Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy 2020! Lady Portia's Words on LOVE


It had been quite a while since I published  What is love .  In that post, a woman asked the facilitator "What is love?"  At the end of my post, I promised to write a follow up post on love.  Below was an excerpt from the message about love from Lady Portia (the sacred feminine aspect of Saint Germain) channeled through Natalie Glasson, the founder of the Sacred School of Omna.  In the message, Lady Portia said her love and our love were (are) from the same source.  

"My love and your love are expressed and utilised in different and diverse waysTherefore, our love is the same while embodying a different purpose.  However, the goal of our love is the same.  This signifies that the journey and expression of love can be different.  In recognizing this, you accept that your source is the same while you have the freedom to be your unique essence or soul without judgment for yourself and others.  You give yourself and others permission to express the flow of truth while recognising the oneness that is always present.  This is truly liberating and allows judgment and the need to understand to fall away.  You create a space for your truth to be present within you and through you while honouring the same within others."

As I had mentioned earlier, I had not written any post for some weeks.  The truth was I found myself facing some situations or conflict.  At first, I wanted very much to clear things up.  Then I realized the best I could do at this time was to let it be.  It was not easy.  The human I did not want to be judged / misunderstood, and automatically, I wanted to react.  As time went by, I knew I had made the right decision to let it go.  I was at ease and at peace.

Happy New Year!

Q of D

P.S.  As I looked up the message from Lady Portia, I noticed I subscribed to Natalie Glasson's messages on Nov. 11, 2016, 1111 Angels Day!  I had listened to her messages on YouTube for a couple of years before I suddenly decided to sign up.  Her channeled messages from the loving beings helped me a lot over the years.  If you are interested, please visit her website Sacred School of OmNa - omna.org

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Is Love?


In a gathering, a woman raised her hand and asked the workshop facilitator, "What is love?"  Hearing the question, some laughed under their breath wondering how the young facilitator would respond to such a question.  Lightheartedly, the facilitator sang the title of a song (that was about love).  We all laughed.

                                                   "What is love?"

It was a big question.  There was probably no one answer that might satisfy the one who asked.  The facilitator shared with us his wisdom.  As expected, the woman asked some more questions.  At one point, I raised my hand to share my view.  It was not that I thought my words could explain what love was.  I said it because the woman might be open to another point of view.  Later, the facilitator said, "to me, love is in the air we breath; love is in the clouds in the sky . . . . .", and moved on with the workshop.  Personally, I liked his poetic words of love.

I did not write this post to explain 'what is love' for I could not.  Many spiritual seekers accepted we were love, but no words could convey fully all that were of love.  In my view, love must be experienced or recognized.  Since we experienced love / life from different levels of awareness, one's words on love might be perceived as vague or meaningless by another.

I wrote this post because I remembered a message about love channeled through Natalie Glasson.  In the message, the being wanted us to ask ourselves a question.

"What is the difference between the love of your being and the love of my being?"

On that day, I closed my eyes and contemplated on the question before I continued reading the message.  I would share with you the message in my next post. 

The above-mentioned workshop was one of the most interesting workshops I had been to.  The facilitator was a healer, psychic and author.  In his workshop, he talked about a 14-chakra system.  He could see a lot in one's energy field such as past lives and experiences that affected that person.  He said if a particular chakra was dominant or out of balance, it had a great impact on one's way of functioning in life.  For example, one that was functioning from the heart chakra might have very different views from one that had a dominant sacral chakra.  He demonstrated his point by casually talking to a few in the audience.  He was quite accurate.  His words were assuring and aiming toward healing.  From his workshop, we learned some people might seemed self-centered, but it was their way of handling life.

"What is love?"  "What is the difference between the love of your being and others?"  If you have time, please think about theses questions.  Please know that there is no right or wrong answers. 

Q of D  (Please click Happy 2020 to view the channeled message of love.)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Last Post on Attributes


In my post The Word Attribute , I shared that this word came through to replace the word 'personality' while I was writing my journal.  Other than an interesting dream on attribute on April 11, 2019, I also recalled two incidents that had something to do with attributes.  They happened while I was living in the other state.

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One day in 2010 or 2011, my friends invited me to go with them to visit their friend who was not feeling well.  They said this friend talked to angels and was quite an artist.  In her house, I saw many beautiful pictures hanging on the walls.  Later, we sat down to talk and have some tea.  As my friends were talking, this friend suddenly turned to me and said, "Oh! Courage and strength are your attributes!"  As if she had not said anything out of the ordinary, she joined in the talk with my friends.  My friends might not have paid attention or heard what she said, but I was stunned.
In Dec. 2001, I had a phone reading by a known angel channel that lived in another state.  When I inquired about my connection with a being, I was told the being and I had similar life experiences - we were rejected / denied by groups / families saying we did not belong / qualify, and we had to fight to prove that we were; the being had taken me under her arm as her personal child for we had the same courage and strength.
As I always had been, I did not ask this new friend why she said what she said on that day.

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After My Big Moment of Embarrassment , I was more at ease at church.  I made a few friends.  Looking back, the events that happened in the following months (Nov. and Dec. 2007) were like a movie.  If you are new to my blog, please click to view the following posts that were published some years ago.

I said 'No' three times on this Sunday
Archangel Metatron and the healing session
It is in the not knowing that makes life intriguing

On April 13, 2008, Sunday, powerful energy surged me and moved me to get out of my seat to work on a woman that sat on the last pew.  The human I was somewhat relieved that she did not seem to notice I was working on her.  Her attention was on the Sunday service.  Afterward, I went back to my seat.  When the Sunday service was over, I left right away.

Two Sundays later, I participated in the quarterly healing service for the second time.  The following Sunday (May 4, 2008) I had planned to go to Unity Church, but I 'got' it I should go to the small church.  After the service, the woman that I was guided to work on in April came to me.  She said she talked to a pastor about her health problems, and the pastor (** see note at the bottom of the post) suggested for her to have a healing session with me.  She said she had been with the Christ Consciousness study group on Sundays before service since Oct. 2007.  She asked if I could come early next Sunday to join the class, and worked on her afterward.

It turned out the Christ Consciousness class was almost over.  The pastor kindly printed out the notes for the entire course (44 pages) for me to read at home.  The course was based on the book 'The Christ Is Born in You' by Kim Michaels.  From the notes, I learned the teachings in the book came through Kim from Jesus Christ.  Jesus and Kim had worked closely in other lifetimes.  Kim was a good messenger because he did not have a need for self-aggrandizement, power and control.  Below were some excerpts from the last two pages of the notes.
Obviously, some people could not serve as messengers, because their personalities and beliefs would distort the message. 
He (Kim) and I (Jesus) form a unique soul-polarity whereby we complement and balance each other.  I am direct, and he is gentle.
Every soul is created from a spiritual flame.  My flame (Jesus) has the qualities of power and truth, and I expressed those qualities during my mission.  That is why the New Testament records that I "taught with authority." 
Kim's flame has the qualities of love and truth.  When I speak through him, his love balances my power and we achieve something that none of us could achieve alone.
As I read the notes, I understood why 'attributes' came through to replace 'personality' when I was writing my journal.  Attributes might not be the same as human traits / personal characters.  When we talked about personality, we used words such as introvert, extrovert, strong, weak, courageous, kind, mean, jealous, self-centered, materialistic, uncaring or compassionate to describe other's personal character.  Most of us had lived numerous lifetimes.  In my dream experience, I had some past-life dreams (or other lifetime dreams).  Sometimes the dreams helped me to understand my past connection with this or that person that appeared in my current life.  I had observed myself with similar personality as I was now in some of the dreams, and had seen myself with very different personality in a few of the past life dreams too.

