agenda / focus, and not all were of goodwill; thus there was this saying that when a certain number of loving spiritual people came together, they could change the world.  As for the word 'spread', I could not come up with another word.  It might be the being(s) that was (were) watching over the co-creation process felt the word 'spread' was alright too.

I went back to the version 'May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation'.  There were no more static in the recording.  Then one morning I woke up and 'got' the words 'work for the good of all'.  I looked it up online, and was so happy the information was correct.  With all my heart and soul, I sang the Invocation for Harmony.  The energy in me and around me was phenomenal.  I asked the angels to join in and sing with me.  Since then, sometimes I woke up hearing the music in the air in the middle of the night.  During the day, the song would come on every now and then too.  If I simply listened, the sound / voice of singing was different from mine.  When I joined in even not by voice but by intention, I heard my voice among the singing.  

Below is the song I sang.

Invocation for Harmony

May the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind
May the Spirit of Peace spread throughout the world
May the Law of Harmony prevail on earth
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation and work for the good of all
Let it be so and help us to do our part.

Indeed, Life must be experienced .  I began to write this post yesterday, and finished it today.  To me, that is fast / unusual.  Incidentally, I received this Thought for the Day from the Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. org.

Sunday, June 18

"Hence as ye gain in the outpouring of thyself in song, ye not ONLY give praise and service and obedience but bring help and hope, and an awakening to those ye contact IN the very act!"    

Edgar Cayce reading 1158-14

Life is full of coincidences.  I hold the pure intention to be of service, and may it ever be so.

Many Blessings,
Q of D

P.  S.  On Sat. June 17, around 9 a.m., I woke up hearing Sukiyaki again.  (Re Why did I wake up hearing a song of Japanese food? )

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

JUNE 13, 2023 - I am happy to connect with you again


Today is June 13, 2023.

I went for a walk in the morning.  It had rained the day and night before.  We were delighted and grateful for the rain because there had been no rain for quite some time. 

Earlier, after my son left for work, I had a good time connecting with the divine.  I chanted, talked to my guides / angels / Source, and continued to create the song that I had begun a few days ago.  I always enjoyed my alone time ** in the apartment.  

Everybody's life story is unique.  

As for me, I got some sort of inspiration every now and then that prompted me to expand on it.  For instance, sometimes I woke up hearing Music in the Air; at other times, a solution to a situation, or some words / a sentence came to my mind as I woke up.  I had shared some of these unique experiences in the following posts. 

In recent days, I kept singing Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.  I did not recall if I got it while waking up.  I smiled at my silliness.  I told myself "It is summer!"  However, this light-hearted, joyful sentence* kept repeating in my heart.  So I let it be.  I thought it might be June is a month of celebration - three of my loved ones were born in June.  (* As I had mentioned, I was not into remembering lyrics.  With most songs, I only remembered a sentence or two.)

One day, I was in a store that sold returned items by online companies such as Amazon.  I saw a brand new Disney princess handbag.  I thought it would be a good gift for a little girl that I knew.  However, she had not come by for months.  I bought the handbag anyway.  Coincidentally, she come to visit a few days later.  When I gave her the gift, she had a puzzling look on her face because it was neither her birthday nor Christmas.  I smiled and sang - 

                                 You may not know it
                                 You may not hear about it
                                 Santa Claus is coming to town
                                 He comes in the Summer
                                 He visits in the Fall and Spring.
                                 And not just on Christmas days . . . . . .

Yes, it was this song that I continued to expand or create, a song about the free spirit of giving.  I normally went to sleep around 1 to 2 a.m.  As I sang the words quietly in my heart in the early hours of June 13, I could feel powerful energy all around me.  My hands were filled with energy, or, my hands were held by energy.  It was hard to describe.    

In the morning, I continued to add words to the song.  The joy in my heart remained.  I thanked my guides, angels, and all the loving beings that were actively present in my life guiding me, inspiring me, working with me, and protecting me and my loved ones.  I prayed for the homeless cats, and thanked the angels for watching over them.  I asked the angels to open people's heart to love and feed the cats.  As much as there were people that loved cats / dogs, there were also some people that strongly disliked them.  I might write about the cats' situation in a later post.  I had been praying for the cats since last November especially during cold winter nights.