In writing this post, I looked up the definition of attributes online.  There were many definitions, and I found this definition interesting -

An attribute is a quality or characteristic given to a person, group, or some other thing.

We were not just the human beings we appeared to be.  We were souls / spirits in bodies living a life on earth.  We came from the same Source / Creator.  We were equal by nature, yet were unique in our own ways.  Each one of us carried certain aspects / divine qualities / divine energetic attributes, abilities, and talents to show in this world.  As human beings, we did not remember who we truly are / were.  We often faltered and created chaos in life.  We had to remember earth was a school.  We were actors or actresses in A Play on the Stage of Life .  (I had this dream years ago.  It helped me a lot in letting go and looking at life differently.)

It might be hard for us to perceive our own divinity or others' divinity.  Sometimes we wish bad people would burn in hell or would never born on earth again.  I had heard such a story.  A man was a priest at a big church.  There were many priests at the church.  He was the most popular priest because the congregation loved to hear his talks.  However, he felt something was amiss.  He felt the church was too strict and intolerant of some that came.  Most of all, he felt 'god is love' while the church always stressed on fearing god.  After some soul searching, he chose to leave the church.  One day in his meditation, he saw himself as a minister in his previous / other lifetime.  In that lifetime, his teaching was dogmatic and focused mainly in spreading fear of god; many people ended up living in fear and pain because of him.  He 'got'' that he came into this lifetime to make amends, speak the truth, and deliver the message of love.  Since then, he had been a well loved spiritual teacher and speaker at many interfaith churches.  He was also a professional counselor who had helped many on their journey of life.

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October is almost over. I have gone to some interesting events by myself.  It may not be a big deal to most, but it is to me.

The fire in California is still raging.  Let us pray for California and people that live there.

Love and peace,
Q of D

** It was the same pastor I mentioned in It is in the not knowing that makes life intriguing .  He was also the one that gave me the healing service DVD in A Beautiful Pink Fish on the back of a White Dove . 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Interesting Dream on Attribute and the song 'A Time for Us'


Here was the dream I had in the morning of April 11, 2019.  (Re The Word Attribute )

I was in a big classroom.  It was filled with students.  A teacher, male, instructed the students to reflect on their life and come up with what they obtained / attained **  from their experiences.  He said what one had obtained / attained from one's experiences was like a ring on a finger.  He gave us some examples such as Ring of Power, Ring of Fire and etc.  (** I used got / obtained / attained while writing down my dream.  These were the words that the human I was familiar with, and might not necessary signify any difference in the meaning.) 

I talked to the others.  Some said they attained this or that.  I was undecided as what I had obtained.  It seemed each one of us sat by a desk with two chairs.  So we could move around and talk.  I went to the desk where my mother was, and sat next to her.  She was totally focused on reflecting upon her life.  I went to another desk, and sat next to my son (i.e. my older son).  He was focused on his assignment too.  I went back to the desk I used to sit.  Some students were moving around talking to the others like I did.  (When I moved to sit next to my mother or my son, I observed how focused they were.  We did not talk.)

By then, the teacher had left the classroom to let us do our work.

At this point of the dream, I felt confused.  I seemed to be observing what went on in the dream instead of in the dream as I had been.

I saw the me in the dream came up with the thought that I had obtained / attained 'gentleness' through my life experiences; life was not by force or power, and it was through my gentleness that I had made a difference.

I saw two men came to where I sat.  They were there to take me to see the head of the school or the council (no clear indication in the dream).  Though I used the word 'talk', no words were spoken.  Everything that went on was more like a mutual understanding than a conversation.  There was an indication that what I came up was of importance.

The observing me wondered why was it what I came up was important.  Did it mean I attained the Ring of Gentleness?  At that instant, the human judgment came in.  I thought as far as I knew  'gentleness' was not an attribute (as said*) in the attributes of God.  (*the words 'as said' were in my journal)

Then I woke up hearing music in the air.  The music, enthused with powerful energy, became louder and louder.  I bathed in a wonderful field of energy.  The music went on and on.  It became more and more invigorating as if telling me something yet I did not know the title or the lyrics of the song.  My whole being was energized and filled with powerful energy.  I did not want to leave the bed. 

I finally got out of bed to use the computer to find out what the music / song was.  I went to the website and hummed the tune.  The song was

                                                      A Time For Us

The first one on the list on YouTube was sung by Andy Williams.  I liked the lyrics.  Why did I hear this song?  I did not know.  Since that morning, I heard the song every now and then.  On that day, I simply wrote down the dream and what happened later as it had happened.  I did not try to analyze the dream.

In this particular dream, I felt confused for a moment when I found myself observing instead of in the dream as I had been.  However, I wanted to point out that in some of my dreams I was the observer as well as a participant in the dream too.  As I observed what went on in a dream, sometimes thought / ideas / inspiration came.  I might learn a lesson or something about myself through observing a dream.

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If you have been reading my blog, I have shared many stories on this phenomenon of waking up and hearing music.  For examples, You Are My Sunshine , Music in the air , On Angels Day I heard 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' , Sukiyaki on Christmas Morning and And I love you so To this day, I still cannot remember the lyrics of most of these songs except And I love you so and A Time for us.

Enjoy the nice weather and beauty of fall!

Many Blessings,
Q of D

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Word Attribute


One night long time ago, I sat down to write my journal.

I wrote about a situation.  I felt I had handled it with courage and strength which to me were some of the qualities of my personality.  As I was going to use the word 'personality' in my journal, the word 'attribute' suddenly came to my mind (or sounded in my head).  With my limited understanding of English / limited English vocabulary, I knew the word 'attribute' as in 'attributes of a river' in geography class, e.g. 'attributes of a river' meant 'streams of a river'.  I wondered why the word came since I was writing about personality.  Somehow, the word stayed in my mind.  I decided to look it up in a dictionary.  To my amazement, 'attribute' was the right word to use instead of 'personality'.  That night I realized the whole me (higher Self) knew much more than the present human me appeared to be.  It was the same with all of us.  ( Please click to view We are all much more than who we appear to be . )

The above incident took place in the restaurant years.  At the time, I did not have a computer.  I seldom looked up meanings of words in a dictionary for the words in the dictionary were too small and hard to read. 
Thanks to Google / the Internet, now I can easily check my spellings and find out the meanings.  While writing this post, I look up the meaning of attribute and personality online.  There are many similar as well as different comparisons.  I may share with you my view in a later post.  As usual, I get it from my experiences.  It does not mean I am right or I am wrong.
I shared with you the incident because I happened to reread an interesting dream in my journal today.  It was also about attributes.  I had the dream on April 11, 2019, but had forgotten about it.  Other than the dream that morning, something remarkable happened too.  I would share with you the story in my next post.