I left the apartment intending to take a walk in the school field.  The sky was thick with clouds, but my heart was bright as on any sunny day.  Before I crossed the road to get to the school field, I heard sounds of birds above my head.  I looked up.  5 or 6 white birds appeared above me.  I was in awe.  I acknowledged their presence with love.  They soon flew away in different directions, e.g. one flew east, one flew north, two flew in the south west direction and etc.  Their presence reminded me of the time we were in the parking lot of a car dealership where my son found a car he liked.  (Re Suddenly, I announced, "It is time to buy another car!" )    

I did not walk in the school field because I saw some workers working there.  I went for a walk along the roads.  When I came back to the apartment, my son texted me that he was at a certain plant.  It brought a smile on my face.  Though my son often said he did not want to hear anything spiritual, he was quite intuitive.  He often called or texted me after I arrived home.  Among my loved ones, he was the one that was sensitive to energy.  When I felt a surge of energy, he knew it right away.  On one occasion, he channeled words while he was in a sleepy state.  The message that came through his mouth shocked me, and it was what I needed to hear.  In my dream, I had seen his guide teaching him how to communicate with spirit.  Therefore, I was not surprised when the clairvoyant healer from another state said to my son "You have a similar (level) master guide as your mother has, but you have different abilities."  (Re The clairvoyant healer gave me a healing session )  

I sent my son a message saying that he was quite intuitive because he always knew when I was home.  He replied and actually accepted that he was intuitive!  With the appearance of the white birds and son's accepting of his gift 😊, I decided to sit down and write a post.  I had not written any post for months!  

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I always feel 13 is a lucky and important number for me.  

I began writing this post on June 13.  Later, I took a break and opened my emails.  I was surprised to get an email from Meetup that I signed up for Meetup on June 13, 2016; it was my 7th anniversary with Meetup, and had since attended 213 meetings!  Wow!

I did not finish the post on June 13.  This morning I woke up hearing Sukiyaki loud in the air.  I had not heard this song for a long time.  (Re Why did I wake up hearing a song about Japanese food? and Sukiyaki on Christmas Morning)  Later, I allowed myself to listen to it on YouTube.  Now (night) I could not recall a single musical note.  This was weird.  However, I would always remember how joyfully the Japanese singer sang the song which to me was quite contradictory to the lyrics of the song.  Why did I hear this song again and again?  I might never know.  

In life, we go through many things that we do not understand, e.g. why this or that happens.  And, it is quite alright.  It may be somewhere, somehow, there is a part of us that understands what is going on.  This is a quote from one of Edgar Cayce's readings -

Do not let those things which may not be understood in the present weary your soul, but know that sometime, somewhere, you, too, will understand.  Keep the faith.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D   

** Since the pandemic, my son worked from home.  Once in a week or two, he had to go back to the office.   His job required him to drive to different places from time to time.  Therefore, I had some time to myself; otherwise, I would not interrupt (i.e. sing, chant or join zoom) while he was working at home.      

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Life Must Be Experienced


After the ice storm, a new friend who lived in California emailed me asking if I was alright.  We had not met in person.  I was one of the participants in her online workshop a few months ago.  Her kind, caring nature touched my heart.

Before the ice storm, I saw a few utility trucks in our neighborhood.  The workers seemed to work on strengthening the electrical wires.  Seeing that, I felt good thinking that we might not have to experience power outage again.  (Re  Power Outage and the Refrigerator )  Indeed, there was no power outage in where I lived.  However, over a quarter of a million families in our state lost power.  It was cold, and my heart went out to those families that had no heat.  Some families had no electricity for 5 to 7 days.

Then another winter storm came.  The heavy, wet snow caused more damage than the previous ice storm.  Over 270,000 families lost power.  I was watching the evening news when the power went out.  I looked at my phone.  It was 6:16 p.m.  I texted my son who was in his friend's house.  There was no power outage in that area.  His friend's family asked him to stay for the night.  

During the previous refrigerator problem and the eventual power outage, we bought two huge bags of ice, each weighed 11 lbs.  The ice and what I did in those few days did not save the food / meat.  I ended up throwing away everything in the refrigerator.  This time around, I decided not to open the refrigerator door at all until the power was restored.  I prayed and hoped the power would come back soon.

The second day my son came home with hamburgers, fries, and drinks.  I told my son not to open the fridge.  If he wanted something to drink, he could drink bottled water or juice on the counter.  It was cold in the apartment.  Instead of sitting around, I decided to do some clean up and throw away things that I no longer wanted.  At night my son went to fast food restaurants to buy food again.  We learned it would take two more days before the workers could work in our area.  I prayed for the angels to keep the meat, fish, and shrimps in the freezer compartment frozen.  I thought I probably had to throw away some items in the freezer such as pizzas, cheesecake, TV dinners and breakfast.