Love and blessings,
Q of D


Monday, September 9, 2019

I went there with an open heart and mind


I opened the door and walked in.  The host looked at me.  It was obvious the host did not know what to make of an outsider like me.  The host continued to put some print-outs here and there on the tables.  Other than the host, four people were there.  I greeted all with a smile.  There was not much response.  Peacefully, I sat down.

When I signed up, I perceived the gathering could be different from other spiritual meetings that I had gone to.  I did not know anything about the belief / culture.  I went there to hear a lecture on a subject matter that was totally new to me.

The day before the event, I had received an email that there would be five people.  Therefore, I thought I was the last one to walk in.  The host began to talk about their belief and nature.  Every now and then the host retrieved a picture from a phone.  The host walked forward to show the picture to each person, and subconsciously (or consciously) skipped walking to where I sat.  (It was a small place.  Small tables were put together in a U-shape and the one to my right was about two feet away.)  I observed with a smile, and did not say anything.  I got that the host was feeling uneasy of my presence.  In my heart, I said, "I do not judge you."

Unexpectedly, more people continued to walk in.  Later, the host said it was time for each one of us to introduce ourselves.  The host pointed at me and said, "Let's start with you!"  I did not expect that, but I was at ease.  I said, "I am (my name).  I do not know anything about (the subject matter).  I come here with an open heart and mind."  Immediately, I felt the heaviness or uneasiness seemed to have lifted off the host.  The host looked at me with a nod and an accepting smile. 

The one that gave the lecture was a humble, scholastic young man.  It was a good lecture.  After the lecture, I raised my hand to ask a couple of questions.  The host answered them truthfully.  I thanked the host and the young man before I left.

In August, I had wanted to go to a holistic expo, but did not go.  I was glad I went to the above event to begin the month of September.

Love and peace,
Q of D

Monday, August 19, 2019

Did I feel qualified as a healer?


In He said, "Go to work now!"  and A Remarkable Coincidence , I shared that I always felt I did not know what to do as regards to healing work.

In my Dec. 2001 reading, my guides said through the angel channel that it was important for me to go among people without delay, teach and write.  I did not ask why my guides said that for what I heard was beyond what I thought I could do.

After the restaurant years were over, I eventually followed the guidance to step outside of my family.  As I sat among others, I occasionally felt powerful energy poured into meI had no idea why it happened or what went on around me.  At times my body turned to a certain direction or my hands moved because of the energy.  There were times people cried when they happened to touch my hands or when I gave them a hug.  In order not to draw any attention, I often sat near the back in gatherings such as church services.  I took comfort thinking I was the only one that felt or knew the surge of energy.

On the last Thursday of May 2005, I joined a spiritual circle that met every Thursday morning.  Two months later, the teacher of the circle told me that my guide had been urging her to tell me to learn a healing art.  I did not follow the guidance because I could not envision myself working as a healer in a western culture.

Near the end of March 2007, I finally followed the guidance to learn a healing art.  When I told my friends, the teacher of the circle, who was then also the owner of the holistic center, immediately asked me to be the on site healer on Wednesdays.  I did not expect to hear that at all.  Other on site healers were experienced healers that had learned many healing modalities.  Besides, I knew a few of my friends at the circle were Reiki masters.  They had more experience in healing and were more qualified than me.  I talked to the teacher saying my friends would be better on-site healers than me.  However, she said I did not see what she saw, and insisted Wednesday was mine if I accepted.  She was an exceptional spiritual teacher, and a long time professional psychic medium.  She probably saw more in me than I of myself.  To the teacher and my friends of the Thursday circle, I am eternally grateful.

I was with the circle for over two years until I had to move to another state.  New faces walked in to join the circle all the time.  Some of them seemed to know the teacher and the owner of the center well.  The center held different classes, circles and events throughout the week during daytime as well as at night.  I only went to the Thursday morning circle.  Therefore, many might be new to me, but were not new to the center.

Some time in 2006, a woman began coming to the circle.  Whenever I felt powerful energy filled me, she looked at me with her eyes widely opened.  She kept looking at me and paid no attention to the teacher or others.  I found this embarrassing.  I tried to mentally tell her to look at the teacher instead of me.  She did not seem to get my mental message.  A few of my friends could see aura, but they did not act differently when I felt energy all over me.  One day, she came right out to ask others if they saw light radiating from me or around me.  It turned out a couple of my friends (including the original owner of the holistic center) saw it too except they observed discreetly.  (The teacher of the Thursday circle became the new owner in the spring of 2007.)  Therefore, my assumption that no one knew when I was surged with energy was wrong.  Later, the woman told us she was a certified Reiki master.  She was funny.  We enjoyed her joyful presence.

After this happening, I still did not know what really took place when I was surged with energy.  I could have gotten some answers from my friends, but somehow I was not into asking questions.  It took a few more years before I finally asked the question.  One Sunday at the small church in another state, I felt a surge of energy.  A retired minister happened to come back for a visit from another state.  She told me she saw energies flowing out from me to heal different people.  (Re The Lesson of Importance )

When I arrived at another state in late August, 2007, I did not see myself as a healer.  

Some healing modalities required students to take different courses or many levels of training.  I just went to a 2-day healing workshop in March, 2007.  Thanks to the teacher and owner of the center, I got to experience working on some people and a cat.  (Re the healing sessions with the cat, please click to view the featured post or In memory of my friend's wonderful white cat )  With little experience and credential, I felt I was not qualified as a healerMost of all, I was self-conscious that how I went about during healing did not conform to the formality of a professional healer.

During this time of reflection, I learn a truth.  I shall continue to share my journey with you in my next post.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Dream of Angels on Nov. 11, 2008


I often honor the angels on 111 or 1111 days, e.g. Jan. 11, Nov. 1, Nov. 10 or Nov. 11.  I am very grateful for their active, loving presence in my life.

On Nov. 11, 2008, I woke up around 6 a.m. and began giving thanks to the messengers of God - the Archangels and Angels.  After my son went to work, I tried to sleep again.  I had a wonderful dream.

In the dream, I woke up seeing two young priests in the house.  The dreamed me regarded them as priests; however, both of them wore blue shirts like ordinary people instead of as that of a priest.  They were in their 20 s.  I walked from my bedroom to the living room.  I noticed one of them who was wearing a short sleeve blue shirt observed me wherever I went.  He kept his hands at his back, and seemed to quietly leave something here and there.  I wondered what he was holding behind his back, but I did not ask.  In the dream, I felt very comfortable or peaceful in their presence.  I walked back to my bedroom to sleep.

Later, my brother woke me up because he found big pictures all over the house.  He showed me some of the pictures.  Immediately, I exclaimed with joy, "These are pictures of angels!  Look!  This is a picture of Archangel Michael and that is Archangel Raphael . . . . . . ."  Each picture was about 1 1/2 feet x 2 feet.  Among the pictures were the two young men or beings that I saw earlier.  I was overjoyed to see those wonderful pictures of archangels and angels.  My brother was somewhat upset.  He asked if I knew who left the pictures all over the house.  I said, "I know!"  I knew it was the one that wore a short sleeve blue shirt.  However, I decided not to talk about it since my brother knew nothing about angels.

Then I woke up.

I was all smiles.  I realized the two young men in the dream were angels.  I thanked them for the beautiful pictures.  I did not know the significance of the angel leaving pictures here and there in house.  I also did not understand why my brother was in the dream.  At the time, I was living in another state in an apartment with my husband and our older son.  With my human mind, I did not understand every aspect of my dreams, and did not think it was necessary for me to do so either.  From my experience, I normally got a feel of a dream upon waking up.  I felt joyous about this dream.  Since I saw colors and images, I thought the dream might be of some significance.  (Most of my dreams are feel dreams, please click to view  More on Dreams )

Nov. 11, 2008 was a Tuesday, and it was also the Veteran's Day.  When I woke up from the dream, I realized it was later than I thought.  I had to get ready in a hurry and go to church to join the healing prayer circle.  I had joined the Tuesday healing prayer service since Jan. 2008.

When I arrived, I was ten minutes late, but the service had not started yet.  Later, we settled down and got ourselves ready for the service.

The normal procedure of the healing prayer service began with a prayer by the facilitating pastor.  We sat in quietude (or meditated) for a while.  We sang some hymns.  (Singing hymns is energizing.)  Then it was time to light candles.  While lighting a candle, he / she might say a prayer or whatever that came to him / her.  Another pastor or a friend sometimes brought a book / message to read and share.  Later, the facilitating pastor read from the bible or some scripture.  We meditated on what we heard.  Then we read the names of those that requested prayers.  We got into quietude / meditation again.  Afterward, the pastor asked if someone needed healing.  Usually, two or three people would ask for healing.  After healing, the pastor said a prayer and we sang the Jesus Canon to close the service.

However, that day was not meant to be a normal day.
As soon as we settled down for the service, I was surged with Spirit (or energy but Spirit was the word I used in my journal).  I tried very hard to stay on my chair.  When it was time to light candles, I could not remain where I was anymore.  I walked past two people to work on a woman.  (We sat in a circle.)  I never anticipated for this to happen.  The woman showed some sort of resistance, but the Holy Spirit kept me there to work on her.  I (the human I) fully understood how awkward the situation was for the sister, but I was fully surged with energy.  When the work was done, I went back to my chair.

The service continued.  But, soon I was moved to work on two more people.  I worked on one for a brief while, and the other one for quite some time.  When I sat down on my chair again, I knew very well I had totally interrupted the whole service.  The facilitating pastor said it was time to read the names of those who requested prayers.  He said a prayer to close the service.  That day we did not sing any hymn except the Jesus Canon.

Everybody (including me) was very quiet, and did not know what to make of what had happened.  I stood up to leave the chapel.  Before I left, the first woman that I worked on came to talk to me.  She said she had told others this morning that she had a bad headache; when I went to work on her, she thought I knew of her headache; then she realized I knew nothing about it since I arrived late.  (In later days, I learned she taught community college and was a Reiki master.)

On my way home, part of me was peaceful, yet the human I found what happened unsettling.  It was hard to describe, but I believed some of you understood the feeling for what happened to me must have happened to many too.   When I was a few minutes from home, a car appeared in the next lane with a license plate 4444Adding to my amazement was the car in front of it was with a license plate 5444!  I could not help but let out a joyful smile.  Thank you, Loving Divine, for showing me the Power of God's Love!  (444 stands for the Power of God's love, and it is a very significant number in many of my experiences.)

Looking back, the Tuesday healing prayer service incident was minor in comparison with The Unexpected Incident that happened on Nov. 30, 2008.  Or, it could be said the healing prayer service incident was a precedent of the later incident that took place during Sunday service.  The presence of the loving angels had helped me a lot during that time in maintaining my peace.  I might not be able to fully comprehend my dream on Angels Day, but it was indeed a dream of significance.

In my last post A Remarkable Coincidence , I wrote that I had been asking myself in recent weeks / months the following questions.

Why did I always feel I did not know what to do with my healing work?
Did I feel I was qualified as a healer?
Did I (truly) want to work as a healer?

I shared with you the experience on Angels Day (Nov. 11, 2008) for a reason.  I would share with you how I felt in my next post.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Remarkable Coincidence


I had gone to a few gatherings in recent weeks.

It is good to have a reliable car for which I am very grateful.  I feel the freedom of going places especially now that I have a GPS device.  I have not yet gone to any event at night.  For now, I only drive to cities that are close to where I live.  (In my experience, the GPS device is not a 100% reliable.  It had given me wrong directions.  Luckily, I knew my way home.)

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A couple of weeks ago, I went to a church.  Before I went there, I made a promise to myself that I would try to talk a little with anyone.  When I was in a new environment, I often (not as much now) left without saying a word.  I wanted to break the pattern.

The church was much bigger than the small church that I called my spiritual home.  Not many people were there that Sunday.  When the service was over, I looked at those near me with a smile.  They smiled back.  However, some got ready to leave and some turned to talk with their friends / family.  The pastor and the speaker looked in my direction.  They knew I was new.  They did not stay by the entrance to shake hands with the congregation as some churches did.  Since those near me were walking out of the chapel, I did too.

I stood in the lobby thinking about the promise I made.  A few were talking among themselves.  I decided to let go and leave.  At that very moment, a kind, gentle looking woman appeared before me.  She introduced herself and asked if it was my first time there.  We talked for a short while.  For her kindness, I decided to give her a hug before I left.  We actually stayed in the embrace for quite a while.  Afterward, she said, "Oh, you have very, very good energy!  I am a Reiki master . . . . ."  She said the church served drinks and light breakfast.  She invited me to stay and talk.