The following day my son and I got into a discussion in the afternoon.  I did not recall how our conversation started.  As our talk continued, we got into our differences again.  To me, it was totally alright for us to have different views or different ways of going about life.  To my son, it was somewhat frustrating.  He saw my way of dealing with situations / people as far too gentle which he considered as weak and not competitive enough.   

I did not see myself as gentle or weak.  I am that I am, and there is beauty in each one of us.    

I had shared with my sons some of my experiences in my early days.  With a smile, I said, "You see me as weak.  Would you dare to speak up as I did against the boss (owner of the business) who could not stop swearing and scolding the employees?"  

My son thought for a while.  He said, "I would not do that because one could get fired doing that."  

I said, "Would you call the TV station as I did when I saw something fraudulence was going on in a game show?"  

My son said, "Probably not."  

I said, "You may see me as weak, but I never fail to do the right thing as how my heart feels.  Sometimes I do not speak up because I feel it is not necessary.  Sometimes people may look down on me.  It is fine.  That is their business / opinion, not mine.  For examples, I know my loved ones including you see my spiritual experiences as merely coincidence or wishful thinking.  You always say there is no scientific research or there is no scientific data to support this / that.  I have learned to keep most of my experiences to myself most of the time.  There is nothing wrong with how you and others perceive my experiences.  Life must be experiencedWe are all where we are at, and I am not here to convince anybody because of what I have experienced.  I say I keep things to myself most of the time, but I do share with you some of my stories on a few occasions.  I know you are not that interested in hearing them, but, sometimes I do feel the need of talking to someone about what has happened."

My son said, "Mom, you can talk to me about your experiences.  I do listen."  (💗 That's my son!  Behind that tough front, there is kindness.  He does care about his family and friends.)

I smiled and said, "While you always see our differences, I see our similarities.  We love our cat.  We love and care about the homeless cats living around the apartments.  On the whole, we love animals and birds.  By the way, I remembered you said you did not believe in afterlife because there was no scientific proof.  I am glad your dad came into your dreams after he moved on.  You also told me you saw a bushy tail by your feet for a split second right after you talked to the picture of your girlfriend's dog that died months ago.  In one of my dreams, I saw your guide teaching you how to communicate with spirits.  You are not just the human you.  Isn't it interesting that you are so sensitive to energy that you are the one in our family that know right away when I am surged with energy?"

We talked some more.  Later, he left to visit a friend.  Earlier, he had bought more than enough food for lunch so that I would have something to eat at night.

I took out bags of old mails, newspaper clippings, magazines and etc.  I put them all over the sofa.  I sorted through them choosing what to keep and what to throw away.  At one point, I thought of the food in the refrigerator.  I said out loud, "Please let the power be restored by 10 p.m. tonight!"  Then I remembered I should always end a prayer with "However, not my will but Thy Will be done!Right after these words came out of my mouth, the sound of the TV came on.  I turned to look at the TV.  Evening news was on, and the time was 6:26 p.m.  I stood there in awe of what happened.  My heart was filled with gratitude.   

I went to the kitchen.  I was relieved that meat and other items in the freezer compartment were still frozen hard as rock.  I opened the door of the lower compartment.  I was surprised everything (sausages, eggs, drinks and etc.) was cold to touch as if the power had not been out.  I texted my son about the good news and what had happened.  My son was happy to know that the power in our apartment was back.  

He added - I see, the prayer helped

My reply - Of course. I had wished and prayed for power to restore.  But, it was not while I was cleaning & said out those words and power came back on.  GRACE!

He replied - Correct

I just looked up 616 and 626  from the Angel Numbers book.  (i.e. 6:16 p.m. and 6:26 p.m.)

616 - Keep your thoughts positive, expect miracles, and know that your needs are met.  Give any fears to Heaven for healing, as worries block your manifestations.  Stay optimistic, and know that everything is in Divine and perfect order.

626 - The answer to your prayer is your amazing power of faith and belief.  Rise above all illusions of problems, and claim the spiritual truth that everything is in Divine order.  Your faith brings about miracles.

Life must be experienced.  The grace of the Divine is forever present.  We can acknowledge grace with a heart of gratitude, or we can regard these experiences as merely coincidence.  Sometimes it may not be (exactly) as what we ask for.  Have faith that everything is going to be alright.  Have faith that everything is in Divine order.

Below are links to two of my experiences of grace.

Spring is here.  A new season has begun.  

Love and Blessings,
Q of D