We had quite a conversation.  It turned out her son and my son worked in a similar field.  During our conversation, she said, "You are a natural healer.  You don't have to learn healing as we do . . .I was shocked because another friend also said similar words about 13 years ago.
In my other posts, I had mentioned the teacher of the Thursday circle said in July 2005 that my guide had been urging her to tell me to learn a healing art.  At the time I was not ready to follow the guidance.  A year and a half later, I finally asked my guides to bring me a teacher.  (Re More on my journey as a channel of spiritual energy healing and My experience)  With so many different healing modalities, I did not know what to choose.  
In October, 2006, I went to a body, mind and spirit festival.  I stopped at a friend's booth to ask for her advice.  She was a Reiki Master and was very intuitive.  She only came to the circle once in a while because she lived in another county.  I believed she was a registered nurse (retired).  She had said she visited patients in the hospital and gave them Reiki.  When I asked for her advice about healing modality, she paused for a while as if she was listening.  Then she said, "Oh, you don't have to learn healing like us.  You are a natural healer . . . "  I did not know what to make of what she said for my guide had told me to learn a healing art.  I eventually understood going to the March 2007 2-day healing workshop was a process to uncover what was within
It was a remarkable coincidence because they were both Reiki masters and had the same first name!  The kind woman that I just met seemed to be very intuitive too.  Later in a group discussion, I saw the wonderful spiritual teacher that she was.

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After He said, "Go to work now!" , I felt I did not know what to do or how to make it happen.
In a gathering, a woman said she paid quite some money learning different levels of a healing art.  She spent eight years practicing healing among her family and friends before she took the master class.  She was now a certified healing master but not yet a professional healer.  She found it upsetting that some people claimed themselves as healers after taking part in a healing workshop that lasted for a few hours or a day or two. 
She was not alone in her opinion.  Many people saw experiences and earthly qualifications as proof of one's capability.  Her view might be off, but to some extent, I understood or accepted that would be the view of some people toward healers. 
For weeks, I examined my attitude.  Did I feel I was qualified as a healer?  Or more accurately, did I want to work as a healer?

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Was it a coincidence that I met this sister at church who happened to say similar words as another sister did thirteen years ago?

In truth and love, I share with you my experience, and will continue to do so.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Rocky Road


In  On the first day of summer 2019 , positive thoughts (or affirmations) came one after another at the very instant I got out of my dream.  The continuous wholesome thoughts totally replaced the emotions that I felt in the dream.  It was a good new experience.

I had another dream about two hours before the dream in the morning.  I did not mention it in my last post because I was captivated by the experience of the latter dream.  The earlier dream was interesting too.

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This was the last part of the earlier dream.     

Rosie and I were inside a huge building structure.  I was not familiar with that place, but Rosie was.  It seemed that was where Rosie had been.

Later, we got out of the building structure.  Rosie, knowing the place well, walked a short distance ahead of me to show me the way to get out of there.  She led me to a wide rocky road.  The whole road was filled with rocks in irregular sizes and shapes.  Some rocks were big, some were small, and some were pointed that could cut into people's feet.  Some people (not a lot) were walking on the road.  They walked quietly and slowly watching their every step.  There was dread or heaviness in the air.

At one point, Rosie led me to a narrow rocky path by the side of the cliff.  When Rosie got back onto the wide rocky road, I remained where I was, i.e. right by the cliff.

Rosie called out to me, "Come on, get back on the rocky road."

I asked, "Is the rocky road the only way to get down to the paved ground?"

Rosie replied, "Yes!  The rocky road is the only way to get back down on the paved ground."

I said, "It is no way that there is only one way.  There must be other ways."

Rosie said, "Come back here!  Don't you see others on the rocky road?  This is the only way to get down to the paved ground!  Everybody walks on the rocky road, and you can make it too."

I looked at her.  I totally believed the rocky road was not the only way, and it was not necessary to walk through it.  I stepped into the space / air by the cliff.  When the paved ground was in sight, I used my feet to lightly touch the cliff to slow down the speed I was falling.  Like a feather in the air, I landed on the ground with ease.

The last scene -  In great disbelief, Rosie asked, "How did you do that?" I smiled and said, "I always believe there is not just one way to do this or that.  There are many different ways.  I have faith that the loving divine never meant for us to suffer.  The rocky road is a hard one, and it is one's choice which road to take.  There is no right or wrong whichever road we take.  However, any time you choose to go on another route, please know that it is quite alright."

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In the dream, I was totally at ease and at peace as I floated down the cliff.  There was not a bit of fear.  I landed on the ground with my feet lightly touched the ground as if I was weightless.  I smiled recalling the feeling of that moment.  Then I thought of Rosie.  (Re Gateway to Heaven and He who dances on wood )  When Rosie turned to religion, she completely believed in what she heard at church that only Christians could go to heaven.  Since then she had been living in pain and fear worrying that her loved ones would go to hell.  I wondered if this dream did happen in another dimension, and if it had any effect on Rosie.  I knew Rosie had been going through another hard situation in recent months.  I prayed that she would choose to live in peace instead of pain and fear.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

Friday, June 21, 2019

On the First Day of Summer 2019


Today is the first day of summer.

This morning I had a dream.  As soon as I woke up, positive affirmations began to flow.  I was in this wonderful, creative state that as soon as a good thought / affirmation surfaced, another wonderful thought followed.  It continued for quite a while and filled my heart with joy.  When I finally got out of bed, I was all smiles. 

You see, I used to dwell in or went over my dreams after I woke up.  I eventually learned from my experiences to rewrite my dreams (imagine another outcome) as well as prayed for Grace when I had negative dreams that caused me pain or fear.  (Click to view What do we do when we have dreams of fear? )

The experience I had this morning was totally new to me.  Wonderful thoughts / affirmations simply flowed in my heart at the very moment that I came out of the dream.  As the positive, creative thoughts took hold, the emotions in the dream faded away.  I realized I had experienced a shift in my consciousness.  What a way to begin on the first day of summer!

Have a wonderful summer!

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  I have not published any post for almost a month.  In recent weeks, I have been doing some self-examination as why I always feel I do not know what to do with my healing work.  It is good that I take some time to reflect.  I understand now why I feel that way.  (Re He said, "Go to work now!" ) 

Monday, May 13, 2019

He said, "Go to work now!"


I began to  borrow many spiritual books from the library in 2000 because I wanted to find some answers to my strange / mystical experiences.  Among the books I read in those early days were Seth Speaks and a few books by Madame Helena Blavatsky.  As I had mentioned, I liked to read stories.  I found Blavatsky's books hard to read / absorb.  Frankly, my human mind remembered very little of what I read except the story part about her.  I read the books because I loved and respected her for how she conducted herself in life.  She did not concern herself with how others judged her and totally focused on her mission.         

A while back, I learned online about a lecture on Vedic and western astrology by a couple that was well-known in this field.  I had read about them in spiritual magazines many years ago or long before I subscribed for the Internet.  The lecture would be held in a Theosophical Society center, a society that Helena Blavatsky and others founded over a hundred years ago.  I wanted to visit the center and hear the lecture.  However, the center was in a city that I had not been to, and it was an event at night.  I set aside my desire of going there for I had not driven at night by myself since last December.  (In Gateway to Heaven I had mentioned Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.)

I did not tell my son about the lecture because he usually had something to do on that particular night of the week.  If I told him, he might feel obligated to drive me there.  About two weeks before the lecture, my son said he would be free for some weeks on that particular night.  He said he could drive if I wanted to go somewhere.  I took it as a blessing from the divine, and signed up for the event.

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Upon entering, I saw a picture of Helena Blavatsky on the wall.  Mentally, I greeted her.  It was a small center crowded with people.  After we sat down, the couple gave tickets with numbers to all that came.  I realized they might give short readings near the end of the lecture.

I enjoyed the lecture.  The couple had been giving workshops, readings and talks for forty years.  Many of us laughed and felt joy in their harmonious, joyful presence.

About half an hour before the gathering was over, the man said they were going to give readings.  They would asked people to randomly pick a ticket from a hat, and whosoever got a matching number might choose to have a long or short reading.  Earlier, my son had shown me his ticket number and asked to see mine.  I thought our tickets had consecutive numbers because he received his right before me.  It was not the case.  Did I want to be read?  There were things I wanted answers, but I did not want a reading in public.  Therefore, I intentionally put the ticket in the left pocket of my trousers.  (On the occasions that I wish to be read, I usually held the ticket in my hand.)

The first person chose to have a short reading.  The facilitator threw some colorful crystals or beads (not sure what they were) onto a chart and began giving his interpretation / reading.  To me, it was somewhat like divination.  Later, six or seven more people that got matching tickets also chose to have short readings.  I looked at the time.  The gathering was almost over.  I looked at Helena Blavatsky's picture.  I thought, "Okay, I change my mindIf my number is drawn, let me hear what I need to hearLet me have some answers to the thing that is troubling me."  Despite of my change of mind, I did not really think it was going to happen.   (Yes, I observed how conflicting my human mind was.)

Soon I heard they said a number.  I did not respond for I had to get the ticket out of my left pocket to make sure that was my number.  It was.  The man asked, "Are you working?"  I answered, "No, I am not."  He said, "Go to work nowIt is important . . ."  His wife added, "You may even get a little bit of fame because of your work . . ."

They talked about the problem of the place we lived in.  This was quite interesting.  In their readings, they had told others that the place they lived in was good or had good energy.  When they read me, they urged us to make the necessary repairs and clear the space.  They were a 100% correct.  They talked about my relationship.  I could not say they were right or wrong.  Or, if what they told me was what I needed to hear.

It was a good thing that my son had gone there with me.  Since there was no place to park, he had to park a distance away.  It was quite a walk in the dark to get to the car after the gathering was over.  I would not have been comfortable if I had to walk by myself.

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He said, "Go to work now!"  It reminded me of an incident that happened while I was with the small church.  It was the quarterly healing service, and I was one of the healers.  When the service was over, a woman stopped me while I was walking back to my seat.  She said, "You are a healer!  Why are you working in a cafeteria?"  I was shocked.  How did she know I worked in a cafeteria?  Who was she?  Hearing no response from me, she walked away.  On another Sunday after a healing service, a man stood before me.  He bowed his head three times, and said, "I see the Christ in you.  I bow to the Christ in you."  Not knowing what to do, I said, "I greet the Christ in you too."  Looking back, I realized I should have talked to them and asked for their advice.

I asked to hear what I needed to hear.  I heard "go to work now".  For days, I thought "but, I don't know what to do!"  I let go of the thought now.

It is time to go to work!  I affirm I know what to do and where to go.  I have all the love and support from the loving Divine.  And, I am grateful.

Q of D

P.S.  The husband and wife are vedic astrology scholars.  I learned online the wife is also a long time spiritualist minister and a medium that has the gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience.  I believe her husband has the gifts too.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Pay Attention to Our Reactions!


I walked past my son who was using his android.  Right after, I burst out laughing.

My son asked, "Why are you laughing?"

I said, "It is because I just realize I look back at you with the same kind of look that you look at me!"

He said, "What do you mean?  How did I look at you?"

I said, "It is hard to describe.  It was a look with some sort of intimidation and annoyance as if saying 'hey, don't look at me' or 'leave me alone'.  When you are doing something, sometimes you question us (his dad and me) why we look at you.  I say we see with our eyes, we look anywhere, and your eyes happen to meet ours.  You accept what I say, and resume to what you do.  I have noticed sometimes you look at others with that kind of look too.  For instance, when we are in a mall or walk on the street, you tighten your muscles and walk with an intimidating look.  I believe it is your way of showing others that you are strong and you are there to protect me."

He said, "Can you act as if you were me and show me how I look at others?"

For the next minute of two, I tried to act like him such as stood up tall and tightened up my upper and lower arm muscles as I walked past him.  I tried to glare at him from the corner of my eyes with an intimidating look.  Time after time, I failed and ended up laughing.  It took me a while to conjure up a serious look with a bit of anger. 

My son said, "So you think my way of looking at others is negative."

I said, "Well . . . to me, it is.  Before I walked past you, it came to me that you would probably give me that kind of look.  When you did, I thought 'hey, don't look at me like that!', and I looked back at you with the same negative emotion.  With that negative feeling, my body tensed up for a second.  Right then, I realized I had reacted to the way you actedI laughed because I found my reaction laughableI realized I did not have to judge or react to how you looked at me at all!"

My son said, "But, how I stand up for myself works for me.  You have not experienced what I experienced.  In school, others had bullied us (he and his brother).  You did not go through what we had gone through."

I said, "You and your brother seemed to be happy when you were young.  We talked, shared / created stories, and watched movies.  You played with your friends that lived nearby.  However, I observed both of you sometimes liked to keep things to yourself particularly you.  When I asked 'how's your day' or 'how's school', you never said much.  When you two were small, a few bigger boys or teenagers bullied you because we were new in that neighborhood.  I took note of where they lived and talked to the office manager.  I met with their parents, and those boys did not dare to do it again.  Your brother had once asked for my permission to beat up a bully (or bullies).  Of course, I said no.  We talked.  He did not want me to talk to his teacher or the school.  He might not know it, but when classes were over, I had walked over to the school to make sure he was safe.  As for you, you never talked about being bullied.  In middle school, you were of average height as other Chinese boys, but was smaller than most of the American students.  I knew some people liked to pick on those that were smaller than they were.  I was relieved that your teachers said you were well liked.  It might be I should have asked you if others had bullied you, but you did not talk much except if you wanted to.  When you insisted on taking power training class in high school, I totally understood why.  As you know, I had stood up for you and your brother on other occasions.  If you had told me about the bullying in school, I would have handled it.  It is true I did not know how others had bullied you.  If you want to talk about it now, I am open to listen.  As far as I know, people bully others because they do not feel good about themselves." 

My son said, "Mom, there are bad people.  You may not believe that.  Many people see Chinese as small and weak.  There had been times people tried to bully me.  For instance, they intentionally followed me and parked their car next to mine.  They laughed when they got out of their car.  When I got out of my car, they saw how I looked.  They kept their eyes on the ground and walked away quietly.  It certainly helps that I get into bodybuilding."

I said, "I know it helps.  However, with your personality, bodybuilding can give you a false sense of superiority and security.  I know there are people with bad intentions.  I pay attention to my surroundings, but I do not walk with fear . . . . . ."

My son and I had a long conversation that day because of my reaction to the way he looked at me.

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A few days later, we brought our car to an auto shop for an oil change and tire rotation.  While I was waiting, I picked up a book "Imagine, Color & Create Patterns - Free your creativity".  Besides patterns, the book included some quotes of wisdom.  Below was one of the quotes.

     Your problem isn't the problemYour reaction is the problem.  (Anonymous)

How true!  It reminded me of my first reaction to the way my son looked at me.  Luckily, in this case, I realized right away I did not have to react or judge his emotionWith peace, my son and I had a good conversation.

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Situations are the norm of life.  Sometimes we may see them as big problems or challenges.  How we react to each situation is indeed very important.  Let us pay attention to our reactions, and let not our reactions become the problem or add to a problem.  May calmness, peace and love come through to guide us in all that we face or do.  Amen. 

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

Thursday, April 25, 2019

My son said, "Mom, you and I are so different . . ."


I sat on the couch watching TV.  My son sat several feet away on the carpet.  He was using his android.  He seemed to look in my direction every now and then.  I did not think much about it.  When he was on his android, I had seen him looked away occasionally as if to think about what he had read on the screen.  At one point, I happened to see him looking directly at me.  It was a look of disapproval !  When he saw me looking back at him, he turned to look at his phone.  I was surprised.  Obviously, he was not happy about something, and it was about me.  Peacefully, I waited for him to look at me again.

A few minutes later, my son looked at me again.  The look on his face was not as serious as it was earlier.  Before he looked away, I asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He said, "Like what?"

I said, "Something is bothering you, and it is about me."

His eyes opened wide.  He exclaimed, "How do you know that?"

I smiled and said, "I am Mom."

My son said, "Mom, you and I are so different!  I have the mentality of a warrior.  I don't give up.  I like to win.  I like to compare, but you say don't compare.  Mom, you are so unambitious and noncompetitive."

I said, "I say don't compare, but it is up to you if you want to listen.  You continue to compare all the time, don't you?  When you come to ask for my opinion (e.g. comparing different body builders), sometimes I give you my honest opinion; at other times, I smile and refuse to say anything.  You laugh too for you know sometimes no comment is in itself a comment.  I understand it is your personality, and accept the way you are.  Indeed, in situations that others may give up, you don't.  You work hard, and always have an attitude that everything can be done.  You act tough and believe that is the way one should be.  Well, as your mother, I see the generous, kind side of you that others may not see.  I have told you *** of the good I see in you.  You are not the only one that sees me as unambitious and noncompetitive.  To me, other's opinion of me is not that important, but how I conduct myself is important.  At work, I give my best and always try to improveI never think about winning or I am better than others.  In the years that I worked, most of the bosses or owners of businesses respected and appreciated me."  (*** Re Who's Driving? )

My son said, "It is true."  (While my sons were growing up, I had shared with them some of my work experiences.)

I said, "What is on your mind this morning that you look at me like that?"

The look of disapproval returned to his eyes.  He said, "Do you remember the day Mrs. Y came to our apartment and bragged for a long time about how smart her sons were?"

I was surprised.  It happened long time ago when my sons were young.

My son continued, "I still remembered that day clearly.  Did you know how much I wished that you said it in her face that we (he and his brother) were much, much better than they were!  But you just sat there listening with a smile.  You praised her sons too.  Her son (the older one) proudly told you his mother had finished secondary school.  You said good.  Why didn't you say you finished secondary school too?"

If I did not observed the way he looked at me, I would not know that day had such an effect on him.  I said, "I am sorry you feel that way.  Graduating from secondary school was no big deal in the place I came from, but it could be special for a female to finish secondary school in Mrs. Y's country (an Asian country).  You and your brother did well at school.  Your father and I had let both of you know we were proud of you.  Mrs. Y was very proud of her sons.  I did not feel the need to say anything.  It may be I am a Chinese."

Immediately, my son said, "No, Mom, you are not like other Chinese at all!  I have been to my friends' homes.  They are Chinese too.  Their parents did not act like you.  They (the parents) bragged about their own success, and how much money they spent on hiring tutors for their children such as playing piano and other musical instruments.  Sometimes they scolded my friends right in front me, and my friends did not talk back.  I almost wanted to yell back at them on my friends' behalf.  Some Chinese look down on other race too.  Mom, you are not like other Chinese."

I said, "Hey, you always say we should not generalizeThey are not representative of other Chinese parents."

My son thought for a while.  He said, "It is true.  At work, some of my coworkers bragged to others that their sons or daughters went to this famous university or that university.  One day, a coworker said her daughter went to a famous college, and another coworker immediately said her daughter went to an even better one.  I saw the first coworker's face darkened.  We (i.e. he and the other coworkers) felt awkward standing there.  Indeed, it is not just the Chinese."

I said, "They may be very proud and happy of the success of their children.  They simply want to share with others the good news, and you view it as bragging.  Now, do you see what is wrong with comparing?"

My son said, "But, Mom, with your noncompetitive attitude, you can't survive in the workplace here?  In company meetings, sometimes the higher ups shut others up even though they are wrong."

I said, "My work experience is different from yours.  Before I came to USA, I worked in import and export companies.  I knew my brother had to attend meetings all the time because he worked for a big corporation.  In the small companies I worked for, there was no meeting.  In USA, I had worked for restaurants and a grocery store.  These were low paid jobs.  I did not know how it was in your workplace.  But, you had heard my experience working in the store.  A few had tried to discriminate me.  Though it was a low level job, I had done my job.  Most had become my friends, and I worked with integrity.  I may be noncompetitive to you, but I always do my job.  I was not afraid to speak up.  I had made improvement in the store without making it obvious because I knew good bosses listened."

My son said, "You and I are very different.  If I am better than others, I want to make it obvious.  Mom, I still wished you had told Mrs. Y we were much better than her sons.  I found it annoying that you did not want to show off.  Did you remember the young woman who looked at us with spite because of our damaged old car?  That day you and I went to a drug store.  As you parked the car, she parked her car next to us.  We got out of the car at the same time.  She looked at us with a smirk.  I almost wanted to swear at her.  But, Mom, you laughed as if you saw something funny!  Mom, how could you laugh when someone looked down on you?"

The incident happened in the restaurant years.  

I said, "Oh, I remembered that day.  I laughed because I found her smirk funny.  I laughed because in her reaction I saw the fallibility of being a human.  As she walked away, I saw you looked at me angrily.  Knowing you, I knew there was no way to explain myself for you did not share the same feeling I hadOthers can look down on us, but we do not have to react or feel hurtSorry, Son, I understand sometimes my response to what happens can be annoying to you.  Is that why you always maintain that people admire those who wear fancy clothes and drive luxurious cars?

He said, "People do pay attention to those that have fancy clothes and luxurious cars.  I know you do not, but there are not many people like you."

I said, "I am sure there are many people like me that do not judge others by the clothes they wear or the cars they drive.  In later years, Mrs. Y did realize you and your brother were doing much better than her sons.  One day, she invited me over.  She said her sons had to go to summer school every year.  It was then I learned only those students that failed had to go to school in the summer.  She said her sons were smart, and wondered why they did poorly in school.  She was sad and ashamed.  She got married at a young age.  It was a normal practice in her country.  After the war in her country, she, her husband and their first child were allowed to come to USA.  Soon they had two more children.  She said she normally allowed her children to do whatever they wanted.  She said they either played outside or played video games for hours; they did not like to read.  It might be she was too young when she became a mother of three."

My son said, "I still wished you had said to her on that day that we were much better than her sons.  In bodybuilding, if you are very, very good, it is not wrong to show off and brag that you are way superior."

I said, "Didn't you say earlier you were upset when your friends' parents bragged about their own success and belittled your friends?  Meanwhile, you think it is alright for a bodybuilder to brag that he is way superior.  It seems you hold a double standard toward bragging.  If I am not as good as you are in a certain aspect, do you feel you have the right to look down on me?  If that is the case, why did you feel angry at the young woman that looked down on us because of the car we drove?"  

His phone rang.  His friend called.  Our conversation ended.

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In the March 2006 reading, the psychic medium said, "In your family, everybody seemed to go on a separate path.  The personalities are very different."  She went on to describe our personalities accurately.  She said, "Sometimes you are dismayed over the differences, but it is all meant to beOn the surface, your older son does not listen to you at all, but he does listen to what you have to say.  He loves his dad, and he loves you.  He loves his brother too."  At the end of the session, with her eyes closed, the psychic said, "You don't see what I see.  You are a wondrous light.  You come to live an ordinary life, but because of who you are you will . . . . Have faith and place your trust in God, surrender . . ." (Re The Grand Prize and the 2nd Reading )  

Many years had gone by since the reading in 2006.  The loving words of the psychic (or the words of my guides through her) helped me a lot in handling the differences of personalities in our family.  This day I was glad to have the conversation with my son for I did not know the above two incidents had bothered him all these years.

Thank you Loving Divine.

Peace and blessings,
Q of D 

P.S.  This post was originally published on Feb. 14, 2018.  With our difference in personality, we react to each other's way of being every now and then as shown in my next post Pay Attention to our Reactions .

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Strange Encounters while taking walks by the school


Last Saturday I took a walk on the sports ground of the school.  It was a warm afternoon.  A few people were walking their dogs.  After they left, I went to sit on the bleachers.  Alone in the sports field, I began to say an invocation for peace.  As usual, I said it in a voice that was audible only to myself.  Though nobody was around at the time, people might walk by at any time.

Before I finished saying the invocation, I sensed someone was walking toward me.  I turned to look.  A Middle East woman looked at me with all smiles.  She tried to walk to me as best as she could.  I recognized her.  I got off the bleacher and walked quickly to greet her.  She had told me *** she was not well and had severe pain all over her body.
*** She did not speak English.  Therefore, we could not talk to each other at all.  The first time we came across each other was about a year ago.  After walking for 3 rounds on the track, I was about to go home.  When I was about 200 feet from the exit, I saw her walked into the school ground.  Immediately, she looked at me and walked in my direction.  Somehow, I 'got' that she came for me.  I felt perplexed.  I did not know her!  Some people were walking near where I was.  I thought it might be one of her friends was among them.  As she walked near, I observed she seemed to be saying a prayer in a language I did not know.  Standing in front of me, she raised one of her hands upward pointing at the sky.  She then folded her hands and bowed.  I returned her greeting with the same gesture.  She rolled up her slack showing her swollen legs and knees.  She talked and bowed to me again and again.  I did not know her words, but understood she wanted me to heal her.  All the while, she never stopped praying.  I waited for a short while for the people near us to walk past.  As I bent down to look at her badly swollen legs and knees, healing energy came through to work on her for a short while.  She thanked me.  I gave her a hug and left.
The second time we met again was many months later.  It was a windy, chilly afternoon.  She asked me to work on her.  I did not wear enough that day.  I felt cold, and no energy came through.  I told her so.  She used her fingers to ask me what other days I could work on her.  I asked her to sit down and talk.  When energy did not come through, it was totally fine to me.  I was a conduit.  I did not concern myself with the outcome.  To me, talking and listening truthful was also a healing process.  Though we did not understand each other's language, I learned she was a Chaldean (she pointed at herself and said Chaldean).  It seemed her loved ones (e.g. husband) were still in the Middle East.  She could not sleep at night because of pain.  She pointed at different parts of her body where she felt lots of pain.  When I asked if she had gone to see a doctor.  She seemed to understand.  She nodded.  It seemed the doctor and/or the medicine was of no help.  Her hands were cold, and I suggested for us to go home.  At night, I prayed for angels to help her.

Some people went for walks at a fixed time, but I did not.  I went for walks when I was in the mood.  Sometimes I walked in the morning.  During school hours, I walked on the sidewalk of the main streets.  I did not feel it was right for us to walk on the sports field when the school was in session.  However, some people in the neighborhood took walks there throughout the day. 

Last Saturday afternoon was the third time we came across each other.  (During the last five months, I seldom walked in the school field because it was cold.)  Again she asked me to work on her.  By then, a few people were walking on the track.  Energy came through to guide my hand to work on her neck and right shoulder.  Later, the healing energy guided me to work on her left knee, tight and lower abdomen.  Just when it was over, an elderly man walked by.  He knew the woman.  They began to talk in their language about a friend that they both knew.  (That's what I 'got'.)  The woman introduced me as a Chinese friend.  (I had told her I was a Chinese.)  Since they seemed to have a lot to catch up with, I said goodbye.  The woman gave me a long embrace before we parted ways.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

People of different races lived in the city and neighboring cities.  Many came from different countries in the Middle East.  I greeted most people that I came across while taking walks.  I never said anything about healing or spiritual matters.  (When I sat among other Chinese, I often chose to listen too.)  I did not know why the Chaldean woman asked me to heal her.  I observed she was constantly in a prayerful mode.  I wondered if she had received some sort of guidance since she pointed to the sky (heaven) when we first met.  We were not the only Chinese family that lived here.  In the sports field, I had come across other Chinese as well as Asians from other countries, e.g. Asian Indian and Koreans.  Therefore, it was unlikely she asked me for healing by accident. 

While I was writing this post, I recalled another unthinkable incident that happened while I walked near the entrance of the sports field.  An Asian Indian walked in and asked if I could teach in Hindu.  I thought I must have heard it wrong or he had mistaken me as an Indian.  I said, "I am a Chinese."  He said, "I know.  But, can you teach in Hindu?"  I said, "No."  He walked out of the school field leaving me standing there wondering what had just happened. 

Over the years, I had quite a few baffling encounters.  They used to bother me a lot.  They did not bother me as much now.

Have a good weekend!

Q of D